Group 7-day waking average?

106- so very high!!

Average readings across the day is usually 6.9-7.2 according to my sugr app.

Breakfast is after an hours gym session - blackberries and strawberries with Greek yogurt(the Fage brand) I religiously check all carb and sugar labels

Lunch is salad or a nimble bread sandwich with chicken and small square of cheese

Evening meal usually chicken or red meat with veg or salad - no dessert

I try v hard to follow Keto style. I drink water and green tea and Coke Zero if I fancy some different or I am out etc 🙂

I also average 10k steps a day and exercise more than I ever said before
So give it time.
Do you test pre and post exercise?
I know my levels can climb after exercise and stay elevated for quite a while.
Yeah I find that too that my levels usually end up slightly raised after exercise especially if I have weight trained and mixed cardio opposed to just doing cardio.
Welcome to the thread. My first HbA1c was 90 and others on here were higher. Don’t worry too much, sounds like you are doing all the right things, it just takes some time. My morning readings are mostly in the 7s but my HbA1c doesn’t seem to go up. Obviously I wish they were lower but I’m not as strict as many others as I’m a fussy eater. Good luck and keep posting , we are here to help,and support each other x
Guess it is a (light) hot chocolate and duvet day - snowing a blizzard outside now! 😱
Stay warm, stay safe!
Good morning. an unexpected 4.8 this a.m. Wonder if the new lot of strips are reading low? Yesterday was a bit of a write off - couldn't get my act together to do anything and ate too much as a result. I even indulged in a chicken cobbler for dinner which took me way over my carb allowance. Had a patchy night, reading for much of it, and woke to thick ground frost and blazing blue sky. Need to get back on the bramble attack but me and the pony, who says "bugger foaling", are going to let the day thaw a bit. Apart from a swollen right wrist the pain levels are pretty good so keeping steroids to 15mg.
Very happy to join @Robin (my diabetes twin) on the 6.3 step this morning. Had a bit of a rejig of my Levemir yesterday and decreased my daytime by 2 units but increased last night by a half.
We have about an inch of snow lying here this morning but it is bright and sunny with blue sky, so not unpleasant although pretty chilly.

@Gwynn Congrats on your HS.

@Moon.Star8 Welcome to the thread. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Waking reading is often the last to come down so hang in there and keep persevering.
When do you currently test? Many of us find that our levels start to rise as soon as we get out of bed, so we test before we get up, literally as soon as we wake up. That gives us a better reflection of what our levels have been doing overnight rather than the last half hour when it may have shot up whilst we went to the loo and got washed and dressed and made ourselves a coffee etc. It is surprising how much glucose our liver can dump into our blood stream in that short period.... or you may be one of the unlucky ones whose liver is triggered by the light and starts pumping glucose as soon as the sun comes up, even before we wake up, which can be a problem as the days get longer.

@ColinUK Don't let a lack of confidence prevent you from getting there. Even if you walk most of the way, you are certainly capable of doing this and you will meet some really interesting people and have a great time. Think of it like an extra special Park Run if it makes it a bit less intimidating. And hopefully you will be meeting up with @Grannylorraine for moral support. I would come and cheer you both on if I wasn't 300+ miles away. I have every confidence in you both.

@Lucyr So sorry to read that you now have Covid. You really are going through a rough patch. Hope you feel better soon and those levels come down.
Good luck @ColinUK you can do it. As you say getting there is the tough bit, followed by the running tough bit. So be determined to get there and just do your very best. It will make you feel really good. Accomplished. No matter how far you run. Cos, right now you may feel like not wanting to go.

I hate exercising in the cold, but I get around that by being bloody minded and refusing to be lazy (as I feel like I'm lazy sometimes) AND I note that every step is one step closer to the end and is doing me a power of good not just physically but mentally too. I always feel better about everything after my walk8ng exercise.

So, chin up, eyes forwards, go for it and make yourself proud.

9.9 today, another bad day with work yesterday and indulged in chocolate. It is really taking its toll on my health, didn't end up going out for a run as I had such a bad headache before I ate the chocolate, which is not the preparation I wanted before the run this weekend, @ColinUK - we can do this.

@Gwynn - congrats on your HS today

@Moon.Star8 - welcome to the thread.
Morning all and it was a wayward 7.8 for me although a finger test pre breakfast was 6.8. looks like the latest basal reduction may have done the trick and that oatcake before bed was not required.

Had a good rehearsal last night working on some acoustic arrangements. Only had my cheapo clarinet with me but still sounded good.

Anyway the snow is melting fast here and the sun shining.

Have a good day everyone.
Im the same, dresses always too big on the lower half, no hips or bum, I’m like an upside down Balou the Bear!!
Tell me about it, I'm a size 12 for trousers, but 16 for tops! It does make it hard to find a dress that suits.
@eggyg, I also have skinny legs... I could never wear leggings... I look like a potato on 2 sticks.
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Has anyone had the alarms on their sensor suddenly stop working? Mine has been fine until the last few days when i've noticed that i feel i'm going low but the alarm isn't going off. The sensor is accurate to the finger prick so that part is fine.
Have you got a little red circle with a white exclamation mark top left of the screen? I get that sometimes and usually it means that something in the settings has been switched off... though I don't remember changing anything.
Morning all 15.4

Got baby pics sent. Totally in love! :D
Kiddo seems to be okay on new meds, no passing out at least 😉
Sis in laws just phoned, doggo was supposed to have an op today to remove a lump but xrays showed it was all in her lungs too. Sadly she was put to sleep so pretty devastated about that.
Will check back in later, need to get dressed and see if I can do anything round there to make the day easier on them x
08:37 BS 8.9 DP busted with half oatcake & 14 NR & my theory confirmed that my basal is still not up to speed & I’m rising after active bolus so, set the alarm for 08:30 to have a lower start to the day & get busting DP earlier! Tried going back to sleep but, no can do! Now up again feeling hungry 10:35 8.0 a bit disappointing that it’s not much lower but, it seems DP is fighting back a bit!

Although my hearing seems to be a bit off today? I can hear the iPad’s clicks of the keyboard alright but, when looking up my meter readings I couldn’t hear the button clicks so, checked the settings to see if maybe I’d inadvertently turned them off but, no it’s on! It’s my hearing: can only hear the clicks up closer to my head, therefore closer to my ears, & at my usual arms length away I can’t hear it! I did have some intermittent ear pain in my right ear last night & wonder if I have an ear infection which I have been prone to in the past? It’s disconcerting to not be able to hear the meter button clicks & even up close I’m hearing me pushing the button harder than usual, I can’t help it with the dodgy hearing, physical finger pushing louder than the toned beep! Sooohhh! It’s the higher tones I’m having difficulty hearing & the keyboard sounds are just literally clicks with no tones which I can hear fine! :confused:


A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m going to have breakfast now & decide about tresiba actually after posting & getting breakfast it’ll be crunch time & I don’t know if I’ll increase it again? :confused:

Hearing is STILL dodgy & I can REALLY hear my thumb bashing down hard on the buttons of the meter at my usual arm length so, I can tell from THAT that I’ve pressed the button: I always put on things like button sounds & keyboard clicks; with neuropathy I can’t always tell if I’ve tapped things hard enough to “press the button”! 🙄
Morning all - bright and sunny but there's what looks like a fierce wind... hope it's not too cold as I was planning a walk and I am a cowardy custard re: cold winds.

3.5 this morning with a red flat line all night! No alarms and I slept peacefully through it. I tested BG on the meter and it was 3.7 so the Libre was undoubtedly correct. Seems there has been a pattern there since Sunday, so I think I need to reduce overnight basals. Odd.. they have never been as low as they are already.

@Moon.Star8 welcome to the thread.

@Gwynn well done on the HS!

@Gwynn and @Grannylorraine... good luck for Sunday... you will do this.
I’ve made up my mind & SEE how that turns out? I’ll go up to 90 Tresiba where I’ve been before & no higher until I get the full 3 days to see UNLESS OF COURSE I start crashing down? Hopefully not! I just had a wee feel around & I’m a bit tender & sore under my chin up up to my right ear so, yes fighting something!

Right! Decision made & off to make breakfast of toast, fastest, & get jy day started properly!
Word Up!
Wordle's new owners NY Times has forced the unofficial archive of the game to close.
Fellow addicts can use the link below for an alternative archive site (which is still currently working).
Hiya @rebrascora

I have tested before I get out of bed and I’ve tested after pottering for about 20mins etc and after pottering it’s always lower sometimes even a whole point lower.

I know have to be bide my time with it but I am hard on myself and think I’m not doing good enough - I’ve got my 1AC test on the 12th April so im hoping my morning number won’t ruin that coming down
Very happy to join @Robin (my diabetes twin) on the 6.3 step this morning. Had a bit of a rejig of my Levemir yesterday and decreased my daytime by 2 units but increased last night by a half.
We have about an inch of snow lying here this morning but it is bright and sunny with blue sky, so not unpleasant although pretty chilly.

@Gwynn Congrats on your HS.

@Moon.Star8 Welcome to the thread. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Waking reading is often the last to come down so hang in there and keep persevering.
When do you currently test? Many of us find that our levels start to rise as soon as we get out of bed, so we test before we get up, literally as soon as we wake up. That gives us a better reflection of what our levels have been doing overnight rather than the last half hour when it may have shot up whilst we went to the loo and got washed and dressed and made ourselves a coffee etc. It is surprising how much glucose our liver can dump into our blood stream in that short period.... or you may be one of the unlucky ones whose liver is triggered by the light and starts pumping glucose as soon as the sun comes up, even before we wake up, which can be a problem as the days get longer.

@ColinUK Don't let a lack of confidence prevent you from getting there. Even if you walk most of the way, you are certainly capable of doing this and you will meet some really interesting people and have a great time. Think of it like an extra special Park Run if it makes it a bit less intimidating. And hopefully you will be meeting up with @Grannylorraine for moral support. I would come and cheer you both on if I wasn't 300+ miles away. I have every confidence in you both.

@Lucyr So sorry to read that you now have Covid. You really are going through a rough patch. Hope you feel better soon and those levels come down.
Good afternoon everyone! 5'8 an hour ago, after a well needed lie in.

I worked in the door last night again, it was better than the other night and I could skip the boring jobs after dinner (aka polish cutlery) and got to set tables instead. Not that it's much more exciting but I appreciate the change of routine.

Now that I am greeting customers I have to ask the mandatory question "do you have any allergies?" and many people answer "only to the bill!" or "only allergic to this one!" while pointing at the husband/wife. Not so funny after you heard it already, but they get a smile for trying anyway :D
Good afternoon everyone! 5'8 an hour ago, after a well needed lie in.

I worked in the door last night again, it was better than the other night and I could skip the boring jobs after dinner (aka polish cutlery) and got to set tables instead. Not that it's much more exciting but I appreciate the change of routine.

Now that I am greeting customers I have to ask the mandatory question "do you have any allergies?" and many people answer "only to the bill!" or "only allergic to this one!" while pointing at the husband/wife. Not so funny after you heard it already, but they get a smile for trying anyway :D
Oohhh! Bantering with customers: I miss that at times; then, again, I don’t miss hearing the sane things time & again! :rofl:🙄😉

My family had a restaurant from 1975 to 2010! 🙂