Group 7-day waking average?

The great thing about classical music is that it is very rare to get an earworm. Thank goodness
The great thing about classical music is that it is very rare to get an earworm. Thank goodness
I dunno like I've been know to hum the ride of the valkaries full belt for days on end!! Or vivaldis four seasons my brain is wired up wrong I hear a conversation or sense a mood change and a bit of music will pop into my head it's pretty annoying sometimes like I have my very own house band on standby at all times!!!
Metformin isn't a medication that has an immediate impact on your system, it gradually builds up its efficacy over time (a bit like steroids do), so missing a few days probably won't show any immediate effect. Great number though! 🙂

I think I've read it takes about 3-4 days to become effective, but I'm not sure how long it takes to stop working! (4 days to get out the system and 14 hours to reach peak concentration or something.)
Oh, thank goodness! The antibiotics are here & just taken the first one at 12:00! My! They’re REALLY stingy now & only 15 at 1 3 times a day for5 days & note to see GP if it doesn’t settle: time was when 28 at 1 4 times a day for 7 days was given out; then, reduced to 21 at 1 3 times a day for 7 days! This is the shortest ever course of antibiotics I’ve ever received: it the rise of the superbugs now like MRSA; overprescribing in the early days & quite a of people not finishing off their full courses! It why I like to fight these things off myself if I can rather than going off right away for antibiotics! 🙄

Now I can try for some more sleep before my tresiba alarm set for 14:30 since I was late yesterday! I haven’t decided yet to stick with 92 or start going down? I needed to adda correction of 8 NR for a BS 13.8 after breakfast so, I still don’t think my basal is enough but, AB’s starting today & I’ll get better so, maybe? I haven’t made up my mind yet! :confused:
Or peel grapes! :D
I was thinking "who on Earth peels grapes?" and then remember, my family does! In New Year's Eve Spanish people have the tradition of eating 12 grapes while there is 12 rings of a massive bell (that's done in a place in Madrid and everyone can see it live on TV). If you eat all your grapes before the bells stop, it's supposed to be good luck. I can tell you, to do this, you better eat FAST! No time for distraction! So especially for kids, they do all this preparation in advance of peeling the grapes and taking the seeds out.

Little traditions 🙂 By the way, I struggle big time eating my grapes at this pace, don't usually finish, and this year I had a laughing attack around the third grape and couldn't eat anymore until all bells finished haha.

first chance I have had to get on here, first time doing the monthly metrics, took me all morning, but hopefully I will speed up once I get used to doing them and don’t have to follow my notes.

anyway 8.2 today, chat with the docs about my depression lasted 1 or 2 mins, with I’ll increase your medication it Will be with the pharmacy within an hour.

Not had much chance to catch up on the thread will do that later, did see that @eggyg has a HS, so congratulations on that.

I have added a couple of photos from Sunday’s 1/2 marathon on @ColinUK thread in the exercise section.
Late, late, late but got a 5.4 so was worth oversleeping! I was up earlier, trying to get through to the Dr's to make an appointment, but continuously got the busy tone, gave up at 8.30am as still hadn't managed to "join the queue" ... sigh! Fell back asleep without testing, naughty gal. So definitely no "dawn" phenomenon for me lol
Anyway, waited until after noon and tried ringing again, I know they keep some afternoon appointments by in case of emergencies and Dr requests, the rest can be "released" once morning surgery is over - am now awaiting a phone call from Dr - not sure how she/he will be able to "see" my problem on my mobile, but maybe something can be sorted......
I've also decided to kind of revert back to the "diet" I started when first diagnosed, that did me well and did not give me the horrid itchy rash that is besieging me now - I've tried cutting out various things, but now feel the need to go back to day one and star afresh - and hopefully, any advice/treatment Dr can give me will benefit me too. Thank goodness for online food diaries!!!
Anyway, let's see what the afternoon brings.
Have a good day folk 🙂
Well, I have now had a sleep and woken up and got a lovely reading of 5.7 which is far better than the 9s I was getting through the night and earlier this morning and constant corrections. Sleep is clever stuff.... although basal insulin obviously helps too! 😉
This cold and damp weather wants to do one!!! full on arthritic flare up today both my knees and my hips are rather unhappy ill not be walking the hellhound today thank god my dog walker is such a amazing lady and has come to my rescue in the nick of time so much for 10 thousand steps in other news I hit 11. 3 after lunch I think it's finally trending down single figures here I come still singing the wombles very loudly they just don't make Theme tunes like they used too well apart from sponge bob square pants!!!
16:04 Oops! Overslept there! 😳 BS 6.7 & my HEAD decided to reduce as I worked out by the time it gets to tomorrow’s tresiba I’ll have had 5 antibiotic pills & that’s got to an improvement but, my heart is still a bit hesitant about it! It DOES reassure me that I can compensate with more NR, if needs be, a lot easier, & safer, than risk going hypo!🙄

So, -6 for a total of 86 Tresiba went in & my other pills including 2nd AB pill: a bit late; heard the alarm & bashed it off, in annoyance, & slept on! BUT, it was a relatively easy sleep & NOT a battlefield so, I’ll take that! 🙂

The road to recovery has started! 🙂
@eggyg didn't know whether to care or star so just liked but congrats on the HS and glad you are both doing ok. Sounds like some tricky mealtimes coming up xx
Hmm interesting, I too peel my mushrooms. The skins are invariably filthy dirty. Don't wanna eat that!

Up early this morning and BG 4.9

Oddly, and for no particular reason I can think of, my BG late yesterday afternoon was 3.8, great excuse to eat something!!!

Today is the dreaded shopping and it is very cold out there. Not keen to go out. And, heating is on eating up all my money!!!

My sister loves the cold. The colder it is the happier she is. So strange how we are all the same and yet all so different.
Snap @Northerner a 7.1 for me too.
@Michael12421 have you got your hearing working yet, I do hope so?
No time to stop. Have a good day x