Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 18.7
Didn't sleep well until it was time to get up and then struggled 🙄. typical.

Got to take daughter to the Drs today for her MH appointment. Will go in with her to sort out new medications that hopefully don't make her faint this time and then leave them to it.

Since starting to write this post, just had news that I am an aunty again :D Less than 3 hours old :D totally awake and hyped up now. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Right moving my butt and getting ready to go out.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Hopefully today goes well but it’s certainly gotten off to a great start with the baby! Congrats!
Morning on this grey old day! Though it's forecast for some sun about 2pm on.

Same as yesterday 3.7 scan 4.4 fingerprick. Had half a stem ginger cookie and it's now 7.9 with an upward arrow... sigh. This is with the same basals as last week when FBG was consistently in high 7s. Honestly sometimes diabetes is such a mystery!

@freesia it seems like the "fashion" at the moment is for long droopy shapeless frocks in tiny flower prints... reminds me of those old films about the mid-west where they wore them with bonnets. They are not for adult women in 2022! However, I was trawling round Roman Originals online last evening and added about 5 quite nice navy/white or black/white tops to my wish list. Their trousers seem to suit me too.

Not a lot on today, but this evening we're going to take advantage of the last week of the "3 tapas for £10" at the local pub... saves me cooking🙂

Seems the theme for today is tiredness for everyone in here.... HUGS and hope the day improves.

@Elenka_HM some years ago when Libre was rare in the wild I spoke to a lady wearing one in Corfu town. She looked embarrassed and managed to say "I am diabetic". I must have picked the only person in the street who's English was practically non-existent. I ended up waving my insulin pump at her to indicate I was also diabetic, but not sure she got it!
Morning all. Congrats on that new baby. 🙂

I have a man in the garden, he's giving the ginormous Eucalyptus a seeing to. The lady next door will be relieved, as she reported it to the housing association. I think they wanted it removed altogether but maybe expensive so now they're just going to chop it about a bit.

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Late morning to all.

A 6.3 for me. Eye injection today.

Have a good rest of the day.
The electrician has called to say he can’t make it today but will come tomorrow.
This is to finish the finishing off he couldn’t finish on Saturday when he came to finish the finishing touches he couldn’t finish when he planned to finish the job which he started in November.

He’s not even Finnish.
EFC6B408-3CAB-4F4F-BAC1-FE9B671F94CC.png62B0D8A7-C3B9-4B18-AA44-D402291D2416.png😳😳😳 AND o_O😱:( Yesterday was a day to forget & I feel I’m getting my ass, & brain, kicked all over the place & I’m not getting a handle on things fast enough with the skow changing Tresiba!

I started decently enough with the unexpected 5.5 & got breakfast ALMOST right that only needed a small correction then, the same with lunch, I THOUGHT but, turned out to be completely inadequate with a shocking EVEN HIGHER BS AFTER THE CORRECTION! Was REALLY hungry so, ate Dinner anyway with a guessed increased bolus & kept having to add corrections until ai reached the point I couldn’t stay up anymore to monitor!

Now today I woke 11:44 BS 10.4 & sat up in bed thinking & dithering until I did something about the DP rise I JUST KNEW WAS GOING UP! And indeed it did 12:35 BS 11.1 at which point I finally DP busted with half an oatcake & guessed bolus, might as well be “Pie in the sky!” until I see how THAT pans out, of 14 NR?

Here’s my mySugr entries fir yesterday & today, so far! I’d already had a feeling yesterday morning when clear of cycle upon waking that I might need increasing basal so, started upping yesterday & I’ve upped it again today! But, I know I’ll have to keep compensating with more NR until the increased Tresiba comes up to full power! ALL this time my cycle this time around has played even more havoc & I HAVEN’T been quick enough to respond with my Tresiba doses! :(:(:(😳😳😳
Oops! 😳 I’m SO sorry to forget ANY greeting at all albeit it’ll have to be an Australian one!o_O

A Very G’day Mates to you all & wish you’re all having a Wonderful Day 😉😳 I don’t know WHAT today is going to be like for me but, I suspect another day of blindly groping about?o_O:confused:

I’m just not myself today & dismayed by things! o_O & I might as well acknowledge it! A :( as well!
Disappointing 10.5 for me this morning and I had a porpoise graph all night with levels just skimming under and over my upper limit of 10 after going to bed on 10.8 with a 1.5 unit correction.... which clearly turned to water after injecting it for all the effect it had 🙄. To be fair I did reduce my evening Levemir by another unit as I had shifted manure again yesterday and did several miles at a very brisk walk, but clearly not enough to warrant that unit reduction. If I hadn't reduced it I would probably be kicking myself this morning for some red ink on my graph. Sometimes you can't win with this diabetes lark despite your best efforts.

Congrats to @khskel's cat for waking him up on a House Special. I need a cat like that! :D 😎

Pleased to report I got Wordle in 3 today which offsets the below par 5 I needed yesterday.
Congrats to @khskel's cat for waking him up on a House Special. I need a cat like that! :D 😎
My cat sometimes wakens me up to the wonderful sound of it expelling fur balls (usually on the landing carpet). 😱 After the trauma of grabbing the trusty old marigolds and several metres of kitchen roll to deal with the situation, I've been too stunned to even think about testing my BG's. o_O I'll try to remember to do so next time. But why oh why, do moggies run backwards when they do that? It leaves a trail of ever diminishing "gobbets" to clean up. Sorry TMI 😱
Bad night and bad morning = 7.6 :'(
Finally felt better so went to coffee morning, then took my friend to local centre so she could get her prescription and other bits, then dropped her back home. Getting back to her house was not so easy, sadly we had a young man murdered near her house early hours of yesterday morning so the police are still there and the road is blocked halfway down, as are the service roads, but I got her back to her house in a roundabout way.
Went off to Sainsbury's after that in search of the Gouda Cheesies as mentioned by @ColinUK , but despite walking round at least twice, no sign of them nor where they might have been. BUT I did find Montezuma's 100% absolute black dark chocolate (carbs of 2g for a 25g piece) and some Ryvitas with chia seeds plus some low carb protein bars, so all was not lost. I also got some of their "Taste the Difference" soups so that is lunch sorted for the next few days 🙂
Colder day again, but so far staying dry, will be down to freezing tonight though ....
@janw You're welcome to as much of that 100% Montezuma as you like, I can't abide it!
t seems like the "fashion" at the moment is for long droopy shapeless frocks in tiny flower prints
I tried on a lovely electric blue linen dress in M&S. The colour was gorgeous, the dress just skimmed over the boobs then carried on sticking out!!! It was just huge yet the shoulders fitted perfectly. As you say, shapeless. I didn't even look as if i had any shape at all, just a largish blue triangle shape in the mirror. I had to laugh but it is getting awkward to find clothes at a reasonable price. I don't like paying much for work as i'm on my knees with the little ones or likely to get whiteboard pen on me which doesn't come off.
@khskel well done on your HS
@gll lovely news
@freesia Im the same, dresses always too big on the lower half, no hips or bum, I’m like an upside down Balou the Bear!!
@khskel well done on your HS
@gll lovely news
@freesia Im the same, dresses always too big on the lower half, no hips or bum, I’m like an upside down Balou the Bear!!
I wish i had no hips or bum!! I'm quite curvy. It was just that below the chest, the dress just got bigger and bigger!! No shape to it at all. I know it was supposed to be loose but not that loose.