Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 4.8 here.

Oh, how disappointing @ColinUK. I hope your folks aren’t feeling too rough and get over it asap.

Well done @Moon.Star8 for the changes you’ve made...blow that trumpet!:D

Got some gardening to do today and then must sit down and do some pump research before my appointment next week. I haven’t got any choc eggs in either @Lanny - so 1 more thing to add to the to do list!
Morning all, 6.5 here. Experienced an interesting BG phenomenon yesterday. I tripped up our front steps and splatted myself big time (I'm fine, but my knee and one hand wouldn’t look out of place in a primary school playground). I felt really sweaty and clammy for a while afterwards, shock, I suppose. BGs were pootling along in the 7s at the time, mid lunch. Half an hour later I had the steepest upwards spike on the Libre I've ever seen, and ended up around 16! Massive 5 units of insulin and a few hours later, I was back to normal.
In case you’re wondering, no I hadn't been drinking! I was rescuing a small spider that hitched a ride indoors in OH's hair. I put it on one of the plant pots by the front door, but when I turned to come back in, I just looked back to check it hadn't attached itself to me with a web, and distracted myself from noticing the step!
Morning all,

5.3 today (so annoying!)

Turns out my libre has started to read a little bit low now. But it’s due to be replaced very soon and I often find that towards the end it starts to do that. Not sure if that’s just me but it does for me anyway!

So actually that 4.9 yesterday was probably a bit higher but didn’t think to check with a finger prick. Also means it’s logged a couple of random hypos I haven’t had. Oh well, never mind.

Plans for today include writing some more of my assignment (fun!) and going out somewhere for the day and of course beginning the Easter chocolate fest!

Have a good day everyone 🙂
10.0 at 04:30 and a correction taken.

12.6 at 07:50

Feeling really rough and back on the lemsip this morning
Morning all, 6.5 here. Experienced an interesting BG phenomenon yesterday. I tripped up our front steps and splatted myself big time (I'm fine, but my knee and one hand wouldn’t look out of place in a primary school playground). I felt really sweaty and clammy for a while afterwards, shock, I suppose. BGs were pootling along in the 7s at the time, mid lunch. Half an hour later I had the steepest upwards spike on the Libre I've ever seen, and ended up around 16! Massive 5 units of insulin and a few hours later, I was back to normal.
In case you’re wondering, no I hadn't been drinking! I was rescuing a small spider that hitched a ride indoors in OH's hair. I put it on one of the plant pots by the front door, but when I turned to come back in, I just looked back to check it hadn't attached itself to me with a web, and distracted myself from noticing the step!
Sorry you fell, sounds like adrenaline
Good morning Good Friday 5.8

just woken from a disturbed nights sleep with a 3.9 @1:15 am
went back to sleep after several lifts with a BS of 4.8

Today my sister is popping infor breakfast as she will be driving past
so I need to get up and go to buy some goodies for her breakfast

Have a great day everybody
Good morning all. 11.3 for me (sensor says 13.6 and i've been in the 18s overnight. I've had to turn off the high alarm on this sensor or i'd have had no sleep for 2 weeks it been so inaccurate on higher levels). Its probably a rebound from a low and lasting hypo i had last night (which didn't even show on the graph!!). Anyway its being changed today.

@ColinUK what are matzos and is there a meaning for each item on the Sedar plate? I'm so sorry you can't be with your family, i hope they are ok and feel better soon.
@Gwynn what an egg! Enlarged or not, it looks yummy.

Have a great day everyone
4.5 for me this morning. 🙂
Supermarket shopping later on. All you lot on here talking about chocolate eggs will probably have brainwashed me into buying one. 😉 🙄
Whatever you're celebrating - have a great one.

Good morning - 7.0
@Robin I hope your hand and knee are not too painful!!
Surprisingly unstiff this morning, I slathered everything apart from the broken skin in Arnica yesterday. Of course, my adult kids are having a field day 'Did you have a fall? Do we need to put you in a home?' (all said in the patronising tone of voice used for the elderly and slightly deaf).
7.1 for me this morning with a little bit of DP as I was in the 6s all night. I had a very restless night but then I didn't feel well last night at all. No idea why. Before bed I was shivery cold and felt nauseous, then far too hot most of the night and kept waking up to drink water and scan in case levels had gone too high but levels very stable in that respect. Don't feel quite right this morning but nothing I can put my finger on. Hopefully it will pass as the day goes on.

@Robin Sorry to hear you took a tumble.... but what a hero, saving a spider! Hope there is no lasting damage. Yes, interesting how the adrenaline causes the liver dump and to be able to see it happening on Libre as such a clear response.

@ColinUK So sorry that your parents have Covid (hope their symptoms are very minor and short lived) and plans for Pesach have been cancelled. Will you manage to have another zoom Seder so that you can still share that tradition and memories with them and other family members?

Thoughts go out to those in Ukraine who are sadly not being allowed the blessing of peace this Easter.
Morning all, a very late 6.
Had a very unusual night. Are you all sitting comfortably? Great, I shall begin.
Bedtime 10.45 BG on new sensor 7.2. I always check with my metre for the first few days 9.4. No snack needed. I’d only had 2.5 units of basal at 6pm as was low and had a low ish carb tea. Followed by a small piece of homemade brownie.
Read for a while. At 11.40 woken by alarm, I’d not long settled down. 3.4 arrow straight down! Felt fine went downstairs to check on metre 5. Had a ginger nut just in case. Waited a while, still low and now low on metre. Had some Kendal mint cake. Laid awake as heart was racing. Still low. I know what you’re thinking, as I did too, she’s taken basal instead of bolus. Went down stairs again. No, checked both pens. Everything in order. Now down to 3 on the Libre, 3.6 on metre. So not compression. Came downstairs at 12.30 and had a massive thick cut slice of homemade white bread and read my book. Had to dash to loo at 1am. Gastric dumping I suspect, ( TMI) too many carbs. Numbers still not moving on either Libre or metre. Had more Kendal mint cake. Feeling sick by now. At last 1.40ish up to 5. I came to bed. Up to 6 in another 10 minutes. Heart still racing. Eventually slept. Consumed about 60/70 grms of carbs and my graph shows my BGs never got past about 8. My only explanation is it’s something to do with my gastric system. As well as the gastric dumping syndrome I also have a permanent partial bowel obstruction so my food is either stuck or can’t get out fast enough. ( more TMI, soz). No happy medium.
So it’s fair to say I am fairly cream crackered and have woken with a splitting headache. Our planned walking trip over the border is cancelled. Just going to have a wander down to the local river.

Thanks for listening and hope you haven’t all nodded off!

Happy Easter if you’re that way inclined. @ColinUK big hugs to mum and dad, hope they stay well. @Robin ouch! At our age we do need to be careful! 😉 Your kids sound like mine. Cheeky beggars. 😛

Have a great day folks.


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Morning... grey and dull, with a sea fret threatening.

7.6 at 08:30 after a massive spike over 15 in the night. Never saw it as I was fast asleep. The gnocchi in combination with the half bar of Terry’s orange mini egg in all likelihood. Only self to blame.

@ColinUK so sorry to hear your Mum and Dad have Covid, hope they feel better soon.

@rebrascora hope you aren’t coming down with it!

@Lucyr just big Hugs... you’ve had enough already.

@Robin hope there’s no permanent damage...
Spoke with the folks and they said they’re both feeling fine but just peeved at the Seder being cancelled.
Hopefully I’ll see them next Friday anyway so it’s not anywhere near as upsetting as not being able to have Seder last year or the year before.
We’re not doing a zoom Seder as that takes tonnes of planning with the right foods etc and there’s just isn’t enough time to sort it all.

Matzo is unleavened bread. Basically it’s now a large, very thin, cracker but thinking logically it was probably more like a traditional flatbread than a cracker originally.

All of the items on the Seder plate have significance and pretty much the entire structure of the meal has significance.

The wiki page on the Seder plate actually explains what’s what quite well but doesn’t mention that of course each family has their own traditional twist on what’s on the Seder plate and even the order the blessings are done. We always change the order of two of them even though it’s not what’s printed in any of the prayer books. It’s just what grandpa and his father before him always did so we do the same!

Morning all and 6.9 for me.

I think a hedgehog house will be built today. Don't want it to be too new when the winter comes again.

Have a good day everyone.
You type really well for a hedgehog!