Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Another good night. 5.6.

After a glorious day yesterday, I’ve woken to rain. It’s not to last long fortunately and we should have sun, but alas, back down to 11/12 degrees. No great plans expect for the family Easter/ my birthday celebration meal out ( birthday is tomorrow) at 6 o’clock. It’s in our local, as in 100 metres away, Indian restaurant. Looking forward to it. It may not be all 13 of us as the farmers may not be able to get away as still lambing. It’s ok though as we have grandson here already and middle daughter had the farmers’ daughters staying over last night just in case. So at least all the grandchildren will be here. We also have eldest granddaughter here, not because she may not be able to get to the meal, but because she has FOMO! ( fear of missing out!) :rofl: Luckily, her and her cousin get on really well and are more like brother and sister, they’re both 15. We had quite an in depth discussion last night after we watched the news, about the Ukraine conflict, Rwanda, people trafficking and Brexit. It was great to see how interested they were and also how much they already knew and also their compassion. They’re great kids, even if they’re still fast asleep and I want my breakfast! We’re having a full English this morning, then just a snack about two and we’ll be nice and hungry for our tea tonight.

Have a lovely Easter Monday folks. 🙂
Sorry you’ve got the lurgy @ColinUK they are bad this year. Keep warm, keep hydrated and rest. 🙂

6.0 here today xx
@eggyg hope you have a lovely celebration dinner x
@ColinUK hope you feel better soon x
@Gwynn glad you had such a lovely day yesterday x
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER hope you are feeling a touch better today, though I doubt it. Thinking of you x
7.7 for me today after a humongous meal last night, cooked by moi. Everyone enjoyed it, my son acted as if he hadn’t eaten for a month lol. Off for breakfast this morning. Not sure how the rest of the day will go. Have a good one all x
4.8 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 5.3
Good morning. Woke to a 4 after an overnight correction. This sensor seems a lot more accurate after the last two i've had.
@ColinUK get well soon
@Lucyr I hope you're feeling better now
@eggyg enjoy your meal later

Have a good day everyone.
4.9 for me this morning. Off to my sister's this afternoon to ride out with her on her horses and then have dinner cooked by her lovely husband. We are having my favourite.... roast shoulder of lamb. I will be going very easy on the carbs today as the last 2 days have been a bit of a BG battle with the roller coaster effect and I prefer living more peaceably with my diabetes than fighting it. Hope everyone has a good day.

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER Hope you managed to track down a decent cup of tea and it wasn't too stressful for you meeting the girl's parents. I imagine you will probably be more sore as the days go on and the healing process starts. Let us know how you are getting on when you can please.
Can’t remember if it is @Robin or @rebrascora but has the long awaited foal arrived yet, have I missed it?
no reading this morning sigh
still in the sick bin I need to get out of here pronto its driving me to the point of distraction I'm on a ward with some really greasy characters. one asked me for my oramorph last night (I'm sure you can imagine my response to that started with f and ended with off) its been a steady influx since Saturday night I don't think I can cope with another night of no sleep I have to sleep sitting up which is a challenge in its self. The more tired I get the harder its becoming to suppress my tics I miss my pup so much I cant even begin to express how much she helps with keeping the clown in his cage. one thing i will say is the staff are all such lovely people and are under enormous strain you can see how burnt out they all are yet they still give 100% I'm in awe having to deal with the drug addicts and drunks cant be easy (yes I'm on that ward as its the only bed that they had).
@Gwynn I'm so glad you had a good time with your wife long may the good days reign supreme
@Bloden @SueEK I'm really not a hero I'm just little old me I put my trousers on one leg at a time just like the rest of the world the heroes are all in here looking after the sick.
@ColinUK hope you feel better soon bud
@Elenka_HM I love all the pageantry and costumes it looks amazing ! one of my best experiences I've ever had was the Tomatina festival in bunol (think I've spelt that right ) I've never had so much fun with food although it took days to completely wash the smell of tomatoes out of my hair .
@eggyg I'm rather green with envy I love a good curry have a amazing time and just think no washing up to do after
right the doc is on the ward doing his rounds keep everything crossed that you can for me so I can get sprung and go home
have a amazing bank holiday what ever your up to gang
keep smiling (i would but it just looks like I'm trying to grimace or sneer due to the swelling and the scabby face and nose )

Morning all and it was 7 on the dot for me.

Looks like it will be gammon and eggs for tea tonight..Quite a bit left over from yesterday. Looking forward to it already.

@Lanny Taylor's of Harrogate are the people who make Yorkshire Tea.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all... looks like mixed weather.

8.9 on a scan this morning, but 7.6 BG test. This sensor has only been activated since early Sunday, fingers crossed it becomes a bit more accurate. The previous one was accurate enough to bolus on.

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER I love your SOH, despite the horrible circumstances you are enduring it still shines through.

@ColinUK hope you improve today!

@eggyg enjoy your birthday meal.

@Elenka_HM Those floral arrangements are something else.

Spent yesterday drooping around the house feeling pants.... overdid it on Saturday I expect. It doesn't take much these days! Hubby stepped in and cooked dinner, for which I was truly grateful. Off out today to see if I can find a pair of jeans, hubby wants some trousers for our little trip away later this week.... fingers crossed the shops won't be too busy.
Hi All. Happy Easter Monday. Last day of my holidays. Back to the madeness of exam prep tomorrow - I do feel for the kids after the last 2 years but they’re holding up well or were before the break !

5.0 and falling for me today.
l. Off out today to see if I can find a pair of jeans
Good luck! I've just been to Sainsburys to get a sweatshirt and a rain jacket. They have 20% off womens clothes for all of this week, instore and online. Might be worth a look? I got what i went in for and also a top and a sweater....well you have to don't you while there's money off...

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER i hope the doc lets you home but only if you are ok.
Hi All. Happy Easter Monday. Last day of my holidays. Back to the madeness of exam prep tomorrow - I do feel for the kids after the last 2 years but they’re holding up well or were before the break !

5.0 and falling for me today.
Hope you've had a good rest before it all starts again. We start back a week today
im free .....wooo hoo
im going home im so excited 48 long hours l have to come back tomorrow to see the oral maxillo team.
i didnt mention the meeting the parents yesterday it was uncomfy for me to say the least im not one for a fuss and im pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people her mum kept trying to hug me and i kept backing away her dad wanted to give me money and i refused to take it from him i really don't get it i did what i was right at the time and thats all it was not for money or for anything i merely helped a person in distress. id like to think that if i was in distress someone would come to my aid too i really do believe in the milk of human kindness we all have compassion and empathy dont we ?
anyhoo just need my meds and im free as a bird
first thing im going to do is go head first into a vat of tea and then the pup is going to get a super long belly rub
and then im going to sleep lots and lots of sleep .....
keep on smiling all
@Elenka_HM I love all the pageantry and costumes it looks amazing ! one of my best experiences I've ever had was the Tomatina festival in bunol (think I've spelt that right )
Well, that's a new fancy word for me, "pageantry". Thanks Griffin! 🙂
It is Buñol but I don't know if you would have the "ñ" in your keyboard, as this letter is not a part of English language. I haven't been to the Tomatina but it was in the TV news every year and seems quite fun, the laundry afterwards not so much haha
Good luck! I've just been to Sainsburys to get a sweatshirt and a rain jacket. They have 20% off womens clothes for all of this week, instore and online. Might be worth a look? I got what i went in for and also a top and a sweater....well you have to don't you while there's money off...

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER i hope the doc lets you home but only if you are ok.
I have always had their jeans, but they seem to have changed them. I ordered my usual size/style and they were 2" smaller in the waist than the ones I had. Still, worth a look! Thanks @freesia