Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. 23.3
Fairly quiet day today, housework after a slacking off weekend :D

Hope all goes well today griff with clinic
well done on the HS Robin

Have a great day everyone x
6.6 for me this morning.

Does that mean we’re actually a cabal of secret devil worshippers or something what with the three 6.6’s this morning?

Feeling rough as heck with now a very, I think the official term is “productive” cough on top of my sore throat.
About to shower and venture out for the first time since Saturday but nowhere exciting. Boots. I’m going for cough medicine to make things easier.

Also my ear piercing from January has not healed properly and I suspect it might be a little infected so yesterday I contacted the GP surgery to report symptoms (ear lobe is tender, occasional pain in jaw, occasional bleeding etc) and ask for an appointment.
Does feel somewhat stupid asking for an appointment to sort out complications from something so totally self-inflicted but I guess that’s partly what the NHS is here to cover. (Not that the piercing was done by me but it was self inflicted insofar as I chose to have it done.)
Also supposed to be working later today but with my throat being so sore I can hardly speak and my job is all about speaking so maybe that’s not going to happen today.

Anyway, have a great morning folks!
My ex late father in law used to advocate putting aftershave on every wound, infection, bruise, graze etc, it hurt like hell but always seemed to work.
Tea tree oil is a good antiseptic or surgical spirit, but it may need something more aggressive.
My ex late father in law used to advocate putting aftershave on every wound, infection, bruise, graze etc, it hurt like hell but always seemed to work.
Tea tree oil is a good antiseptic or surgical spirit, but it may need something more aggressive.
I’m not splashing Brut on my ear that’s for sure! And I’m loathed to tempt all women by breaking out the Denim or Hi Karate!
I’m not splashing Brut on my ear that’s for sure! And I’m loathed to tempt all women by breaking out the Denim or Hi Karate!
You forgot old spice the granddaddy of all aftershaves....
Happy Birthday @eggyg 🙂
Forgot to wish you happy birthday @eggyg - Have an awesome day!
My ex late father in law used to advocate putting aftershave on every wound, infection, bruise, graze etc, it hurt like hell but always seemed to work.
Tea tree oil is a good antiseptic or surgical spirit, but it may need something more aggressive.
I’ve been getting cold sores since I was very young, my mother always told me to put perfume or aftershave on them. Absolutely stung to hell, don’t think it cured them but it stopped me licking my lips! o_O
Many Happy Returns to @eggyg. Looks like you had a fab time last night and a lovely day planned for today. Hope the sun shines all day for you and you get to see a sensational sunset. Look forward to photos of that tomorrow morning maybe.

4.6 for me this morning but only because I injected a 1.5u correction for an 8.5 earlier. My graph shows a nice steady mid 8s straight line all night despite a 1.5 unit correction at bedtime for a 9.8. I was late taking my evening Levemir and maybe I shouldn't have knocked half a unit off the dose following a long horse ride yesterday..... or maybe it was the cheese I ate after dinner which kept me high. Who knows..... but at least I kept within range.....just!

Congrats to @Robin on your House Special. So pleased it isn't just me who had my first Wordle fail today. Just too many options and didn't help that I didn't get any letters in my first attempt. :(

So pleased you are home @GRIFFINLONEWALKER Hope all goes as well as possible at the hospital today.

I had a dream about the forum (very odd) last night, so thought maybe it was a little nudge to come back, after a while away, and say hello again.

9.2 for me this morning after a 2.5 correction in the night. I have Covid at the moment so sugar levels are putting up a bit of a fight:(…quite the battle but I’m determined.

Anyway…hello again.

I had a dream about the forum (very odd) last night, so thought maybe it was a little nudge to come back, after a while away, and say hello again.

9.2 for me this morning after a 2.5 correction in the night. I have Covid at the moment so sugar levels are putting up a bit of a fight:(…quite the battle but I’m determined.

Anyway…hello again.
Good to see you back Lisa, but sorry to hear you have the lurgy. Hope it passes quickly and you fully recover.
It was too good to last. Wife all upset over some marks on a handle. It is normal weathering (outside outdoor handle on a side gate). She was having none of it. She thinks it is intruders with tools smashing their way in. My, she does get angry when I point out what is really going on.

so it's another bad day. Well 2 good days this week is good. I just feel fed up now. Wife is somewhere else right now, shredding stuff (no idea what) and refusing to talk to me.

The only way is up? I keep saying that as my life slips down further and further. Sigh
Was 6.3 and slowly rising when I woke up this morning.

Not much planned for the next few days, mainly assignment writing. Last one I have to do though until I finish the course so trying to hold on to that thought!

Looking forward to my friends birthday at the weekend - doing an inflatable obstacle course and going out for dinner 🙂

Have a good day everyone!
tips on a good OTC treatment for heat/sweat rash?
How about some antihistamines or a cream. A pharmacist should be able to recommend something. Hope you're feeling a bit better now @Kaylz
How about some antihistamines or a cream. A pharmacist should be able to recommend something. Hope you're feeling a bit better now @Kaylz
|He takes antihistamines daily anyway and sadly not finished work in time to get to a chemist to see a pharmacist hence why I was hoping someone would have a good suggestion lol, they were bright red and itchy when he came in last night and he's just been complaining that his clothes are sticking to him again so no doubt they will be worse by the time he gets in tonight, thanks the headache has shifted so feeling tip top 🙂 xx
|He takes antihistamines daily anyway and sadly not finished work in time to get to a chemist to see a pharmacist hence why I was hoping someone would have a good suggestion lol, they were bright red and itchy when he came in last night and he's just been complaining that his clothes are sticking to him again so no doubt they will be worse by the time he gets in tonight, thanks the headache has shifted so feeling tip top 🙂 xx
May be a change of antihistamine might be needed. This time last year I had to change both my antihistamine and nasal spray I had been on for about 20 years, as my allergic rhinitis had got much worse.
May be a change of antihistamine might be needed. This time last year I had to change both my antihistamine and nasal spray I had been on for about 20 years, as my allergic rhinitis had got much worse.
They aren't prescribed, just an OTC job, the Dr gave him a 1 week supply (I think) of a stronger antihistamine after his last reaction to whatever a couple of months ago but that was it, his hours really don't suit to contact anyone and he has no time to take off so it's a tricky situation xx