Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 4.8, needs to go up quick as i need to leave for work soon.
Grey and misty here too @TinaD.
If you’re driving, you’re allowed to drive on 4.8 so long as you’ve eaten first
Morning. Haven’t ventured into this thread for a couple of weeks since the number of pages gets a bit overwhelming but good to see what you’re all up to.

I’m really struggling with tiredness again since the last couple of weeks as I’ve been trying to get back to normal. BGs not great but not too terrible either, phone appointment with hospital on Thursday. Car is going to garage today for a new clutch. Fingers crossed it goes well and doesn’t bring any unexpected extra costs!
Well done @Robin on the House Special. 🙂

4.8 for me today. 🙂

Oh forgot my bg. 17.9 first test and 14.4 second so I took the 14.4. Think I forgot my lantus last night so a day of chaos forecast
7.4. I seem to be getting some pain in my side of course my brains going to the thought does mean something.
5.8 this morning.

Have a good day!

9.9 so a slight improvement, managed a run and yoga yesterday so that was good, still have this feeling that all I want to do is stay in bed and hide away from the world, but I am getting up and facing the day. I did the stupid thing of getting on the scales this morning, so going to have to start being really good from next week, not going to change anything now before my 1/2 marathon on Sunday.

@Robin - congratulations on your HS.

Grey and damp here today as well.
Very happy with a 6.2 this morning and a lovely straight line overnight after a 1 unit correction at bedtime but a 2 unit reduction in Levemir due to spending most of the afternoon/evening in my yard and muck heap, shifting manure.... Oh boy is my back stiff this morning!! Slept really well though.
3 deer in my garden this morning. It was fun watching from my kitchen window as a doe was flirting with a young buck.

Congrats to @Robin on your optimum reading this morning.

@freesia @Lucyr beat me to it. If you are between 4 and 5 you can just pop a JB or 2 (or whatever your chosen carbs are) into your mouth and munch as you go. No need to wait for a reading of 5 to drive as long as you eat some carbs.

@Lucyr Good to see you back posting. Please don't feel like you have to "catch up" if you haven't posted for a while.... just jump in and start again. I know what you mean about it being a bit daunting when there are 20 or so pages since you last posted, so just ignore them and post anyway (we'll never know that you skipped them 😉)

@Michael12421 We worry when you don't post. I know things are probably still difficult but please check in and let us know you and Missy are OK.

Talking of absentees, has anyone heard from @mum2westiesGill? She was such a regular poster and then nothing posted for months. Hope you are OK Gill if you are reading this. Let us know how you are getting on.
8.1 this morning which shot up to 11.8 just under 2 hours after porridge and berries for breakfast. Mortified. Think I’ll stay off the porridge. Don’t like it that much anyway. It just fills me up ready for an active day.
Morning all. 13.0

The bath board did indeed get fitted yesterday. So much hassle for a 2 min job. If I had know what it was exactly, I would have just got one online and saved the hassle. Didn't realise there were no actual permanent fixtures. Oh well.

Nothing on today which I am glad of. Kiddo has doctors tomorrow and Friday and a booster on Saturday providing whatever new meds she gets to try don't throw things off again (fingers crossed this time).

@Robin Gratz on the HS
@Lucyr welcome back :D
@KGL you could also try a smaller portion of porridge and add some more berries too rather than straight up avoiding. will post more in your thread x

9.9 so a slight improvement, managed a run and yoga yesterday so that was good, still have this feeling that all I want to do is stay in bed and hide away from the world, but I am getting up and facing the day. I did the stupid thing of getting on the scales this morning, so going to have to start being really good from next week, not going to change anything now before my 1/2 marathon on Sunday.

@Robin - congratulations on your HS.

Grey and damp here today as well.
Big hugs, hope your day gets better and remember any number in a scale doesn't determine at all how "nice or naughty" you are. You are doing great with your running and exercise 🙂
Morning all - another grey day.

3.7 on a scan this morning, but 4.4 on a blood test. Seem to be running low generally over the last 2 days, though the sensor seems to be reading low too. Due to change on Saturday, hope the next one is more accurate as per usual for me.

Went into the county town yesterday as we had a voucher for 20% off in Matalan and I was thinking of buying some bedding, also hubby wanted new shorts for our hols. Came out empty handed and went into the town centre via the park and ride. By the time we decided to have lunch we had bought 2 washing up brushes and a pair of rubber gloves! The afternoon was more successful with hubby getting some shorts and a couple of T shirts/polo shirts. There was nothing in the shops I even wanted to try on. I was exhausted by that time and fell asleep on the park and ride bus! I don't know what is the matter with me, the least effort leaves me exhausted and falling asleep on my feet. I felt nearly as bad as when I had Covid, but a test this morning is negative. I can only think it's the ongoing affects of having it over 4 weeks ago. I notice other members here seem to have the same.

@rebrascora how lovely to have deer in the garden... watch out for the veggie patch though!
@Lucyr nice to see you back.
@Robin congrats on the HS.

As far as I can see Mum2westies hasn't posted anywhere on the forum since 21 Feb. Hope she is OK.
10:59 BS 5.5 😱:D On two counts!!😱:D 1:- a longer lie in than I realised & 2:- my cycle has ended & I’m back in the 5’s “Just like that!” I wasn’t completely sure if cycle was done yesterday as there was a tiny bit in the morning but, getting up this morning in the little girl’s room before testing I am sure & thought it might be higher & a good thing I didn’t reduce tresiba yesterday!o_O

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

PS:- Got this after not getting ANY for ages yesterday morning by email:-

Not great but, these last week & a bit with the insulin changes my BS has been up & down especially, with heading off hypos so, no ACTUAL ones with the fast rises back up which ARE counted as highs! 🙄

But, with stability back, end of cycle, it’s something to work on! 🙄
I recall reading lots of posts from people in here about opticians.
I think it's time for me to embrace varifocals so looking for recommendations etc.

Thanks 🙂
Oh looky - 6.3 yet again - I think my meter is stuck! lol
Went down town and got my new glasses, quick latte in Greggs, a look around some clothes shops. Went on to Tesco and had a look in there, bought a new Prestige non-stick oven dish that was on special at £2.50 with my clubcard (£5 off), so that replaces the one that had started to peel its non-stick coating over the weekend (I use silicon liners in all my dishes and trays too! sigh). Got some fuel and then nipped to a friend's house with some bits for her raffle - stopped and chatted a while and finally got to see her new dog, she was just like her other two, so excited to see me lol I made a good fuss of the 3 of them - and our dog was none too pleased about that when I got home :rofl: he could smell I'd been unfaithful lol.
I feel quite worn out now!
Coffee time and then maybe 40 winks. Not that great a day, chilly and somewhat damp with light showers, just hope they are wrong about us getting some of the white stuff later this week.... eek!
Enjoy the rest of your day 🙂
@Robin congrats on your HS
@ColinUK i have a weird prescription and have varifocals. Get mine from Boots as they are very thorough but expensive, think they probably would be anywhere though.
Has anyone heard from @Kaylz , I’m a bit worried about her?