Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. 5.8 this morning. I've now introduced by 4th Metformin (been building gradually over the last 4 weeks). Off for a night away in a hotel with hubby today and a massage for me (Christmas present from my daughter back in 2020). I wonder what goodies will be in the room with the "tea & coffee making facilities" (my family always refer to it in full like that from when we were younger). I'll avoid them as best I can and enjoy a really good dinner and breakfast tomorrow. Luckily my hubby is naturally very restrained with food (he's a skinny fell runner) so he's not going to be scoffing pudding etc, which will help. Have a good day everyone.
Morning folks. 4.8 for me this morning but that involved a little bit of DP. Libre shows I had a lovely straight line all night but it was straddling the bottom of the blue band and very slightly dipped in and out of the red all night....lots of red 😱 This is not a concern other than that it spoils my Libre stats (my 95% has dropped to 92% TIR over night 😡 ) as a) it reads lower than finger prick so I won't really have been hypo and b) I sleep much more soundly and wake up feeling rested when my levels have been nice and low all night.

Got to get along to the GP surgery this morning to pick up my Levemir which wasn't in stock earlier in the week and meds for my farmer friend up the road, ahead of the long BH weekend. They are only open half day today.

Congrats to @freesia on your ultimate BG achievement this morning. Nice to get a result like that when you have been battling with it.

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER Great to hear that you are building a rapport with your carer, Selena. Must be daunting for a young lass, but sounds like she is learning quickly and you are developing a good bond. Hope your kidney situations settles down soon and those levels come back down as promptly as they did before it developed. Hang in there!

@sg295 What kept you??? According to @ColinUK Wordle is now "old hat". You youngsters are supposed to be cutting edge....Get with it! Heardle is apparently the new hip trend but I'm a dinosaur so sticking with Wordle. Anyway, thanks for reminding me to brag that I got Wordle in 2 this morning. I changed my starting word and got lucky with a green and 2 gold on my opening attempt. Feeling smug 🙄. Also got Quordle in 7 and Octordle in 12.

@goodybags Sorry to hear that there is s snag with your house purchase. Hope it can be ironed out quickly.
Hi @rebrascora

Sorry to disappoint on the expectation that I would keep up with the youngster trends haha!

I just never got round to it really, always meant to give it a go and then was busy with other things.

I don’t know what this Heardle is but I shall give that a go now instead. Well done for getting it in 2!
Morning all.

5.4 at 08:10.

Lunch in town with a g/f today, followed by a video chat with a friend who lives near Bordeaux at 5pm. Then going to try a recipe from this month's "Delicious" magazine. Salmon/peas/broad beans and gnocchi traybake.

@freesia Congrats at the HS. Whoop whoop!

@janw sorry to hear you are in hospital. Get well soon!
@janw yes I somehow missed that too. Hope your recovery is swift. Hugs xx
bad news I got creamed on heardle today I just didn't have a scooby doo who it was I'm still no wiser now wordle has left me talking like a construction worker I think i invented at least six new swear words!!!! I'm making a executive choice on that and not playing it any more its not good for my blood pressure .
thanks for all the get well wishes guys I'm starting to feel a little more human as the antibiotics start to work
im off for some serious carpet time (nick cave and the bad seeds are calling my name very loudly
keep smiling
griff 😉
oh i didn't see that @janw is in the hospital
feel better soon hope you get sprung soon.
5.7 this morning then caught up with an old friend, who brought me a 6 inch wholemeal bacon sub. just ruined my time in target run. :(
bad news I got creamed on heardle today I just didn't have a scooby doo who it was I'm still no wiser now wordle has left me talking like a construction worker I think i invented at least six new swear words!!!! I'm making a executive choice on that and not playing it any more its not good for my blood pressure .
thanks for all the get well wishes guys I'm starting to feel a little more human as the antibiotics start to work
im off for some serious carpet time (nick cave and the bad seeds are calling my name very loudly
keep smiling
griff 😉
Ooh Nick Cave is enough to make me swear like a navvy never mind Wordle! I don’t get him at all, hubby does, but he also likes Lou Reed, similar ilk in my humble opinion. Give me a bit of soul/dance music any day. Good job we’re all different isn’t it? Enjoy your carpet time and hope those pesky kidneys sort themselves out very soon.
Ooh Nick Cave is enough to make me swear like a navvy never mind Wordle! I don’t get him at all, hubby does, but he also likes Lou Reed, similar ilk in my humble opinion. Give me a bit of soul/dance music any day. Good job we’re all different isn’t it? Enjoy your carpet time and hope those pesky kidneys sort themselves out very soon.
i adore soul and Motown too i grew up with 9 sisters im the youngest of us all so by the time i was 8 or nine i was being fed all kinds of music by them i kept getting into bother because i would steal there records and lock myself in my bedroom with headphones on and just play records i always had a Walkman with tapes too would spend hours sitting by the hifi with my finger on the pause button waiting for the DJ. to stop talking and let the song play i was that guy who gave out mixed taped to girls i really liked ....i met my wife at a nick cave gig so he has a extra special place in my heart isn't it amazing how music can bring up memories of a time and place !
I‘m having a go with a Libre (The third one I’ve had) and it was 5.1 this morning. This one seems to be better than the last one, which was always 2-3 higher than finger. This one seems fairly close.
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER Forgot to say.... Hope it is just a routine visit to the "Dogtor" and it all goes smoothly for all concerned.... ie no one gets bitten by you or "the hellhound" 😉 although I have a feeling you will get stung in the wallet!🙄
Also relieved that your bad news was just about heardle.... You had me worried for a moment! Phew!
7.5 but I'm worried.
Hi and welcome to the thread. Would you like to share your worries with us and perhaps we can help?
wordle has left me talking like a construction worker I think i invented at least six new swear words!!!!
griff 😉
What you need griff is "SWEARDLE"
Only 4 letter rude words, but only 3 guesses. Maybe some bright spark will produce one. :D
i adore soul and Motown too i grew up with 9 sisters im the youngest of us all so by the time i was 8 or nine i was being fed all kinds of music by them i kept getting into bother because i would steal there records and lock myself in my bedroom with headphones on and just play records i always had a Walkman with tapes too would spend hours sitting by the hifi with my finger on the pause button waiting for the DJ. to stop talking and let the song play i was that guy who gave out mixed taped to girls i really liked ....i met my wife at a nick cave gig so he has a extra special place in my heart isn't it amazing how music can bring up memories of a time and place !
Nine sisters! Wow, bet you were spoiled rotten.
Music does hold lots of memories. I’ve been with my husband since 1975 and he lives for music, much more than me but we do share a love for Northern Soul and he still has the singles and we still play them and attempt to dance to them! His music tastes are very eclectic, classical to present day and everything in between. Our youngest daughter shares his love too. Yesterday she sang us the whole of Otis Reading’s Dock of the Bay. I asked how she knew all the words to a song that’s years older then her, she’s 29, she said simply “ it’s my favourite song”. Her husband plays guitar and drums and they both love going to concerts. Music is very special.
Good day all. 9.1 agh and good grief. :( Dunno what to do about that. Yesterday I only had Slimfast made with water and a fish dinner, 1 Basa with mix veg. I was so good! I'm going to end up on meds. 😳 Or I would if anybody acknowledged my existence with regards to the Type2. :rofl:

Have a good Maundy Thursday all. 🙂
Nine sisters! Wow, bet you were spoiled rotten.
Music does hold lots of memories. I’ve been with my husband since 1975 and he lives for music, much more than me but we do share a love for Northern Soul and he still has the singles and we still play them and attempt to dance to them! His music tastes are very eclectic, classical to present day and everything in between. Our youngest daughter shares his love too. Yesterday she sang us the whole of Otis Reading’s Dock of the Bay. I asked how she knew all the words to a song that’s years older then her, she’s 29, she said simply “ it’s my favourite song”. Her husband plays guitar and drums and they both love going to concerts. Music is very special.
1975 wowsers...
I was 2..... I remember lots of green and browns and ducks on walls we left the UK in 76 its not as much fun having older sisters as people think I was tortured something rotten we got a microwave in the 80's and the rotten sods told me if I spin around at the same time your food cooks quicker I span round and round for 5 ish years I couldn't do anything without my mum finding out either it was like having ten mums I spent a great deal of time in the shed with dad fixing motorbikes.......
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