Group 7-day waking average?

Heardle in one second! My favourite band of all times I play that song at least once a day so that opening cymbal sound was a dead give away in other news I'm so going to hunt the person down that made wordle and kick him square in the meat and two veg just how one app irks me so is beyond me I'm off to read a dictionary and a thesaurus (insert grumpy muttering here)!!!
Morning everyone. 14.8
Forgot to post yesterday. Brain like a sieve lately :D (yesterday was terrible so we will leave it in the past :rofl:)

Nothing exciting planned for today apart from needing to give my desk / office area a good clearout. I think i need to find a nice open tub/container for all my d stuff as I swear the finger prickers and meters are breeding.
I'm sat here today looking about my desk and I'm not settled because its too chaotic. Will probs spend a few hours getting more organised and I can guarantee my mood will be improved when its done. (mental health mood - I'm not in a grumpy mood)

That's brilliant news @GRIFFINLONEWALKER about the carer. Deep breath and let them help you.
I recall a colleague in London saying to me in the 1970s that he had heard we were going to Greece for our holidays this year, was that so, as we usually went to Spain, didn't we? Yes, true, Crete. Well - you know the full implication of the word 'manana' ? Absolutely we do. Well - the Greeks have no word to express that sense of urgency !
7.8 this morning, best bg since pre Covid. A full week since starting with covid and I still feel rotten. Called GP, next appointment is in a weeks time so booked that.
5.8 after another bad night.
I am getting to my wits end with this itchy rash which is spreading so much. Dr whoever-she-was rang me, then I had to send her some photos - yes really! Then she messaged me back to say she'd done me a script for anti-histamines and some derma stuff to use instead of soap. I take blinking anti-histamines every day already - and I've not been using soap on the rash - on my rash-free hands yes - but not on my body. Use moisturiser she adds, I use baby lotion as it is milder. Not that I can collect the order until Friday anyway....
The photos from my phone does not show the rash clearly plus it is worse at night, as I told her, and it is hot to the touch. I told her I was worried as it had begun to start itching on my right foot and that I have diabetes. Maybe I should have just banged my head on the wall. I don't think she has been of any help and I'm now starting to feel very sad and tearful.
She also said to keep on with the E45 itch relief cream/ointment I'd bought, but I'm getting through that so fast and it costs £4 for a tube.
I'm still trying to stick with foods etc I had logged at the start of my food diary from end of August, before all this crap started (excuse my French), I'm cutting out fruit again as that was always more of a rarity - but I've been trying to be healthier - and (don't shout) I've even added back a small half sugar to my tea, just to get back to an even keel (before dx it was 3 sugars, I am not going that far back!!). I don't know what to do except start over again. I think cheese will be the next thing to be withdrawn on a daily basis as I was never one for much dairy before - nice brown bread ham and cheese toastie once in a while, sort of thing. Primula cheesespread can stay though thankfully! lol
I never got to today's coffee morning, just fell asleep finally as the alarm went off, so that was that. I had hoped to get out somewhere today, but we will see how it goes once I've had some lunch.
Sorry to bore you with all this, but I just need to let it all out. I don't want to fall into the pit of depression and this can help me a bit.
I'll get there in the end somehow! It's my birthday next week - so there's something to look forward to on the horizon - and I got a card from my mum yesterday, bless her, still not sure about my sister saying she has dementia, she thinks to send it early so I get it on time - and was surprised how quickly it reached me when I told her it was here already. Hoping to go and see her next month with the daughter and co, almost a 90 mile trek to Essex.
Anyway, enjoy the rest of the day 🙂

I think i need to find a nice open tub/container for all my d stuff as I swear the finger prickers and meters are breeding.
I have a cardboard tray from a box of chocolates that looks nice, it's in my room and I keep there the booklet where I write my BGs with a regular pen, the insulin pen I'm currently using, and my meter when I'm at home (I carry it with me anywhere else). Then it's all together and easy to access. I keep the spare pots of strips in a different place, because I don't need them every day and don't want too much clutter at sight. Also have the box of needles in the night stand, just out of habit, I used to inject in my bed but not anymore. Probably should leave a bunch of needles in my tray with the pen and store the rest of the box with the strips! :confused:
5.8 after another bad night.
I am getting to my wits end with this itchy rash which is spreading so much. Dr whoever-she-was rang me, then I had to send her some photos - yes really! Then she messaged me back to say she'd done me a script for anti-histamines and some derma stuff to use instead of soap. I take blinking anti-histamines every day already - and I've not been using soap on the rash - on my rash-free hands yes - but not on my body. Use moisturiser she adds, I use baby lotion as it is milder. Not that I can collect the order until Friday anyway....
The photos from my phone does not show the rash clearly plus it is worse at night, as I told her, and it is hot to the touch. I told her I was worried as it had begun to start itching on my right foot and that I have diabetes. Maybe I should have just banged my head on the wall. I don't think she has been of any help and I'm now starting to feel very sad and tearful.
She also said to keep on with the E45 itch relief cream/ointment I'd bought, but I'm getting through that so fast and it costs £4 for a tube.
I'm still trying to stick with foods etc I had logged at the start of my food diary from end of August, before all this crap started (excuse my French), I'm cutting out fruit again as that was always more of a rarity - but I've been trying to be healthier - and (don't shout) I've even added back a small half sugar to my tea, just to get back to an even keel (before dx it was 3 sugars, I am not going that far back!!). I don't know what to do except start over again. I think cheese will be the next thing to be withdrawn on a daily basis as I was never one for much dairy before - nice brown bread ham and cheese toastie once in a while, sort of thing. Primula cheesespread can stay though thankfully! lol
I never got to today's coffee morning, just fell asleep finally as the alarm went off, so that was that. I had hoped to get out somewhere today, but we will see how it goes once I've had some lunch.
Sorry to bore you with all this, but I just need to let it all out. I don't want to fall into the pit of depression and this can help me a bit.
I'll get there in the end somehow! It's my birthday next week - so there's something to look forward to on the horizon - and I got a card from my mum yesterday, bless her, still not sure about my sister saying she has dementia, she thinks to send it early so I get it on time - and was surprised how quickly it reached me when I told her it was here already. Hoping to go and see her next month with the daughter and co, almost a 90 mile trek to Essex.
Anyway, enjoy the rest of the day 🙂
I had an itchy rash on my leg after my knee surgery which I think was an allergic reaction to the Compore E dressing and the GP prescribed a hydrocortisone/ fusidic acid cream and also some hydromol cream and antihistamines and it worked well and took about 2 weeks to clear up completely. E45 didn't do much I'm afraid.
10.2 after lunch!!!
So close I smell the single figures.
Having some carpet time headphones on a fresh brew and some Tom waits on the stereo it's the little things that make me happy..
And to all of you having a hard time just boop here and all will feel better


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A little off subject but after my training last night my bs shot up to over 9 although it was immediately after a fairly strenuous session but it left me feeling down hearted.

It dropped two hours after my dinner to 8.3 and again this morning to 5.8 - my lowest fasting reading since I began monitoring about a month ago.

Tested again before a very late lunch today and was surprised and relieved to see 5.2!

Another weight drop this morning which gives me 6.8% body weight reduction in less than 6 weeks.

I’m starting to feel encouraged by the progress I am making, achieved entirely through informed diet changes and I’m feeling confident I have a good chance of avoiding a type 2 diagnosis at my next blood test in early May if I continue the way I am as the trend is averaging 6’s snd 7’s rather than 8’s and 9’s.

Thank you to all of you that have answered my questions to help me understand what is happening in my body and how to approach the challenge of getting my blood sugar under control. Whilst I’m not following a very low carb diet, I have learned that I don’t need as much carb food as I thought I did and I am enjoying experimenting with new choices.

On that note I’m off to make caulflour and leek soup to have with Caesar salad for dinner!
@Michael12421 thats not the news I was hoping to hear. That’s so rotten for you and I’m sorry. Hope you and missy can cuddle up together and that it’s not too long before mañana becomes ahora. Warm hugs to you xx
Thank you. After being told yesterday that the freezer would not be delivered I was promised a telephone call today giving me a date for the delivery. It has not been made - as yet - but they work until 20.30 but I am in bed at 19.30 albeit with my mobile at the bedside. I have penned an email of complaint - pithy does not even begin to describe it - which I will send tomorrow morning. My friends tell me that this is quite normal and I should get used to it! After 16 years I still cannot accept that customers should be treated this way.
@Michael12421 it seems you are experiencing the "manyana" syndrome - not funny when you really need something done and I do sympathise with you over having no heating. When we first moved to Cornwall 34 years ago we misunderstood what they meant by "Drekly" (directly) and thought they meant they were coming right away.... no it means the equivalent of Manyana.... ie. we might or might not come some time or other.
Love it @Pattidevans. Here in Pembs, it’s called a Pembrokeshire Promise. 😳 You know it’s bad when it’s got a name.🙂
Love it @Pattidevans. Here in Pembs, it’s called a Pembrokeshire Promise. 😳 You know it’s bad when it’s got a name.🙂
I grew up in South Africa and over there we say I'll do it now now which is anywhere from five minutes to a year
I grew up in South Africa and over there we say I'll do it now now which is anywhere from five minutes to a year
We always used to find our African students hadn't quite adjusted to having to turn up on time for their lab sessions otherwise they were not allowed in.
My other half having spent his childhood in the then Rhodesia is still a bit like that even though he has been in this country for nearly 40 years.
Whereabouts in S A were you.
Hey all,

Sorry I’ve been rather quiet recently.

Have been feeling rather fed up and overwhelmed with diabetes related stuff recently so just needed a break.

Have asked the gp for a referral to a different hospital for treatment and they agreed and have just done the referral so hoping that may change things.

Hope you’re all well and should be back to being a bit more active on here again now 🙂
We always used to find our African students hadn't quite adjusted to having to turn up on time for their lab sessions otherwise they were not allowed in.
My other half having spent his childhood in the then Rhodesia is still a bit like that even though he has been in this country for nearly 40 years.
Whereabouts in S A were you.
I grew up in Cape Town. (Its this tiny village right on the tip of S.A ) I came back 22 years ago I'm so northern now it's not even funny I went back last year when my mum passed it was the middle of winter for them so they were all dressed up like snow men and I was wearing shorts vests and flip-flops sweating buckets and cursing the heat!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 this morning.

It's blowing a cold gusty gale this morning. No way will I go for a long walk but I have to go to the GP to get my ears checked. It's the first part of the process for addressing my increasing deafness. I guess they have to check that it is not due to a build up of wax before they look into it any further.

Not sure if it is safe to put the bins out this morning as the wind is so strong. Sigh

I might make some of those chocolate brownies later on that someone mentioned yedterday. Bought some ground almonds yesterday especially for it.

Nothing else planned.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to.
01:57 BS 11.7 A bit disappointing & maybe reduced too much Tresiba too soon but, erred on the side of safety? :confused:

Already had breakfast with more NR of 62 but, needed another +4 correction at 03:56 BS 11.8! I kept getting yesterday’s bolus JUST a little off that needed +4 corrections so, that last one s par for the course really! 🙄

So, barring no sudden drops, I’m going to hold steady today on 86 Tresiba, just as I did yesterday, before considering reducing anymore! I DO feel better but, still the odd twinges of pain in both ears at times to remind me that I’m still ill! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m going back to bed before The Masters live coverage starts at 2pm. Only really up because I was hungry & now eaten, corrected & back for some more sleep! I went to bed just after 8pm yesterday watching the return of the par 3 contest traditionally held on Wednesday on the 9 hole course with WAG’s & children of the players dressed as caddy’s & olaying, or putting, the odd shot: last held in 2019 & a two year gap because of covid; lovely to see Rory McIlroy playing with his daughter Poppy! 😛😎🙂

CRIKEY! I’d no idea the extent of Tiger’s injuries after his car accident & his right leg wasn’t just broken but, completely crushed & he almost lost it, along with his life, when car rolled over serveral times from the force of the collision! 😱 I saw him limping around in the practice round yesterday & he’s said in his press conference on Monday that he’s in pain every day & his mobility is probably not going to get better as told by his doctors but, hopefully his leg will get stronger: it’s new normal now; but, his golf shots & putting is still in top form! It REALLY is a tough ask, I saw, to walk this very hilly course for 72 holes over 4 days! He’s having to spend a lot of time before & after playing to be able to play & recover! Eek!😱 But, nobody is writing him off & it only remains to be seen what happens?:confused: