Group 7-day waking average?

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER Forgot to say.... Hope it is just a routine visit to the "Dogtor" and it all goes smoothly for all concerned.... ie no one gets bitten by you or "the hellhound" 😉 although I have a feeling you will get stung in the wallet!🙄
Also relieved that your bad news was just about heardle.... You had me worried for a moment! Phew!
The hellhound was diagnosed with copd a year ago from what I've been told she had a really bad infection as a pup that scarred her lungs so she takes steroids every day she's happy enough in her self and it really doesnt slow her down but she needs to go for a visit to the dogtor every year to see if she's OK shes really well according to the doc wasn't happy about the thermometer mind you I wouldn't be either I winced a little.....
21.5 many many hours ago when I woke up. (dropped a bit on last check and sitting around 20)

Been into town to pickup more ketostix and home before the tesco delivery. Roll on bedtime :D
Aaaaaaaggghhhh!! After reading accurately up until 11am, this sensor has gone back to saying i'm in the 13s when i'm only 9!!! Its totally ruining my TIR. Its a good job i'm back under GP care and not with the DSN as she would be thinking its me. The GP/surgery nurse doesn't ask for info from the sensor. Its the last day tomorrow. Hopefully the new one will be more accurate more often.
I’m always amazed at the difficulty some of you have with your sensors, I think you’re all stars with how you cope with it even though I know you have to. Hugs xx
Hi All little later than morning I know

@Michael12421 very belated Happy Birthday to you.

Score on the door this morning = who knows ! Scan 16.7, blood 7.2 sensor seems to have randomly gone bonkers ! Been good for 9 days then went mad but it took a while to realise as I was too lazy to finger prick.

New sensor and still a bit high but often is for 1st 24 hours or so.

Have a good long weekend for those who still enjoy the bonus of bank holidays !
Good morning 20.6 urrgh!!!
Sat in a hot bath trying to get my elbows and knees to stop yelling at me I've had a pretty bad arthritic flare up its not the best but hey ho so kidneys knees and elbows kinda sucks but I'm trying to it let it get to me too much or I'll go mad and start howling at the passing cars hellhound is pretty much glued to my side she's currently laid on the tiles on the bathroom floor spread eagled snoring her little furry bum off in other news heardle in one.
Too all my religious people I hope you have a blessed good Friday. To all my Jewish friends Chag Pesach Sameach
To all the pagans have a great spring equinox. I'm going to neck some pain meds and try and hobble to the park and watch the sun come up and practice mindfullnes till a see a chocolate bunny or two....
Thats all folks
Stay blessed keep smiling
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0 this morning. I bet if I tried a different finger it would have been 5.2. Sigh.

Happy Easter everyone. I hope none of you get chocolate overload!!!


Easter Egg 5.jpg

Just a long walk planned for today. Earlier than usual as I have a parcel due to be delivered (uh, before 9pm but it could be 8am. So I have to make sure that I am here)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

5.7 this morning.

All plans for Pesach cancelled. Both mum and dad tested positive for covid yesterday.
They both insist that they feel ok but it’s a disappointment as well as a worry of course.

Was planning on heading over there today and staying for the weekend so that I could help with the Seder both nights but instead I’ve got to dash to Saintrose (they’re right next door each other so if I can’t get everything from one I nip into the other) and buy stuff to eat.
Yes I’m on the old Exante shakes but it’d be good to maybe have some fish, cheese, salad stuff and matzos in. I’ll pick up bits and bobs to make up a little Seder plate for tonight as well.

(A Seder plate is the ceremonial centrepiece of the Seder meal. It has specific things on it including bitter herb, a burnt egg (in the shell and burnt over a naked flame), supposedly a lamb bone but we always used chicken because I guess that’s easier to come by, haroset which is a mix of apple, nuts, wine mixed into a paste to represent mortar and some other things.)

I think Seder last year was over Zoom because of lockdown and the year before was as well too I think.
It’s a shame as although it’s a long drawn out evening it’s so full of tradition and memories that it’s actually a beautiful thing.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0 this morning. I bet if I tried a different finger it would have been 5.2. Sigh.

Happy Easter everyone. I hope none of you get chocolate overload!!!

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View attachment 20653

Just a long walk planned for today. Earlier than usual as I have a parcel due to be delivered (uh, before 9pm but it could be 8am. So I have to make sure that I am here)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Did you make that egg??!
06:11 BS 5.9 & after a bit of a pigging out on the remains of a bag of bitesize Cadburys Twirl after dinner just before bed last night that I’m glad I got the extra bolus right for! :D😛:rofl:😉

I suddenly remembered it’s Easter & I’d not gotten an Easter egg in sight with that bag of twirl sitting in my top drawer for AGES since I got it to smash into bits for the toppings of lattes, chocochino too, from the coffee machine but, proved rather difficult to smash! 🙄 Should have gone for Flake but, discovered quite some time ago when trying to melt it in the microwave for a chocolate fountain I got for my birthday when they were in vogue, that it’s not really chocolate so, burnt to a black crisp without melting at all when I kept heating it! I’ve preferred Twirl, does melt in the microwave, ever since!😱

I’ve been pretty much caffeine free, sans tea or coffee, for a while now & I think I rather fancy a mini danish breakfast! 😛 So, I’ll pop in the oven 3 mini frozen danish, 1 each of cinnamon swirl, maple pecan plait & vanilla crown, & have a pot of tea! Yummy! I haven’t had that in a while either!😛

A Very Good Morning to you all at the start of the Easter weekend & hopefully the DF will be kind to all of us indulging, in chocolate or otherwise? 😉
@ColinUK yes I made the egg but it was rather small in reality. I just expanded it in photoshop to the required greedy size!!! 🙂

Imagine eating an Easter egg of that size. It would make you ill !!!

A bit of a laugh image that
Happy Easter to all. 7.3 today and off to do changeover at the caravan, grandson later and overnight so busy busy, must be in my way. Enjoy your day all x
7,5 for me this morning and I’m pleased really considering yesterday was my first “carby/ fatty”meal since I have been diagnosed- husband got a new job and I halved by BS this week when 3 month test results came back plus it’s his big birthday so we had fish and chips! I ended up at 10.5 and you know what - it wasn’t worth it for me.
Not to blow my own trumpet but I’ve really changed my attitudes to foods and normally I don’t get readings above 8 with my food choices SO I won’t be having fish and chips again EVER Hahahah
7,5 for me this morning and I’m pleased really considering yesterday was my first “carby/ fatty”meal since I have been diagnosed- husband got a new job and I halved by BS this week when 3 month test results came back plus it’s his big birthday so we had fish and chips! I ended up at 10.5 and you know what - it wasn’t worth it for me.
Not to blow my own trumpet but I’ve really changed my attitudes to foods and normally I don’t get readings above 8 with my food choices SO I won’t be having fish and chips again EVER Hahahah
Have the fish and just a couple of chips maybe. Fish and chips is after all a culinary delight that would be awful to completely deprive oneself of for ever.
Have the fish and just a couple of chips maybe. Fish and chips is after all a culinary delight that would be awful to completely deprive oneself of for ever.
@ColinUK Maybe next year! 🙂 I’m not that fussed about it in general even in pre diabetic life I didn’t have them that often at all. Still it’s done now and we enjoyed them at the time as we were out walking along the coast and it was a nice sunny evening etc ! 🙂