Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - still a lovely day here. Hopefully get a walk in and still finish off the garden. Should have done with it yesterday but spent far too much time trying to book 2 hotel rooms at Premier Inns who wouldn't take my Amex card. Somehow their website isn't properly set up for the 2 phase Amex validation needed since last week. I managed to do it with a Visa card, no problem... but have missed out on a fair chunk of Avios by not being able to use Amex. Amex blame Premier Inns, wouldn't know who Premier Inns blame as they don't answer their phones.

3.9 on a scan, 4.6 fingerprick... apparently I was 3.9 for hours.... well that's messed up my TIR.

Happy mother's day to everyone who is one or has one....
A not unexpected 7.9 after a full rack of ribs, chips, a margarita and a pina colada for dinner, it was yummy. Need to be better. Off to work.
Have a good day all x
Good morning 5.2

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 6.4 on this foggy cold morning. How can it be Monday already?!!! I think i blinked and missed the weekend.

@goodybags congrats on the HS.
Morning all. 6.9 on the metre, haven’t fitted new sensor yet.

Can’t believe I’m up so early. Been awake for ages. Had a good Mother’s Day yesterday, the hordes descended in dribs and drabs, gave me lovely presents, emptied the cupboards and the fridges and left us with the mess! :rofl: Luckily, we’d sat in the garden so the mess was all outside. Was in bed by 9 as was shattered! One more day of enforced rest and I may be let out for good behaviour tomorrow.😉

@SueEK oooh I love a Pina Colada. The best one I ever had was in Havana. Never had one like it since.
@goodybags well done on the HS this morning.

Have a Happy Monday everyone, the good weather has gone I’m afraid. Ah well, it is only March to be fair. It was nice whilst it lasted. 🙂
Good morning! 5'8 today.

I had half the Saturday and all the Sunday off, which is uncommon in my job. Went to another city for a night out with a friend and spent yesterday there, relaxing. A well enjoyed weekend. Only problem was getting back home in the evening, they cancelled my train and the next one, and had to take a bus, which takes an hour longer. I arrived past 11pm and today I work half an hour earlier than usual, but for some reason my brain decided I had to wake up a full hour earlier. Well, at least I have time for a much needed coffee! :D
Fellow Wordle players. I told you didn’t I? :rofl: Here’s me thinking epoxy was going to send them in a spin, but nymph just about exploded their minds! No vowels! Oh dear. The collapse of society is nigh! Looking forward to today’s word, let’s see how many folks get upset!😉


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Good morning - 7.5
Good morning everyone

Congratulatikns @goodybags on your HS

Me, BG, 5.4 this motning. Quite respectable.

All calm here with my wife yesterday thank goodness. Mind you that was after she woke late and spent the first 30 minutes sobbing her heart out. So hard for her. So hard for me. At least there was no anger from her.

I went for a long walk yesterday and it was so warm I didn't need a coat and will try to do the same today. Nothing else planned.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to.
Morning all, 5.9 here, the Diabetes fairy still hasn’t caught up with the clock change. Neither have I, it feels awfully early to be hauling myself out of bed and off to the supermarket.
Daughter says she’s never doing Wordle again, @eggyg ! She got it in 2, yesterday, but said it took her all day to think of the one word that would fit.
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5.8 this morning.
Off to the gym before work.
Nothing planned of any note today.

Donations for DUK through my JustGiving page for the half marathon this Sunday have now topped £900!
Thank you for all of you who’ve donated. I’m blown away by the support!
Morning all, 5.9 here, the Diabetes fairy still hasn’t caught up with the clock change. Neither have I, it feels awfully early to be hauling myself out of bed and off to the supermarket.
Daughter says she’s never doing Wordle again, @eggyg ! She got it in 2, yesterday, but said it took her all day to think of the one word that would fit.
Mr Eggy also got yesterday’s in two. It took me all morning and I had to keep going back to it and I eventually got it in five. Today I got it by the skin of my teeth on the last line. If I’d failed, society definitely would have collapsed! :rofl:
5.2 there may have been a moment where I perhaps should I have tested last night but ended up fulling or back asleep(I had been in bed for a while I had already done my bedtime test) I was suppose to take a liilte bit of leivemir last night but automatically did my usual amount(I guess things have become second nature to me now) so had stack before bed instead.
5.2 there may have been a moment where I perhaps should I have tested last night but ended up fulling or back asleep(I had been in bed for a while I had already done my bedtime test) I was suppose to take a liilte bit of leivemir last night but automatically did my usual amount(I guess things have become second nature to me now) so had stack before bed instead.
Congrats on the HS!
Well done @rayray119 & @goodybags on those House Specials.
Mine was 6.4 today. Not unexpected after the lovely spag bolg last night with loads of pasta. It was worth every lovely bite. :D

6.3 this morning, not bad after a somewhat "naughty" Mother's Day involving a a fresh cream and jam scone at Dobbies and a Chinese takeaway last night..... best pressie was being taken, with other "nanny" (who has been a friend for several years anyway) to see a surprise personal scan of our joint grandbaby #2 - oh wow, we even got a sneak peek of baby in 4D, heard (and saw) the strong heartbeat - and the princess got a dinosaur soft toy that has the baby's heartbeat play when you give it a squeeze - how cool is that! Treasured memories such as this are worth a million bunches of flowers! One very contented mum and nana here.
Time to go shopping
Much colder this morning, so wrap up warm and enjoy your week 🙂
Pleased to report a 4.6. I put Levemir up to 6 again last night but then had a couple of tiny slivers (and I mean tiny) of Ian's Calzone pizza before I climbed into bed as I was in the 5s. Looks like it was a very good decision. It was tasty too.

Well, I started Wordle with "laugh" instead of my usual "smile" this morning and got it in 2.... not bragging or anything as it was a total fluke considering the many options from that one letter it gave me, but happy it has dropped my average.

Congratulations to @goodybags and @rayray119 on achieving the optimum waking level this morning. Well done guys! Shiny gold stars awarded!
Well, I started Wordle with "laugh" instead of my usual "smile" this morning and got it in 2.... not bragging or anything as it was a total fluke considering the many options from that one letter it gave me, but happy it has dropped my average.
Mr Eggy also got yesterday’s in two. It took me all morning and I had to keep going back to it and I eventually got it in five. Today I got it by the skin of my teeth on the last line. If I’d failed, society definitely would have collapsed
I failed this morning! I was left with three lines left to fit a choice of six possibilities in, having got all but the first letter by the third go. So of course I chose all the wrong ones first. I prefer ones like yesterday’s. At least when you eventually think of the word, it’s very likely to be correct!
Morning all, grey today.

4.1 this am with a flat line. Obvs the longer than usual walk yesterday.

There are actually quite a few 5 letter words with no vowels. I got nymph for hubby and again today I got the word for him. Don’t play myself.... he’s usually very good at it.

Congrats to @goodybags and @rayray119 on the HS!