Group 7-day waking average?

I have always had their jeans, but they seem to have changed them. I ordered my usual size/style and they were 2" smaller in the waist than the ones I had. Still, worth a look! Thanks @freesia
I have found this too with sainsburys jeans!
im free .....wooo hoo
im going home im so excited 48 long hours l have to come back tomorrow to see the oral maxillo team.
i didnt mention the meeting the parents yesterday it was uncomfy for me to say the least im not one for a fuss and im pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people her mum kept trying to hug me and i kept backing away her dad wanted to give me money and i refused to take it from him i really don't get it i did what i was right at the time and thats all it was not for money or for anything i merely helped a person in distress. id like to think that if i was in distress someone would come to my aid too i really do believe in the milk of human kindness we all have compassion and empathy dont we ?
anyhoo just need my meds and im free as a bird
first thing im going to do is go head first into a vat of tea and then the pup is going to get a super long belly rub
and then im going to sleep lots and lots of sleep .....
keep on smiling all
If you have contact with the parents again you could perhaps suggest they give the money to a charity you or they support.
Take it easy now you have been released, I expect hellhound will be pleased to see you.
It’s @TinaD in Wales. I’ve not heard anything, hopefully because it’s gone well and she’s got her hands full!
Oh yes that’s right, silly me. Hope all has gone well @TinaD
Well that’s great news @GRIFFINLONEWALKER but do take it easy. Hellhound will be over the moon to see you as will you I’m sure. I totally get what the parents wanted to give you, the safety of their daughter is the most important thing in their world and who wouldn’t want to offer thanks in such ways, I know I would. Have a lovely restorative sleep, no doubt cuddled up to your furry friend zzzzzzzz
im free .....wooo hoo
im going home im so excited 48 long hours l have to come back tomorrow to see the oral maxillo team.
i didnt mention the meeting the parents yesterday it was uncomfy for me to say the least im not one for a fuss and im pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people her mum kept trying to hug me and i kept backing away her dad wanted to give me money and i refused to take it from him i really don't get it i did what i was right at the time and thats all it was not for money or for anything i merely helped a person in distress. id like to think that if i was in distress someone would come to my aid too i really do believe in the milk of human kindness we all have compassion and empathy dont we ?
anyhoo just need my meds and im free as a bird
first thing im going to do is go head first into a vat of tea and then the pup is going to get a super long belly rub
and then im going to sleep lots and lots of sleep .....
keep on smiling all
Police should have mentioned to you but as you were assaulted and suffered injuries you’re entitled to claim under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Awards scheme.
It’s complex but there’s a website.
Most people don’t bother to claim but it’s what the money is there for so claim.
I have always had their jeans, but they seem to have changed them. I ordered my usual size/style and they were 2" smaller in the waist than the ones I had. Still, worth a look! Thanks @freesia
Not just the jeans, the tops and jacket i've bought are in 2 different sizes, i had to try them on in front of a mirror over the top of my clothes. Sainsburys aren't reopening their changing rooms. I've no idea how jeans, trousers, skirts, dresses can be tried on.. 😱
5.1 this morning, taken by nurse. Not done any BGs myself, but most have been really good which surprises me as hospital food is not low carb by a long shot! I'm sure the pounds are going on though ....
I've no idea how long I'll be in here but may get to see the team tomorrow, once this bank holiday is over. One day at a time.
They've stopped my HB pills as they were messing up my kidneys, so just being monitored for the time being, my kidneys are now back in range.
Anyway I hope you all had a good Easter weekend ... I could see the sunshine from a tiny part of the window
Bye for now
@janw sorry Jan must somehow have missed you were in hospital and hope you get better quickly and get home to rest and recover xx
Hey all.
I keep writing half posts and getting distracted and not posting. :rofl:
BG is nothing good (waking or otherwise). Its been 2 days since I've seen anything with even a 1 in front of it.
I'm struggling to stay asleep once I've been up to get another drink and pee so feel like a bit of a zombie.

Will play proper catch up later on, had a quick skim so apologies if I messed anyone's epic news

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER and @janw Super big hugs to you both.
Heardle in 1 second
Wordle in 3 - oh yes!!:D
Not just the jeans, the tops and jacket i've bought are in 2 different sizes, i had to try them on in front of a mirror over the top of my clothes. Sainsburys aren't reopening their changing rooms. I've no idea how jeans, trousers, skirts, dresses can be tried on.. 😱
@freesia and @Lucyr. I got a pair of jeans size 14... they are er... a little roomy, but should be OK with a belt. With the 20% off they were £12.80 which is great value. So I will return the ones I bought in M&S which fit the same, but cost £20. I spect people will have to take stuff home to try on and then return the goods, since you can't try things on.
morning reading 19.8
its pretty high but I'm dealing with a lot at the minute so its to be expected
got home at half five ish yesterday afternoon got the biggest cuddle off the pup ever fell asleep at about six and slept all the way through till half four missed my evening meds (could also be why my sugars are high today) and dinner so I woke up really hungry and in quite a bit of discomfort from missing the pain meds last night. todays plan is maxillo clinic at 11.30 ,I'm surprised its moving so quick with the medical team but as i was told yesterday they only have a small window to repair the break before it starts to heal and then they cant do much with it then ill have to go get some soft foods in (its a good thing i love soup) and then more rest and recuperation I'm accepting that I'm probs not going to be able to walk the pup this week so I've booked her other favourite human to walk her twice a day till Monday next week (I'll need a small bank loan or a second mortgage to cover it) Selena's back in today so ill be taking as much help off her as i can i need to make this whole thing as easy as possible .
got heardle in one today.
hope everyone's ok and to everyone who's poorly feel better soon have a fantastical day gang
peace love and veggie rights to all
your friendly local neighbourhood
0:48 BS 7.0 🙂

Already had breakfast & JUST finished munching lunch! 🙄:D😉

And now is about when you NORMAL lot are waking up: me?; obviously in an abnormal phase as I’m not sleeping twice a day now! 🙄:D Now I’m working on moving sleeping pattern, pills & tresiba back to normal!:rofl:😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Had a hankering to watch the David Suchet production of Death On The Nile after Branagh’s & it’s just BRILLIANT! 😛 It was the first thing that I saw Emily Blunt in before she did The Devil Wears Prada & Young Victoria! So many young British talent were showcased in David Suchet’s Poirot’s before they went on to become well known wider afield!😎😛 And that set me to watching quite a few more of the David Suchet productions last night:- Cards On The Table, Lord Edgeware Dies & in the middle of Evil Under The Sun just now while munching lunch, 2nd meal of MY day, & really enjoyed myself!😛 I loved ALMOST of all the David Suchet‘s Poirot’s & there are only two I didn’t like: rather oddly enough the two most famous & well known of the books; The Murder of Roger Ackroyd & Murder on The Orient Express!o_O Because both were too much of a departure from Agatha Christe: Roger Ackroyd because of the made up chase at the end; The Orient Express because of the lack lustre cast & the overly heavy moral tone that wasn’t in the book but, it IS expressed in other books so, see why that direction was taken! Although, I DO have to say I only read Roger Ackroyd once: tried reading it a second time & couldn’t read ALL of it again; once the secret surprise at the end is revealed it‘s just ruins reading through all the subplots etc! It all boiled down to one crucial sentence with a vitally important set of … that completely passed me by & just HAD to re read again! My spelling is not the greatest & knew I wouldn’t be able to spell elispes so, got Siri to dictate it BUT, Siri is TOO clever by half & dictated the actual “…” instead so, excuse my spelling as I typed it myself!🙄:rofl:😉 But, The Orient Express is one of my favourite’s & have read it many times & that extremely heavy moral tone is NOT in the book!:( But, there are quite a few other books where Poirot’s moral code to murder is expressed!:confused:
Morning all 7.4 for me. Off to work soon. Take care, especially you @GRIFFINLONEWALKER x
Good morning - 6.0