Group 7-day waking average?

@eggyg, what an *interesting* experience. I had something similar once after a visit to the physio. She had commented on how lumpy my buttocks were and had done some sonar treatment. In conversation on DSF it transpired that insulin can sometimes pool and remain for up to several years, before something like exercise/massage or other activity releases it. Ask @trophywench about this as she had a very nasty experience when she was actually in the Diabetes clinic.

6.3 today, so quite happy with that, even out for a slow gentle jog with a friend who has just started running again after a break, although slow it was nice to have a catch up and a beautiful sunny morning. now to make a cake for Sunday as the only tradition we have is an Easter egg hunt for the grandkids.

@Robin - pleased to hear that you are ok following your fall.

@eggyg - sounds like an eventful night for you

@ColinUK - sorry to hear mum and dad both have COVID and your plans are now cancelled.

7.0 today

Went to order Lifts yesterday, gone up £3.60 for a pack of 6 tubs since the end of January, also went to order Feliway and the place I ordered from last time was charging over £10 more than what I paid a couple of months ago so need to look for a cheaper seller

Hope all those that are sore and feeling unwell feel better soon xx
another day another tree trunk ....
took a walk to the park just before dawn got some great shots it really feels great to be using my camera again ...
then we spent a hour watching a documentary about wolves (as you can see she was more into than me I tried to watch the news and I got told off)....
the hellhound decided to go back to sleep ..... I wish it was that easy for me to sleep id be passed out on sofa next to her .
Am I the only one that hates chocolate ? its so cloying and claggy feels like your eating concrete mixed with superglue bleurgh its gross ..... plus I'm still trying to figure out how Easter works... I mean a bunny and rather large chocolate eggs how do they actually add up the mind boggles at how the bunny makes them ....( rather have a cheese sandwich thanks)
I'm missing coffee so very much at the minute 2 more days and ill be going for a swim in a bath of coffee I need to reup my caffeine levels asap...
right I'm off to marinate the lamb and prep some veg
me and the hound are doing lunch together today .....
much love


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It was 7.8 this morning ended up not working today due to there still being something wrong with me and a caring manger telling me to go home.(does mean I lost a fair bit of money though)
@eggyg, what an *interesting* experience. I had something similar once after a visit to the physio. She had commented on how lumpy my buttocks were and had done some sonar treatment. In conversation on DSF it transpired that insulin can sometimes pool and remain for up to several years, before something like exercise/massage or other activity releases it. Ask @trophywench about this as she had a very nasty experience when she was actually in the Diabetes clinic.
Hmmm… interesting. I often worry about my basal which I inject in my tummy, as I have lots of internal scaring due to two major abdominal ops, and often wonder if it’s going in. It’s a strange one and I’ve been struggling for over a week now to keep my late afternoon/evening numbers up but last night was definitely the worst so far. This week I haven’t had any alcohol ( TBF I can’t remember the last time I had a drink) haven’t done any strenuous walking or exercise, I’m pretty good at carb counting and have changed my bolus ratios and reduced my morning basal. I’m at a loss. Hopefully last night was a one off as I hate eating late at night, especially sweet stuff, it turns my stomach.
Morning all.
The usual rubbish in the 23s and fluctuating ketones again.

Been up half the night after waking up and testing both wee and bloods and getting more to drink was awake by that point. Had a quick doze this morning but sleepy again already.

Hugs to all those that feel a bit rubbish <3
@eggyg, what an *interesting* experience. I had something similar once after a visit to the physio. She had commented on how lumpy my buttocks were and had done some sonar treatment. In conversation on DSF it transpired that insulin can sometimes pool and remain for up to several years, before something like exercise/massage or other activity releases it. Ask @trophywench about this as she had a very nasty experience when she was actually in the Diabetes clinic.
I seem to vaguely remember that the "trapped" basal and later release is more often associated with Lantus due the the crystalline nature of it or something.... but I could be wrong and I am sure you have more knowledge than me on that with running DSF.
Hmmm… interesting. I often worry about my basal which I inject in my tummy, as I have lots of internal scaring due to two major abdominal ops, and often wonder if it’s going in. It’s a strange one and I’ve been struggling for over a week now to keep my late afternoon/evening numbers up but last night was definitely the worst so far. This week I haven’t had any alcohol ( TBF I can’t remember the last time I had a drink) haven’t done any strenuous walking or exercise, I’m pretty good at carb counting and have changed my bolus ratios and reduced my morning basal. I’m at a loss. Hopefully last night was a one off as I hate eating late at night, especially sweet stuff, it turns my stomach.
It was quite warm and sticky yesterday (at least it was here) so that may have had an impact but really odd that it hit you so suddenly at bedtime.
Elaine, I am concerned that you made 2 trips downstairs when your levels were low and dropping uncharacteristically fast, as that seems a bit risky.
When I go to bed, my bag with everything in it goes with me. Insulin pens, test kit, hypo treatments, phone and of course Libre are all in it, although insulin pens and Libre go under my pillow for easy access (I inject when the alarm goes off in the morning before I sit up or get out of bed, so having insulin pens in bed with me makes that easier) and hypo treatments are on bedside table plus water bottle. I also have USB charging ports beside the bed to recharge phone and Libre if needed..... and I am currently sleeping downstairs so don't need to consider the stairs.
I should add that I am the least organized person I know.... but I try to minimize the risks when it comes to my diabetes.
It was quite warm and sticky yesterday (at least it was here) so that may have had an impact but really odd that it hit you so suddenly at bedtime.
Elaine, I am concerned that you made 2 trips downstairs when your levels were low and dropping uncharacteristically fast, as that seems a bit risky.
When I go to bed, my bag with everything in it goes with me. Insulin pens, test kit, hypo treatments, phone and of course Libre are all in it, although insulin pens and Libre go under my pillow for easy access (I inject when the alarm goes off in the morning before I sit up or get out of bed, so having insulin pens in bed with me makes that easier) and hypo treatments are on bedside table plus water bottle. I also have USB charging ports beside the bed to recharge phone and Libre if needed..... and I am currently sleeping downstairs so don't need to consider the stairs.
I have my hypo treatments and Libre on my bedside table but nothing else. I was absolutely sure I wasn’t hypo and in hindsight maybe it was silly. TBF I was half asleep and thought the alarm was my phone which I unplugged and was trying to answer, all the while the bloody Libre alarm blaring away. I didn’t know what the heck was going on! I always mean to have my metre upstairs as well but I keep forgetting. Complacency sets in when hypos aren’t a regular occurrence I’m afraid. Lesson learnt. I hope.
Oh and @rebrascora it was muggy here too and I was having quite a few flushes. In fact I stood in the garden just before I went to bed but couldn’t get cool at all. Same here today, no sun but 17/18 degrees. All things to consider. I can’t believe in one hour I went from 7.2 to 3.4, shouldn’t have been any insulin on board at all. I’ll reduce my basal at lunch and tea again, although it’s fish cakes tonight which are very carby, sweet chilli sauce and noodles! Enough carbs to feed the forum! Feast or famine me!
Oh and @rebrascora it was muggy here too and I was having quite a few flushes. In fact I stood in the garden just before I went to bed but couldn’t get cool at all. Same here today, no sun but 17/18 degrees. All things to consider. I can’t believe in one hour I went from 7.2 to 3.4, shouldn’t have been any insulin on board at all. I’ll reduce my basal at lunch and tea again, although it’s fish cakes tonight which are very carby, sweet chilli sauce and noodles! Enough carbs to feed the forum! Feast or famine me!
I think that was partly why I didn't feel well last night. I think the combination of uncomfortable climatic conditions and perhaps hormones, as I had been trying to wean myself off HRT the last few weeks but then caved in and stuck a new patch on a couple of days ago and that may have combined to upset my system. Thankfully my BG behaved impeccably last night much to my surprise although I have been progressively reducing my Levemir doses recently, so perhaps that helped, but I felt rough in other ways.
Good afternoon guys. 6'2 this morning.

Nice and easy breakfast at work today. There was an old couple with a kid, the lady was from Spain and his husband a Spanish teacher from Wales. I must say, he has obviously picked her accent! I spoke a bit with them yesterday and this morning, they seem lovely people, when they left they called me by my name to say bye and thanks (hasta luego, gracias!) . Those are the customers who put a smile in your face 🙂

Happy Holy season for those who celebrate. In my home city there are processions all week and even for not religious people, is a special celebration. Loads of people in the streets, and this year is special as last two times had to be cancelled for obvious viral reasons. Here are some pics that my family sent today:


When my parents came last week, I asked them not to bring me sweet stuff. Now I'm regretting not asking for just one of the traditional thing we eat in Easter Monday. Well, as you have mentioned them today, I may get one of the smaller chocolate eggs. You know, when in Rome...😉
Here to have a rant, had stuff due from Amazon today to be delivered to Bruce's, there's a note on his front door saying if there isn't anyone in to leave it behind the porch door, Bruce was sitting watching telly, no knock at the door, no instead the delivery driver just walks in his front door!
It was a 5.8 this morning. I hope everyone who is feeling rubbish today feels better soon.
Ugh, so annoying, my libre sensor has worked its way loose (literally hanging on by a thread!) and reading in the 3s all the time :/

I was going to put a new one on tonight anyway as it expires on Sunday but may have to use finger pricks until then, think it’s probably better to do that instead of having a dodgy sensor!
I'm broken today it seems. Was reading "Hi" at lunchtime (and double checked/tested with a hand wash). More gliclazide seemed to hit the reboot on my body and sitting at 24 ish now. Bad day when you are actually happy to see 24 on the meter and feeling blegh from glic 🙄.
Hopefully that burst will settle ketones too 😉.
Really feels like I'm hanging on by my fingernails before this appointment. I'm sure being stressed isn't helping everything either.
10 days to go.
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