Group 7-day waking average?

Ugh, so annoying, my libre sensor has worked its way loose (literally hanging on by a thread!) and reading in the 3s all the time :/

I was going to put a new one on tonight anyway as it expires on Sunday but may have to use finger pricks until then, think it’s probably better to do that instead of having a dodgy sensor!
Can you stick a big plaster on it or wrap something tight round it, bandage etc? It might work if it’s still reading. Mine was the same on Monday, I knocked it. Put on a wrist sweat band ( it was tight) and it lasted until Thursday just a few hours until it was supposed to finish as I took the band off to shower and I knocked it again!
I think that was partly why I didn't feel well last night. I think the combination of uncomfortable climatic conditions and perhaps hormones, as I had been trying to wean myself off HRT the last few weeks but then caved in and stuck a new patch on a couple of days ago and that may have combined to upset my system. Thankfully my BG behaved impeccably last night much to my surprise although I have been progressively reducing my Levemir doses recently, so perhaps that helped, but I felt rough in other ways.
You need to hang on to those patches as there apparently is a shortage of HRT meds in particular the hormone gel.
Likely due to more people being proactive in seeking treatment following the BBC campaign and production issues caused by the demand.
Can you stick a big plaster on it or wrap something tight round it, bandage etc? It might work if it’s still reading. Mine was the same on Monday, I knocked it. Put on a wrist sweat band ( it was tight) and it lasted until Thursday just a few hours until it was supposed to finish as I took the band off to shower and I knocked it again!
Yes that’s true, I could give that a go, thanks!
Evening reading 17.6
Still high but it's trending down again starting to feel more like me as the hours pass forced myself out for a late walk with the furby she's managed to kill another ball was told by the guy at pets at home that it was unbreakable. She took the challenge up with gusto been at it for week so pleased with herself. As I said earlier I hate chocolate and my lovely neighbour bless her bought me a box of after 8 thingies.. Send me a self addressed envelope and their yours lol
Hope every who's feeling like gak (yes i said gak) starts to feel better soon.
Not had a gratitude list for a bit.
My ears because they get to hear all the beautiful melodies I play them
My carpet it's the best place to listen to music ever....
My carer she's pretty cool but shh don't tell her I said that...
Here's a pic of the hellhound looking ever so smug that she killed another ball
Have a lovely evening folks


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My gratitudes for today
1. Warm sunshine
2. Washing drying on the line
3. A glass of wine at the end of today
Evening all a 5.7 at 10am on a new sensor reading 2 units high …… seems to be settling now thankfully.

@ColinUK sorry to hear you folks are ill and plans have changed. Hope they soon recover.
My carer she's pretty cool but shh don't tell her I said that...
Hey Griff, how about gifting your unwanted chocolates to Selena to show your appreciation.... without having to tell her she is cool 😎
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.9 this morning.

Warm enough this morning not to have to put the heating on to take any chill off the house. Good! Gas is way too expensive now anyway.

Nothing planned for today except the long march on the beach which is great but tiring. I love meeting the dogs being walked but sadly they don't often come up to say hello.

Tea main tonight....beef teryaki, mushrooms, yorkshire pudding, 1 potato croquette. All courtesy of Marks and Sparks. Great food. Looking forward to it.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to.
Good morning 5.0 on the nose this morning.

I’m picking up my varifocals in a few hrs time from SpecSavers today.
Loving this warmer weather, will it last ? I hope so.

Have a lovely day holiday weekend everybody 🙂
10.1 guess I didn't need that biscuit in the middle of night or less of it(i had also been awake for a while but actelly). May be off to meet follow type 1s in area to today If I can work out a way of getting there).
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7.4 after a busy day yesterday. Got the hide some Easter eggs soon for the little one, who is actually not so little anymore. Garden day today me thinks. Have a good one x
Good morning. 6.6 for me after an overnight correction from a massive 16!! We had an indian takeaway last night. I weighed, worked out carbs etc and thought i'd done well. Levels went up but back down to 6, rose to 10 before bed so i had another unit to try and keep them down. Not enough obviously but the food was lovely.

Doing a bit of cleaning today, mowing the lawn but nothing else planned. I might read mu book in the sunshine.

Have a good day whatever you are planning.
5.8 this morning. 🙂

Morning all, 4.3 here,with a dip into the red from 4am, usually the time when my BG starts to rise. I’m either too low or too high overnight these days. Went for a walk yesterday incorporating the patch of woodland that is covered with wood anemones at this time of year, beautiful!
Was about 6 when I first woke up but 8.3 now. Came down with a completely full on, in bed by 7pm type, of cold yesterday. It’s only been a few days since i stopped isolating for 2 weeks with Covid and I haven’t even been anywhere busy since then. My immune system seriously needs sorting out, I don’t know where it’s gone.