Group 7-day waking average?

@freesia oh no, what a nightmare!! Glad your appt went ok and things are no worse 😳
I had a lovely time thank you.
Lots of 'phone calls and a Zoom meeting with my family late afternoon.
I got the best leg of lamb I have ever had in Spain, really meaty, so I decided to make a Spanish Easter roast. It took 24 hours marinading and resting but it was well worth it and ultra delicious. Enough left over for the same tonight and at least 3 shepherds pies. Heaven. Oh, and not a drip of mint sauce in sight.
Freezer up and running and already half full, at this rate I won't have to cook for a month!
Ah that is good news Michael, so glad you had a lovely day. Lamb is my favourite and it sounds delicious xx
@freesia oh no, what a nightmare!! Glad your appt went ok and things are no worse 😳
I had to laugh when i saw myself in thr mirror, what a sight! Thank you for asking.
17.4 which for me, isn't actually too bad.
Had a rubbish night last night, was sitting around 25 with +1 ketones. Extra gliclazide, a ton to drink so a night of feeling blegh from the glic and up and down to test my wee.
Back to negative by 7am so I crashed out for the whole morning.
Been onto GPs and they have said to keep monitoring and get back in touch if I hit +2 or am unwell with a +1 and recorded it in my notes.
Also to keep a record of it for dsn appointment.

Feeling a headache coming on now (because my body just hates me).

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER hope you start to feel better soon
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
Guess mine aren’t so good, went from 2.9(and a juice box) at bedtime, woke up over 22.1, even with my nighttime dose of Lantus.
Guess mine aren’t so good, went from 2.9(and a juice box) at bedtime, woke up over 22.1, even with my nighttime dose of Lantus.
Welcome to the thread.
Sorry to hear you are on the BG rollercoaster! We all know how unpleasant and frustrating that is!
I wonder if your Lantus dose is correct? When was the last time you checked it via a basal test? I have to adjust my basal doses all the time as some days I am much more active than others. When my basal doses are wrong, nothing seems to work as it should and I seem to be chasing the dragon's tail and feel really frustrated, but when my basal doses are right, it makes my diabetes so much easier to manage and I wonder why I was ever struggling. It really makes a huge difference.
Welcome to the thread.
Sorry to hear you are on the BG rollercoaster! We all know how unpleasant and frustrating that is!
I wonder if your Lantus dose is correct? When was the last time you checked it via a basal test? I have to adjust my basal doses all the time as some days I am much more active than others. When my basal doses are wrong, nothing seems to work as it should and I seem to be chasing the dragon's tail and feel really frustrated, but when my basal doses are right, it makes my diabetes so much easier to manage and I wonder why I was ever struggling. It really makes a huge difference.
Hello! My usual Lantus doses now are 4 units upon waking and 8 units at night. Plus I start my day with 5 units Humalog even before I am out of bed And inject again when I have breakfast, I used to do 8 units Lantus just at night, but I had Covid recently that resulted in DKA and I’m using quite a bit more Humalog through the day to keep my numbers down Now, used to be 21 units Humalog in a day, now over 30, and still spike.
I’m a bit late but was 8.6 this morning. Slowly creeping towards normal but still a bit high, and my activity levels / cooking energy are still a bit low whilst recovering. Did have a GP appointment today as the headaches are back but worse and going to go back on amitryptaline for a couple of weeks to help until I the virus properly clears my system.
Good grief! I’m clinging on to my Libre version 1, no. 2 is just that. You must be REALLY fed-up with it @Kaylz.
Was a tough decision whether to like or laugh at your reply! :rofl: for me anyway they really are just that but I like that when they do work I can run it as a CGM, Bruce is getting just as fed up hearing that another has failed, said to him yesterday I have something to tell you but don't swear :rofl: xx
Was a tough decision whether to like or laugh at your reply! :rofl: for me anyway they really are just that but I like that when they do work I can run it as a CGM, Bruce is getting just as fed up hearing that another has failed, said to him yesterday I have something to tell you but don't swear :rofl: xx
Lol I hear you, my first sensor fell off n the second one failed. The third and fourth ( using now) kept giving me error messages and took several tries to get a reading
Lol I hear you, my first sensor fell off n the second one failed. The third and fourth ( using now) kept giving me error messages and took several tries to get a reading
I hope you don't experience the amount I've had, I'm on the 21st or 22nd faulty Libre 2 sensor now, I had 2 successful years on Libre 1 so I know it isn't user error, me and Bruce (my partner) are getting thoroughly p'd off with them! :rofl: xx
Hello! My usual Lantus doses now are 4 units upon waking and 8 units at night. Plus I start my day with 5 units Humalog even before I am out of bed And inject again when I have breakfast, I used to do 8 units Lantus just at night, but I had Covid recently that resulted in DKA and I’m using quite a bit more Humalog through the day to keep my numbers down Now, used to be 21 units Humalog in a day, now over 30, and still spike.
Does that not make you wonder if your Lantus doses are no longer enough if you are having to keep using extra Humalog to keep you in range?
My thoughts would be that Covid caused more of your beta cells to be killed off and as a result you are now struggling to cover liver output with your Lantus. The same happened with me after my first Covid jab and I kept trying to keep in range using my quick acting insulin for a week or two and then I would up my Levemir (basal) a bit which worked for a while but then I would start needing more quick acting again and have to increase the Levemir again. My basal needs nearly doubled in the space of 3 months and then stabilized.... although I had a day of multiple hypos when it eventually levelled off. Each time I increased the Levemir, I was able to go back to normal dosing with my quick acting insulin for a few days and then I would start needing corrections again. Once you get basal doses right, you shouldn't need extra bolus insulin or certainly not significant quantities unless you are eating extra carbs.
Not sure how long you have been diagnosed but this may tie in with your honeymoon period coming to an end.
02:31 BS 4.8 Oops! 😳 Just had a roast beef & ted onion chutney first & then 20NR😛 Just a BIT too much bolus, 24NR, just after 19:00 before going to bed the last time yesterday for a proper long sleep with no alarms for this, that & the other: everything is taken at different times to preserve roughly equal lengths between doses of pills, ear spray & tresiba; why lots of uneasy dozing between! But, my ears are definitely less swollen as the nozzle is going in easier & I kept, apart from that one hyper, BS to the 8’s still SOME time after eating, can’t pinpoint it, & I actually couldn’t eat as much as I thought for the NR I put in for my last meal of a sandwich when I only had instead 2 pots of Diratlea jumbo tubes dunkers: aww! I just fancied some the day before my tesco delivery when doing my last minute basket changes & can’t remember when I last had them; it’s still all easy stuffs I’m consuming, I’m afraid😳, with bread, cold cuts, ready meals, soups etc.

I’m actually up after my longest sleep 2 hours later than yesterday so, maybe my sister’s phone call that woke me just after 9am & took me until about noon ish before I could doze off again overall kept me up later anyway so, things ARE moving round with the body clock anyway! My day, put in that same light of first getting up after the longest sleep yesterday, started at 00:19 & was too conservative with the last bolus: the opposite 24 hours later with not enough food to bolus; I did consider downing some coke but, didn’t as I don’t like it in my mouth before bed! 🙄 Ah well! I’m not hypo so, not TOO bad, I suppose!🙄

An extremely early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- since both my ears are absolutely awash with fluid build up from the spray & the underwater feeling affecting my balance now, not just dulling my hearing, I very gently hold a cotton bud at the opening to soak up the liquid spray from earlier before putting in another spray & things FEEL so much better: less fluid & less underwater feeling; that’s how the body tells which way is up that’s integral to balance as there are tubes that fill with fluid inside the inner ears so, ear problems are often linked to balance problems too! 🙂
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.7 here seems very stable

Not much planned for today. A long walk maybe. Yesterday I managed 173 minutes. I was pleased with that especially as I just felt like not bothering!!!

Wife has asked me to cook some more chocolate brownies, so I had better get to it. They are really good.

Cooked cauliflower (and sprouts) cheese yesterday in the Ninja Foodi as an experiment. 1 minute pressure cook in beef stock and 2 minutes air fry with grated cheese added to the top (stock drained before air fry). Absolutely delicious. May do it again today with added chicken. Wife was really happy with it. Total cooking time 12 minutes. Mind you the prep time was about 15 minutes.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to
21.4... Eeeek.
I had to test twice this morning just to be sure the other reading was just as high.. I have to just ride it out a little longer. The pain in my kidneys has dropped to a dull roar..... still have the awful cold sweats though hellhound has a appt with the dogter (vets) at half one so I'm going to doze and drink copious amounts of liquids so I can rehydrate this dessicated old husk I call my body at present.
My carer {selena} is actually such a sweet lass as she left last night she asked me if it was OK to laugh when I verbal tic and when I do something daft like hide the TV remote in the fridge shes really trying to fit in with my OCD routines too she's also just stood there and laughed at me when I was being all tetchy and horrible yesterday she's still not allowed near my music room though that's a complete safe space for me....
Have a great day all
Peace and love
Morning all.
6.3 this morning. Brisk walk to the office in a bit and then working through until 8pm. Doesn’t happen too often that I work until 8pm but when I do it can seriously impact my ability to make sensible food choices after work.
That said tomorrow is the start of Passover so I’m planning on basically fasting until dinner with the parents as it’s likely to be a little heavier on the carbs than I’d freely choose to eat so it compensates a bit if I’m light beforehand.