Group 7-day waking average?

Oh yes! I decided that I’M Lanny & the little monster is THE Orchid lady: what my name means; only my mum called me that, when in trouble along with my surname too if in BIG trouble, after I came up with my own nickname at the age of 12 :rofl:
It was 8.8 this morning. still ill ive been ill a bit this morning
@eggyg OMG what a terrible night for you both but so pleased to hear he is ok. You must be exhausted and hope you can get some rest.
@ColinUK well done for signing up again, sounds like it was hard but fun.

Well a little rant from me - I rang Staysure to sort out our travel insurance and they wouldn’t insure me as I’m awaiting my op, despite the fact that it doesn’t affect my actual health in any way, shape or form. The most annoying, argumentative, downright rude person I’ve ever had the displeasure of talking to on the phone. I asked to speak to the underwriters or at least someone clinical and she told me she was clinical. I couldn’t bite my tongue and said what is a nurse, specialist or doctor doing working in a call centre? Anyway I rang AllClear who didn’t hesitate to insure me. Rant over lol!! I just don’t have the patience for idiots anymore!!
No antibiotics so, I’ll get up around 9am tomorrow as I’ve told the chemist to deliver my test strips & NR, that is there from my usual weekly weekend repeat, along with the antibiotics when they come through: went through a lot, about a box, this week; typically JUST when I’d updated my new lower doses a couple of weeks ago? I ordered a box last week but, didn’t get them after a gap of about 3 weeks before that as I used up the surplus created by the reduction in doses! I won’t be SO quick on updating next time as it’s not easy to build up a nice cushion as they only ever give me 1 box per prescription: I order every weekend to get a cushion THAT way; I need that cushion too as I can get, & have been, struck down with illness at any time when a box can go just like that!

Just about guessed bolus right, I think, as just now 17:09 BS 9.0 & try for some more sleep! I feel foggy & fuzzy today!
Just caught up on the day's posts.
@ColinUK , well done on signing up to another. What a lovely way to finish on Sunday, with so many supportive people around.
@eggyg, that must have been so scary! I'm really glad Mr Eggy is ok and hope you've both got some sleep.
Good morning people, 6'2 today. I'm getting ready for work and trying the Beanies coffee in the caramel popcorn flavour, may sound weird but is my favourite of them so far.

Yesterday I made some food for the next days. I intend to try cauliflower rice today, after seeing it so often in the forum. Don't think I would make it often, grating cauliflower is a bit of a pain, I did it yesterday to save some time today and gave up halfway. So I have a mix of cauliflower rice and chunks lol. How do you usually season the rice?

A girl who basically said she didn't want to be friends anymore and blocked me like, 4 months ago, texted me out of the blue asking how I was doing. Weird, but nice of her, I supposed. Then she asked if I wanted sex. In the past we had many awkward conversations where she thought I was flirting, she reminded me she is only into men, I said I knew and I wasn't trying the point it was just uncomfortable talking with her because I knew she would misunderstand something and didn't want to offend her. After all that, this text was unexpected and honestly, a bit annoying.
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Morning all, 7.5 today. Must dash. Have a good day x
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 this morning. It's amazing how much BS varies and constantly is adjusted by the body. It's amazing just how many other body systems adjust themselves to keep things in some sort of balance. Incredible

Made some rhubarb and strawberry and mandarin jelly yesterday. It's quite alright. Not my favourite .... yet... but it is good.

I am fascinated by the new smart meter display. It IS helpful by letting me see where the energy waste is and enabling me to cut that out/down.

Being new to smart meters perhaps one of you could answer this simple question. I am an Octopus customer and have one of their latest mark 2 gas smart meters. It has a 'useage now' page but that only shows electricity useage. Does anyone know it there should be (or is) a display or page to show gas 'useage now'. It shows use so far today, etc but not useage now. Octopus have so far not replied to my question regarding this. A bit disappointed by their none response. Ahh well...

Today...nothing to do. Hopefully shopping.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning 7.8 today
have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all
Sorry I was so absent yesterday. After seeing the oncologist and the head shrinker all in one day and keeping the stupid old clown surpressed I was exhausted from it all I made both appointments (yay me) news from the oncologists wasnt good but I broke the tension by calling my very seikh and very Indian doctor ginger balls and asked him to buy me a vowel like ten times shrinks appt terrified me and the clown was in full swing by the time I saw her I kept having mini panic attacks every time she wrote something down and expecting to be carted off again. Panic has a funny way of making your Brain feel like its in great danger and remembering all the bad things that have happened.!
One more medical appt to get to this morning and then I'm free till Friday.
B. S this morning is 13.4 its trending down so its a good thing!
My gratitudez Today are
Eric Claptons music
Fresh fruit salad
And my pups endless energy for all things squirrel related the lunatic!!
Have a great day you lovely lot!!
I had a 5.3 this morning, which was a surprise as I forgot to take yesterday morning's 500mg Metformin tablet. I seem to be forgetting to take it quite often these days. (I am not sure I took it the day before.)

I have noticed that if I don't take it my heart rate is lower.
Good morning. 6.4 and the new sensor seems to have finally settled. Is it only Tuesday? I feel like i've done a week already. Roll on Friday.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 8.1 here. Good thing I hadn’t lowered my basal!

Sounds like your pup’d get on well with my two @GRIFFINLONEWALKER - they’re nuts (groan) about squirrels. They can’t remember to keep their muddy paws off the lounge carpet, but they can remember every single tree where they barked at a squirrel once. Crazy hounds. Well done for surviving what sounded like a full-on day yesterday!

@Elenka_HM - that text request was a bit blunt! At least she could buy you a drink first...
Morning all, 6.1 here. Funeral went well, obviously time spent on our knees in church first paid off, the rain held off while we were at the graveside, and we didn’t get stuck in traffic on the way back down the motorway.
Good morning people, 6'2 today. I'm getting ready for work and trying the Beanies coffee in the caramel popcorn flavour, may sound weird but is my favourite of them so far.

Yesterday I made some food for the next days. I intend to try cauliflower rice today, after seeing it so often in the forum. Don't think I would make it often, grating cauliflower is a bit of a pain, I did it yesterday to save some time today and gave up halfway. So I have a mix of cauliflower rice and chunks lol. How do you usually season the rice?

A girl who basically said she didn't want to be friends anymore and blocked me like, 4 months ago, texted me out of the blue asking how I was doing. Weird, but nice of her, I supposed. Then she asked if I wanted sex. In the past we had many awkward conversations where she thought I was flirting, she reminded me she is only into men, I said I knew and I wasn't trying the point it was just uncomfortable talking with her because I knew she would misunderstand something and didn't want to offend her. After all that, this text was unexpected and honestly, a bit annoying.
I usually just buy the frozen steam on the bag cauliflower rice from Tesco.
Good morning people, 6'2 today. I'm getting ready for work and trying the Beanies coffee in the caramel popcorn flavour, may sound weird but is my favourite of them so far.

Yesterday I made some food for the next days. I intend to try cauliflower rice today, after seeing it so often in the forum. Don't think I would make it often, grating cauliflower is a bit of a pain, I did it yesterday to save some time today and gave up halfway. So I have a mix of cauliflower rice and chunks lol. How do you usually season the rice?

A girl who basically said she didn't want to be friends anymore and blocked me like, 4 months ago, texted me out of the blue asking how I was doing. Weird, but nice of her, I supposed. Then she asked if I wanted sex. In the past we had many awkward conversations where she thought I was flirting, she reminded me she is only into men, I said I knew and I wasn't trying the point it was just uncomfortable talking with her because I knew she would misunderstand something and didn't want to offend her. After all that, this text was unexpected and honestly, a bit annoying.

I use raw cauliflower rice to make a spicy pilau rice. I make a massive batch of it and freeze it. I use some pre-made spices and recipe from 'The Spicery' ( and add in some fried onion. It's very nice. I've also made egg/chicken fried cauliflower rice. It's a pain grating it, and the first time I did it I ended up with a bit of cauliflower sludge!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 this morning. It's amazing how much BS varies and constantly is adjusted by the body. It's amazing just how many other body systems adjust themselves to keep things in some sort of balance. Incredible

Made some rhubarb and strawberry and mandarin jelly yesterday. It's quite alright. Not my favourite .... yet... but it is good.

I am fascinated by the new smart meter display. It IS helpful by letting me see where the energy waste is and enabling me to cut that out/down.

Being new to smart meters perhaps one of you could answer this simple question. I am an Octopus customer and have one of their latest mark 2 gas smart meters. It has a 'useage now' page but that only shows electricity useage. Does anyone know it there should be (or is) a display or page to show gas 'useage now'. It shows use so far today, etc but not useage now. Octopus have so far not replied to my question regarding this. A bit disappointed by their none response. Ahh well...

Today...nothing to do. Hopefully shopping.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Mine is from a different company but I press a button under the display that has a lightning bolt and a flame and it cycles through electric, gas and both