Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all it's a 10.3 for me
Woken up by the pup playing ball on the stairs she likes to take her tennis ball let it drop from the top stair run after it run back up the stairs and repeat the process{she's lucky I like her)so I'm . Pulling my boots on and getting my camera going to hobble round the park and hopefully get some pics if the rain hold off..
Good morning. Eeeeekk!! 2.4 on finger prick, libre 3.5!!!!!! I did wake a while ago and it was 4.8 so i had a JB, obviously not enough. This sensor is still behaving very oddly. When i'm in range or low its not too bad, up to 2 over. When i go into the 9s, it suddenly shoots to 5 over where i am. Anyway, off to test again and hopefully i can jump in the shower and start getting ready for work. Only 2 more days, i'm exhausted and so are the kids.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

We had our honeymoon in S Africa. We loved Cape Town - got my first tattoo there LOL.

Sending (((hugs))) @sg295 - I really struggled when first dx, so many things to take in / record / tweak, I was deffo overwhelmed. I hope the new referral helps.

Gawd, I’m stiff from head to toe after yesterday’s decorating session. And the room I painted is tiny. My bro’s always saying “Use it or lose it” - my version is “Use it but still lose it”. :confused:😳:D
Good morning - 6.2

This Libre 2 seemed accurate all of yesterday but is completely of last night and this morning. It claimed 3.8 when I was 8.6 and claimed 4.2 when I was 6.2
Good morning everyone! 6 today, and very happy because my family is on their way here. First time my brother visits me in England, second time for my parents. Sadly I couldn't get the day off work, maybe I get lucky tomorrow. Still have the whole weekend to be with them 🙂

@Lily123 that sounds pretty annoying. I'm sure Libre is very helpful but can be just another trouble sometimes.
Morning all. Scores on the door, 6.4.

Well, it’s dry, so far. Walking boot shopping here we come. We’ve decided against Keswick as I’d sort of forgot the kids were off school, it’ll be packed and to get a free parking space in a NT carpark we would have to be there now! So we’re going to Penrith, just up the road from us on the edge of the Lake District. They’ve a big Go Outdoors there. Fingers crossed I get some boots. They’re for my birthday, which is just after Easter, but I need to get them worn in a bit before our Scottish adventure at the end of the month. After the boot shopping, we’re going into the Eden Valley/ Yorkshire Dales ( it’s complicated) for a walk. Give the new boots their first outing, just a short one though.

That’s it folks. See you tomorrow. Blister free I hope. Have a gud ‘un! 🙂
Morning all, 4.9 here, and a wobbly line dipping in and out of the red all night. From the past weeeks graphs, I thought I’d got a bit of wiggle room for a half unit basal increase…obviously not!
7.2 today. Not sure what to do today. Hubby has nicked my car as his still isn’t working. If the rain holds off (it has been bucketing here) I might go for a wander.
Have a good day all x
9.8 not ideal but was half expecting worse.
Good morning 7.4 Today
yesterday morning was 5.9.

A mad busy day yesterday with a early start as had an early appointment.
todays high waking BS down to having eating fast food when I couldn’t get diesel in Milton Keynes to get me home, yesterday (early evening it seemed everywhere had sold out of diesel)

in the end I joined a queue for diesel @ Asda, they were expecting a delivery around an hour later,
in order to get fuel and drive home, at least I filled up and can get to work today,
I often drive around 100 miles a day so fuel is needed to do my job.

I wasn’t really aware there are Fuel shortages again, that is until yesterday, I’m told there are some protesters at the fuel distribution depots with nothing better to do than to cause disruption to the supply

Have a great day everybody (apart from those that thinks it’s ok to glue themselves to a fuel tanker or the road in front of one:rofl::rofl:)
Good morning 5.3 at 0800. Not sure if it counts as an FBG as I was up at 23.30/02.30/05.00/07.00...and the damned mare still hasn't foaled. Very windy, cold and intermittently wet this morning. Hopefully "my "Ukrainians have managed to get all the documents in to the Home Office. This week has been sleepless nights and infuriating days trying to sort out visa stuff. Not a well thought out scheme unless you desire to limit entrants. Best wishes for a good day.
Heardle in 3 seconds I'm slipping!
Managed a few pics but it's so grey and miserable out there physio today getting put on the rack and stretched out like a medieval torture victim!! I have two full sleeves and a back piece funny enough I got my first tattoo in Cape Town too @Bloden my mums reaction was well your going to hell!! My sugars have dropped to 9.4 I'm in the single figures gang woop woop ill post some photos once I've edited them all
My three gratitudes for today
Dogheads boundless energy
I was able to walk the park today
Dippy eggs and soldiers
I hope you get a good pair of boots @eggyg id suggest going to Hawkshead but I'm not sure how close you are to them?
Have a super amazing day and remember house plants are 90 percent water were 90 percent water too so that means we're all just house plants with feeljngs stay hydrated ya'll
5.1 for me today. 🙂


Nothing much else to report tbh.
Got Heardle in one.
Heardle in 3 seconds I'm slipping!
Managed a few pics but it's so grey and miserable out there physio today getting put on the rack and stretched out like a medieval torture victim!! I have two full sleeves and a back piece funny enough I got my first tattoo in Cape Town too @Bloden my mums reaction was well your going to hell!! My sugars have dropped to 9.4 I'm in the single figures gang woop woop ill post some photos once I've edited them all
My three gratitudes for today
Dogheads boundless energy
I was able to walk the park today
Dippy eggs and soldiers
I hope you get a good pair of boots @eggyg id suggest going to Hawkshead but I'm not sure how close you are to them?
Have a super amazing day and remember house plants are 90 percent water were 90 percent water too so that means we're all just house plants with feeljngs stay hydrated ya'll
Funnily enough we were actually in Hawkshead the village in December for a week’s holiday and bought fleeces in the shop. Fab shop but Hawkshead, the village, is a good hour and a half away as it’s south Cumbria and I’m north Cumbria. As for Hawkeshead, the shop, we used to have one in the city I live in but it went, like Cotswold which took over the shop space, years ago. I’m hoping Go Outdoors , which I’ve never been to will have what I want, I prefer Salomon as a brand as my current walking shoes and the ones before are/ were Salomon are great. My last boots were Berghaus and I’ve never got on with them, rub my ankles, nip my bunions, I might be a lost cause when it comes to walking boots though, never really found a comfy pair.
Good morning everyone. A disappointing 7.9 for me after a very low carb (and not much protein either) evening meal and a very exertive day yesterday shifting manure and a 2 JB hypo at 9pm leading me to assume a 1 unit Levemir reduction last night might be a good idea but clearly not. I needed 2 stacked corrections before bed totaling 3 units and I have jabbed another 2 this morning.
Need to do some hoof trimming again today so my poor grumpy back will get some more work! I'm with both you and your brother @Bloden "Use it or lose it" yes, but it doesn't half complain when you use it!

@sg295 Sorry to hear you have been struggling again. I hope the referral goes through smoothly and you get the support you need. Good to see you posting again though.

@Elenka_HM Shame you can't get more time off work for your family visit but hope you are able to spend a great weekend with them and stock up on lots of hugs. The world needs more hugs!

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER Count me in for the group "WOOP WOOP" Congrats on dropping into single figures. You are doing great.

@TinaD Feeling your sleeplessness. Hope the foal comes soon. My mare always used to like to wait for wet weather.... and usually me having an unavoidable appointment somewhere. I always wondered if it was a primitive thing where the rain dampens the scent at a time when the foal is most vulnerable, so the safest time for it to be born.

8.0 today

Bad experience with some Lift glucose chews yesterday, seems they missed the step of glucose being added! hard as nails (rather than the chalky texture that crumbles/melts) and the sourest things I have ever had, not very nice at all

For those that know my struggles with my OCD in no way do I want you all to think TMI but I started kissing Bruce again last week xx
@eggyg I got some Chris Brasher Gortex walking boots about 20 years ago and they are still going strong and I love them. Good luck with getting something comfortable and maybe carry some Compede plasters with you just in case.