Group 7-day waking average?

Wups, forgot to hit post this morning.

Was 21 something on waking
Had a quiet day with a massive nap this afternoon :D

I've dug out a logbook to record the required bg readings which I need to start tomorrow for this appointment. (means I don't mixup any other ones I may do just reading them from my app)

Hope you all have had a wonderful day x
15.8 after dinner on a hospital meter
I've not had the best day since we last spoke took the hound for some afternoon sun whilst I was walking in a wooded area close to where i live i heard shouting and a girl shrieking in what can only be described as sheer terror. so i went to see and there were two young men who were clearly assaulting this poor lass so i did what any kind and decent human would do and stepped in to stop it, now I'm not a small man I'm 6ft3 weigh 14 stone and I can look after myself but i didn't see there was a third guy in the bushes and he jumped me as i was pulling the lads off the this poor lass he hit me in the back of the head and as i hit the floor he stomped on the back of my head breaking my cheek my nose and smashing two teeth out in the process they run off and i then have to phone the police and a ambulance so off i pop to a and e x-rays CT scan and check up to make sure i wasn't concussed I'm not that's the good news the bad news is my cheek bone has been pushed into my skull just on the orbital socket by 2mm so i now have to go to a oral maxillo surgeon on Tuesday and i need a plate putting in my cheek to reset it ive lost two teeth and my nose is a scraped broken mess im ok if the bone had gone further it could of been a lot worse it hurts but im alive im not sure how the girl is the police wouldn't say
so yeah a very stressful Saturday im being kept in till tomorrow just for observation i miss my pup she's safe though the police took her home for me and my neighbours has her till i get sprung from the sick bin {i so don't want to be here} I'm now reliving the whole dammed incident wondering if i should of gotten involved but knowing i just couldn't of walked on by because i believe in kindness and compassion and it was the right thing to do
wont be getting any sleep tonight i dont think its noisy and beepy and full of footsteps and voices but hey ho onwards and upwards folks
if your not too squeamish ive attached a pic of my eye its still swelling as i type this
keep smiling


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15.8 after dinner on a hospital meter
I've not had the best day since we last spoke took the hound for some afternoon sun whilst I was walking in a wooded area close to where i live i heard shouting and a girl shrieking in what can only be described as sheer terror. so i went to see and there were two young men who were clearly assaulting this poor lass so i did what any kind and decent human would do and stepped in to stop it, now I'm not a small man I'm 6ft3 weigh 14 stone and I can look after myself but i didn't see there was a third guy in the bushes and he jumped me as i was pulling the lads off the this poor lass he hit me in the back of the head and as i hit the floor he stomped on the back of my head breaking my cheek my nose and smashing two teeth out in the process they run off and i then have to phone the police and a ambulance so off i pop to a and e x-rays CT scan and check up to make sure i wasn't concussed I'm not that's the good news the bad news is my cheek bone has been pushed into my skull just on the orbital socket by 2mm so i now have to go to a oral maxillo surgeon on Tuesday and i need a plate putting in my cheek to reset it ive lost two teeth and my nose is a scraped broken mess im ok if the bone had gone further it could of been a lot worse it hurts but im alive im not sure how the girl is the police wouldn't say
so yeah a very stressful Saturday im being kept in till tomorrow just for observation i miss my pup she's safe though the police took her home for me and my neighbours has her till i get sprung from the sick bin {i so don't want to be here} I'm now reliving the whole dammed incident wondering if i should of gotten involved but knowing i just couldn't of walked on by because i believe in kindness and compassion and it was the right thing to do
wont be getting any sleep tonight i dont think its noisy and beepy and full of footsteps and voices but hey ho onwards and upwards folks
if your not too squeamish ive attached a pic of my eye its still swelling as i type this
keep smiling
That's terrible Griff. There are truly disgusting people out there. I think you did the right thing in helping the girl and hope she is okay (as much as she can be after this), but I'm sorry it ended so badly for you. Hope you can go home with your hellhound soon xx
So sorry to hear what has happened to you Griff. There are some real scum out there and you were brave enough to step in to help someone in need. Wishing a speedy recovery.
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER well done for helping the girl, so sorry you got hurt in the process! There are some awful people out there, you are really brave. I hope you get sorted out and get home soon to your pup. Fingers crossed they catch the people who did this.
Oh Griff! All I can say is.... You are a total hero and I really hope you recover quickly. Your injuries look horrendous and losing two teeth as well (I am cringing just thinking about it)..... and just when you were recovering from your kidney infection and your levels were coming down a bit. Can't believe your BG isn't back up into the 20s or 30s after all that trauma! Gosh, you could have been killed!
Really hope the Police are able to track those scum bags down and get them put away for a long time. Hope the girl is OK too.
Just shocking!
thanks for all the well wishes gang
it was in the 25`s for a bit @rebrascora but they got it down with some extra humulin and im still on fluids now ill survive and im not a hero though im glad i was in the right place at the right time mostly keep thinking about that poor young girl and how much worse it could of been for her.
Griff, I can't see any clearer circumstances which would define a hero.... You went to a strangers aid when she was clearly under attack. You took on what you believed to be 2 guys, so the odds were already stacked against you, but you still tried to protect her. I can't see how you cannot consider that gallant and heroic, because it absolutely is!

Pleased they are managing your BG levels for you with extra insulin. It did seem odd that they weren't significantly raised, especially after @Robin's incident yesterday where her levels spiked after her heroic efforts to save a spider! Not quite in the same league somehow. Funny how there is always someone on this forum to trump your achievements be it Wordle, Heardle or heroic deeds. 😉 Take care big guy and hope you are able to get home soon. So pleased the neighbours were able to look after your dear companion in the mean time.
awwwh Griff. Where do I start.
I would like to (naively) think that all humans would step up and step in to defend another human but the reality is the world is full of selfish people who wouldn't get involved to help a young lassie out.
On that basis, you good sir are a top human.
You saved that girl in the moment showed her that while there are people out there who are horrible, there are also people willing to risk it all to save a stranger. A much stronger foundation for her to recover and heal from what happened to her today. What you did could well change her life drastically from how it could have gone if you didn't. It's so much bigger than today.

I'm sorry you got hurt in the process and I think everyone here would love to wave a magic wand to make it all better for you.
I hope they are giving you a decent lot of pain control and hoping beyond hope its a straightforward fix and recovery time is minimal.
We are all here to support you in whatever capacity we can with whatever you need.
Many hugs to you buddy. If hugs are too much for your tough exterior, just accept them for hellhound instead 😉
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER sorry, so sorry to hear this. People can be absolutely rotten. Hope you recover quickly.

BG 5.1 this morning

I am getting so fed up with peoples anti social, prejudiced, quick tempered, angry, nasty behaviour. Why can't people be nice and live peacefully and harmoniously? And I am getting so fed up with our so called leadership too. Immoral, uncaring, lying, cheating, you name it. What a rotten example to set

Had a bad day with my wife yesterday, so I am feeling rotten today, fed up, tired. None too positive right now (really? It doesn't show). I feel so alone and so stressed and so abandond and, er, yes, so fed up.

And to top it all about 200 years ago a bunch of vicious politically motivated thugs hung a good man to a tree to die. I find it odd with the contrast of enjoying chocolate eggs and celebrating.

Man, I must be a bit unhappy with things this morning. Sorry.
05:59 BS 7.6 🙂 but, about to go to bed & not waking! But, it IS what I woke on about 12 hours earlier 17:29 BS 7.6🙄🙂 I’ve been sleeping twice about 10 to 12 hours apart these last few days of the double whammy on sleepiness effect of cycle & ear infection!o_O But, I’m pretty sure cycle is now over & with the slightly higher 7’s, as opposed to the 5’s & 6’s, waking BS I put Tresiba back up a bit to 86 yesterday!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’ve been keeping an eye out, for quite a while now with delay after delay, the 2nd Agatha Christie Poirot film by Kenneth Branagh Death on The Nile & decided to check if it’s available on iTunes yet? It was just released on 29/03/22 which was incredibly fast as it was released in the cinema’s on 11/02/22 after yet another delay, so many film & tv productions were delayed by covid, & bought it to watch last night after eating a VERY naughty curry from my local Chinese takeaway after getting up as I couldn’t be bothered to cook breakfast! 😳:D😛:rofl:😉 Hey! It’s Easter & I don’t have any Easter eggs! A Whistling Nonchalantly emoji!:rofl:

I DID HATE Branagh’s Poirot to begin with in the first film Murder on The Orient Express but, slowly, through watching it quite a few times now, gloss is over that & the rest of the cast were actually brilliant & in no other film or tv production was the sheer human tragedy expressed as well: won’t say anymore in case you haven’t seen it or read it; I HIGHLY recommend it as one of Agatha Christie’s best! 😛

So, was looking forward to seeing the new film! Thank goodness all that silly affectation’s of Poirot portrayed in the first film weren’t there & another excellent cast made a film I enjoyed a lot but, has mixed reviews! There were quite a few plot changes that made us who know the plot either wince or just go with it: I did & allowed myself to BE surprised; the most surprising of which is the MUCH younger Monsieur Bouc of the last film being in it with his mother! That mother & son pair replaced some other characters which was particularly touching in one scene near the end! 😱

I heard on the grapevine of google that Branagh is talking to the Christie estate to do a third to be set in Venice Italy of one of her lesser known works! I’m scratching my head to think of which one it’ll be? :confused:
Oops! 😳 I forgot to say A Very Happy Easter to all of you!:D😉

PS:- in case any of you are wondering I bolused twice 3 hours apart for my curry last night of 60NR each: was guessing a bit with the ear infection complicating things; was pretty startled with BS 16.0 but, very pleased with BS 7.6 exactly where I started at earlier! A bit later than planned but, just finished watching the new film twice! :D
@GRIFFINLONEWALKER the definition in my opinion of a great man is what you did yesterday. I want to think that if that were my daughter in trouble someone as brave as you would help her, thank you, thank you, thank you for helping that young lady. I’m so sorry that you have suffered such injuries and hope that you will recover swiftly with no severe after effects. Be proud of yourself as we all are xxxx
7.6 today and family coming for Easter dinner. Have a lovely day all x
Aww shucks you guys.youre all so kind and lovely
Not slept much its so noisy and im a super light sleeper at the best of times and laying on a plastic covered mattress is my idea of sweaty hell.. I'm on oramorph for the pain so yes on some decent pain relief at least been totally fussed over by the lovely nurses and doctors and I have the police coming back in at some point today to take a statement I'm hoping to get out of here at some point over the course of the day but we all know how that goes.its very much a hurry up and wait kind of situation missed the pup waking me up this morning were not often apart from each other so it's a little odd. My life as a medic in the army taught me to never run away from the danger but to run towards it so I guess It was more muscle memory than anything else plus I have sisters and I'm. From a genration that was taught to treat the fairer sex with respect and honour so there's that too.
Not sure what to do with myself at the moment I may go traipse the hallways a little and try get my steps in for the day
Stay safe stay kind
And keep smiling folks