Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK i had always had glasses from Specsavers until last year. Because my eyesight is really bad i have to pay quite a lot to make the lenses thinner. The last time i went to Specsavers they charged me almost £400 for varifocal glasses and separate varifocal sunglasses! I went to ASDA last year and got both pairs for £150 and the lenses being made thinner were included. They're definitely worth a look.
Was that for premium varifocals? I paid nearly £300 at Specsavers for designer frames with varifocals (with free varifocal sunglasses). My eyesight isn't that bad so I didn't need to pay for thinner lenses, but I did pay £35 extra for anti-glare coating.
Was that for premium varifocals? I paid nearly £300 at Specsavers for designer frames with varifocals (with free varifocal sunglasses). My eyesight isn't that bad so I didn't need to pay for thinner lenses, but I did pay £35 extra for anti-glare coating.
My last pair of varifocals with ultra thin reaction lenses at an independent optician was £700 and they are rimless.
My last pair of varifocals with ultra thin reaction lenses at an independent optician was £700 and they are rimless.
Wow!! That's a lot. Still, I'd rather spend money on important stuff like eyesight.
Was that for premium varifocals? I paid nearly £300 at Specsavers for designer frames with varifocals (with free varifocal sunglasses). My eyesight isn't that bad so I didn't need to pay for thinner lenses, but I did pay £35 extra for anti-glare coating.
No idea whether they are premium or not but i've had no problem with them at all.
Snap @Michael12421 a 7.7 for me too.
I have a meeting with the new secretarial lead that none of us wanted, need to give her a chance and see how we go.
Have a good day all. X
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 fine

Today, after a long long delay I will try to see why our tumble drier is not getting warm air. I thought it was some form of intelligent temperature control (which is why I left it alone for so long) but now I just think it is cold and not working right!!! No idea why right now.

Really really tired yesterday. No idea why. Still did my 2 Hrs walking exercise on the beach though. That's 4 days in a row.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning! 5'7 here.

Yesterday at work I saw a lady with an orange insulin pen, looked like Novorapid. It's silly but j get a bit excited when I see customers with pens or wearing Libre. Like, we are in the same club! Wonder if any of them reads the forum haha. Was tempted to say something but probably people don't want to talk about their health with a random waitress when they are on holiday. Other than that, was a different shift because I was put on the door to greet and seat people. Not too bad, though I am not great at small talk and asked someone the allergies question twice. The nerves of the first time I guess.
Good morning. 5.4 for me.

@SueEK i hope the meeting goes well.
@Elenka_HM i know what you mean, i get excited too. I've only spoke to one other person when i saw her sensor, then i apologised for saying something!

Is it only Wednesday? So tired already. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 5.9
Good morning a bit of a high 7.4 today,
But hardly surprising
considering what I ate yesterday.

Shuldnt have but both lunch and evening meal, both were things that should be well and truly off the menu for me, lunch at a coffee shop (cheese on toast & cake) evening meal Cornish pasty from the freezer.

will try harder today, Have a great day everybody
Good morning - BG 4.7 - not sure why since dinner was 2 tinnies of lager as I was absolutely exhausted and walking like a rheumatic duck last night. Got carried away in working way through brambles up bank with blade on strimmer, raking up residue, burning it, digging out bramble crowns and then planting 6 Xmas trees. Had a Hellish pain in the chest afterwards but substituted alcohol for weird angina spray...worked a treat, better not tell GP! Right arm available this morning for Mr Putin if I could magically achieve the exchange. Never mind - only another area 10m by 5m to go and the lot is cleared. Then in with oak, hornbeam, willow and crab apples...need rain to settle them in. Have a good day everyone - cold and grey here.
Morning all. 5.9 today.

Hadn’t realised how much I’d missed yesterday, just spent half an hour catching up!

@ColinUK Re varifocals, I am long sighted and have worn them since my late 30s, but in those days I only needed them for when I was working ie on computers. As I got older I also needed reading glasses, then about 10 years ago I had to start wearing the old specs all day. Varifocals do take some getting used to, up until five years ago I never had any problem with them but my last two pairs I’ve struggled with, my eyesight is getting worse unfortunately and I have the start of cataracts and huge floaters. I’ve gone to independent opticians the whole time, the current one for 20 years and I also worked for her before I retired. I trust her implicitly, even though I never liked her as a boss, she’s very, very thorough and I’m happy to pay a bit more for the good service I always receive. I have prescription sunglasses as I don’t care for reactive lenses, they don’t work whilst driving and they take ages to go back to normal. Mr Eggy quite likes them apart from the driving bit, he got prescription sunglasses this time because of it. What I would say is be prepared for it to take a while to get used to them, any problems go straight back to whoever you got them from, don’t put it off or the grace period will be up. It’s something you do get used to but if like me you’re long sighted, you’ll still need reading glasses for close up work as your eyes deteriorate. I’m ok with varis on now whilst on my iPad but can’t read a book for long with them on. My reading prescription is quite high TBF. Hope that helps.

Now I’m going for a lie down! Have a fab day and well done @Robin on yesterday’s HS. Here’s to many more. 🙂
4.8 for me today. 🙂

5.8 this morning and I’m tired. Could stay in bed all day quite happily but can’t of course.
Working from 12:30 - 4 and the electrician is back at 4:30 to finish off what he didn’t finish off when he was finishing off on Saturday.

8.1 today, feeling a little bit better today, going for my final run before the big one on Sunday.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 18.7
Didn't sleep well until it was time to get up and then struggled 🙄. typical.

Got to take daughter to the Drs today for her MH appointment. Will go in with her to sort out new medications that hopefully don't make her faint this time and then leave them to it.

Since starting to write this post, just had news that I am an aunty again :D Less than 3 hours old :D totally awake and hyped up now. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Right moving my butt and getting ready to go out.

Have a wonderful day everyone!