Group 7-day waking average?

Good early morning everyone. Been up since 4am. BG 5.1 TBT again sigh

well, I did make some rhubarb crumble yesterday. Twas easier than I expected thankfully. However, I took your suggestions of adding strawberries to the rhubarb and walnuts to the crumble.

Problems? Seemed difficult to get the rhubarb sticks up to temperature and I kinda boiled them rather than simmered them.

The result? See for yourself. Picture hopefully attached and it tasted stunningly good. My wife loved it too.

Not worked out the nutrition values for it yet. I will do that shortly.

Today it's rhubarb jelly. Hmmm. And a walk if it is not too cold. I notice that it is wet and windy right now, and dark.

Have a great day everybody whatever you get up to

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Still looks delicious!

I tend to roast the rhubarb in quite a dry tin before adding the crumble top.
Like the addition of walnuts!
Morning all!

6.6 just now which I’ll take after the pizza and ice cream last night.

Knee is easier but more exceptionally stiff than painful.

Apart from meeting up with @Grannylorraine yesterday what sums up my whole experience is this photo:


At about mile 11 this chap was sitting on the kerb so I asked if he was ok. He asked if he could run with me and of course I said yes.
We did the remainder together just talking crap and laughing and him telling me about his 11 year old boy who’s recently been diagnosed with Tourette’s. We did it with a mix of walking and running and ended with a sprint together across the finish line whilst laughing.

The whole experience was so friendly and supportive it was such a boost to a sense of well-being it was remarkable. I wholeheartedly recommend doing it next year!

Just after the finish line my knee went haywire and I could barely stand let alone walk and strangers were stopping to ask if I was ok. Some runners even gave me their shoulder to lean on as they supported me to the steps down from Whitehall and into St James’ Park.

Ooh and the cab home comped the fare as he had run the half a couple of years back and was T2!

I’d do it again.
Good morning - I’ve been very proud of my liver this last couple of days. Readings have been steady, within a fair range and only going up 1 after food so I felt I was getting somewhere.

Yesterday I had more bread than I’ve been used to in very recent weeks and reading shot up again although not as bad as the norm 2 weeks ago so I now know bread is a culprit if I have more than 1 slice. Need to think about alternatives to carrying a sandwich around the golf course when I have a lunch time tee time. Any suggestions on what would be easy to carry and eat on the move appreciated,

Back to ok reading this morning at 7.4 but I’ve been getting around 6 to 6.5 so dropping carb intake more than normal today to try and bring average back down.

On a positive note the spikes aren’t as high as they were.

Happy Monday.
Morning all, 7.5 here, must be the cheesecake I had for pud last night. Am in the wet and windy North West for a funeral. (OH's 100yr old uncle. We can’t be sad that he finally wore out, he lived independently up to the last few weeks, and apparently just stopped talking in the middle of a sentence. We all hope to go like that). The weather looks horrible, I can’t help thinking of my mother's saying 'Someone always catches their death of cold at the graveside…'
Just sneaking into single figures with a 9.9 today. Still full of Covid and more time off work but the fbg suggests I might be recovering
5.7 for me this morning. 🙂

@ColinUK I knew there would be some funny or uplifting stories to tell. Thanks for reminding me that people are fundamentally good. With all the bad news in the world, it really helps to hear the small everyday heartwarming little stories.
My knee must have come out in sympathy with yours because I can't think what I could have done to it to be cranky today.

Disappointing 8.0 for me this morning and that was after an increase in evening Levemir, 2 rum and diet cokes and a 1.5 unit correction at 2.30am when I woke up on 9.2. The reason....I got a bit stressed yesterday with irresponsible dog owners whose dogs strayed into my garden and would have been killing my chickens if they weren't locked up due to bird flu.... As it was, they were just stressing them half to death and the owners were chasing round my garden unable to catch them. 2 separate incidents in one day involving 3 dogs. It is lambing season and my neighbour has lambs in the adjacent field so these dogs should be on a lead but of course these people think their dogs can do no wrong. Getting to the stage that I hate Sundays when the weather is fine because the townies come out to the countryside and cause aggravation.

Well, I injected another 2 correction units before I got out of bed nearly 2 hours ago along with my Levemir and levels going up instead of coming down! Arrgh! Tempted to stack another correction.
Need to go shopping today as I am out of dairy .... no breakfast this morning because I used the last of my yoghurt yesterday, no milk and just enough cream to make my coffee not black.... but there is clearly plenty of glucose in my system to provide energy, so I won't starve!

Struggling to say something positive today.... all I can come up with is that I got Wordle in 3.... even if Wordle is "old hat"

Feeling like a right old grouch!! Definitely feel like I am in the smelly armpit of the week this morning. Need to get out for a long walk/hobble to blow the cobwebs and some glucose.
Ooh a 5.7 this morning and after an awful, sleepless night - go figure!
Anyway, off shopping in a few minutes with the daughter - hope this rain stops soon though - I hear the dang white stuff could put in another appearance at the end of the week...... hmmm!
Have a great day 🙂
Lol the great crumble debate rumbles on
Its tipping it down so the walk with the hellhound was cut short(her choice not mine)anxiety is pretty high I hate the oncologists appointments so much and I have to be touched by a complete stranger and that's never a good time for me or anyone else involved I've been know to bite...... my dentist is terrified of me when I visit her. Still though I feel a little more prepared I have my list of questions and I've told each of my appointments before hand that I'm struggling with the anxiety troll at the minute so I'm hoping that will stand me in good stead.Need more coffee I think at this rate I'll be finding a vein and setting up a I.V drip for a long slow feed of the good stuff I get super sleepy when I'm stressed out
Lol the great crumble debate rumbles on
Its tipping it down so the walk with the hellhound was cut short(her choice not mine)anxiety is pretty high I hate the oncologists appointments so much and I have to be touched by a complete stranger and that's never a good time for me or anyone else involved I've been know to bite...... my dentist is terrified of me when I visit her. Still though I feel a little more prepared I have my list of questions and I've told each of my appointments before hand that I'm struggling with the anxiety troll at the minute so I'm hoping that will stand me in good stead.Need more coffee I think at this rate I'll be finding a vein and setting up a I.V drip for a long slow feed of the good stuff I get super sleepy when I'm stressed out
I agree with you on the crumble front. It is really hard to beat apple and blackberry.... particularly wild brambles as the cultivated ones never have quite the right flavour.
Good luck with your appointments. I really do sympathize as they stress me badly. Never been known to bite but maybe I should try that! Perhaps if doctors and dentists were a bit more anxious about seeing their patients, they would have more empathy in the way they approached them.... That said, it would probably make it even more difficult to get face to face appointments than it is already. 🙄
Good morning - 4.5
I’m calling emergency psych services.

I’ve just signed up for another half marathon.
WELL! 😱 When will I ever learn?🙄:( I spoke too soon! When night came around yesterday my ears started hurting me & it was quite sharp nerve pain at times, maybe triggered my neuropathy, & I started to feel the tenderness under my chin that’s been there on the outside on the inside & had a bit of difficulty swallowing on the inside!

Didn’t get much sleep as my ears were hurting me, both of them, but, only the right hand side of my neck under the chin! I had set my alarm for 08:27 to give me a few minutes to wake up for the phone queue at 08:30 BUT, it was 09:18 when I woke! I quickly grabbed the landline I’d removed from its cradle in the hall last night to call the health centre knowing that the iPhone must have died in the night with no alarm this morning! It was indeed the case as I KNEW all appointments were gone upon hearing I’m no. 13 in the queue & be on there for AGES so, plugged the iPhone into to charge! It took over 30 minutes to get through & just got off the phone at 09:59 so, even the doctors aren’t in reception anymore as appointments started at 09:30. But, note will be left for GP to write me some antibiotics which I can get this afternoon!

Aww! THAT phone music was hurting both my ears as I’d never noticed that the high pitched tones before could do so! I had to hold the phone away but, could hardly hear it so, alternated with my right ear for shorter times as it hurt more on that side! I mentioned it to them!

I’m posting straight after & haven’t even taken my reading yet but, my BS started rising last night & had to correct a couple of times through the night so, I suspect I need to up the basal AGAIN! A live pause to see where it’s at now?………10:19 BS 7.3

Will try & get some sleep or rest now & will ring the chemist around 3pm. Scripts are done by the GP’s from 2pm after lunch but, calling the chemist too soon after that can mean missing it if the GP’s are sometimes late in writing them! 3pm will be time enough & hopefully I can it delivered to me by today: if not it’ll be tomorrow?

Regardless! I’m upping tresiba to 92 at lunchtime today: will reduce by -4 or -6 once I start the antibiotics tomorrow!

A Very Good Morning to you all, JUST about remembered to 😳, & have a Wonderful Day! And it’s a bit of a Mona Lisa 😉 admittedly IF there is such a thing!:rofl: Oh! I didn’t think I could feel funny but, THAT struck me as funny: a Mona Lisa wink; have you EVER heard of such a thing!:rofl: So, now not SO Mona Lisa after all! A proper😉 now!
I’m well late today and I don’t have a waking number for you as I haven’t been to bed! Well, I did but just for an hour last night. Only been home since 9.30am after spending 9 hours in A&E! Not me for a change, Mr Eggy. His poorly ticker went all “ wafty”, think that’s the technical term for it, last night. It was wobbling big style, racing, then missing beats, and his BP was sky high. Then he started shaking from head to foot. I drove him straight to the hospital. Every traffic light, barring one, was on green and I got there at midnight in just 10 minutes ( it’s 20 at least through the day) without hardly breaking the speed limit. It’s not my record, I’ve done it in six minutes once when I thought he was gonna pop his clogs! Not big and certainly not clever! Anyways, he was triaged straight away, bloods taken and an ECG performed. Then back to the waiting room until 7am this morning! It was so busy, loads of emergencies coming in. Mr Eggy’s heart started behaving itself after a couple of hours and he felt quite calm so we waited. At 7 they wanted more bloods as they like to take them again after six hours, to compare. The first one didn’t show high troponin levels which is good, no damage to the heart but they wanted to cross their Ts and dot their Is. At 9am they told us everything was normal, they don’t know why it happened so bad last night, he has an irregular heart beat which is a known factor but copes with it. Last night he was scared, I could see it in his eyes, he is normally so matter of fact and calm. I’ve never been so relieved in my life, I really thought it was HA number 7. He’s in bed now whilst I chill on the sofa, I won’t sleep and I don’t want to disturb him. And relax! 🙂

My three gratefuls today are:
1. Mr Eggy lives to annoy me another day.
2. Thank goodness for the NHS.
3. We can still go on our holiday later this month, AND it won’t be me having to drive the single track roads in the Scottish Highlands!

Have a fab day. What’s left of it! 🙂
@eggyg hopefully you both have an easier day today

9.8 this morning, but that will be all the carbs and chocolate I ate yesterday evening. Bit achy today and wished I had booked today off of work. I'll post some of my official photos once I have downloaded them.

@eggyg - hope Mr eggy is ok and you both get some rest today.