Group 7-day waking average?

also you lot going on about desserts isn't helping :rofl:
bg is on the way to the moon and I didn't even hoover up the fridge :(.
Time for an extra gliclazide and prepare to feel sick from it but gotta do something.
@Elenka_HM wheres that free insulin party at??
Sure the cherries will press the carb button but everything else could be tweaked to compensate. Wouldn’t be exactly the same but no reason why it wouldn’t be delicious with the changes.

Not going to be buying Kirsch though!
I had a jar of Grillotine cherries in Kirsch I bought on our last visit to France (nearly 6 years ago) they needed using up! I can assure you I paid nothing like those I linked to.... and the kirsch soaking makes the cheesecake really special!
First up. Well not really as I had very little sleep due to my wife being very bad again. What sparked her off? Our daughter rang us and invited her to go to her house for mothers day, for a celebration. My wife struggles with any notion of leaving the house because of the 'intruders'. My daughter was fine with that, but very disappointed. I was not fine with that and tried hard to get my wife to go out to see her daughter, with or without me. I shouldn't have bothered as my wife just descended into hell itself. Sad.

BG this morning 4.6

What to do today? Perhaps walk for the olympics, only slower.

Have a good day today whatever you get up to.
Morning all. 🙂 7.1 here.

I was dx in Spain @Elenka_HM so started out with mg/dL. It’s weird, once I’d discovered mmol/L I couldn’t get my head around the big numbers LOL - it’s easier for my brain to process a 5.0 than a 90. I learned the 18 times table pretty quick!

Ooo, another lovely sunny day here. Got a busy week ahead, so must remember to relaaaax today.😎
A stubborn 8.0. again this morning. App tells me this morning that I’ve been logging my food for 30 consecutive days today so I know my nutrition is under controI but my bg doesn’t appear to be responding yet. ☹️

Guess I don’t know what my levels were before I started testing and I know I’m doing the right things so just have to hope it will show in my next blood test in early May. I really don’t want to go on medication if I can possibly avoid it. Tweaked my carb goal a little further downwards now my body appears to have got used to less.

On a positive note I’ve lost 8lb since I started logging with no added sugar passing my lips apart from 1 desert on holiday.

Enjoy Mother’s Day. I’m not going to let it wreck my newly found good habits.

Have a good day everyone. Whatever you’re up to.
Good morning 5.1 today

Hope everybody has a great day 😎
Good morning all. 5.9 on the metre. My sensor popped itself off last night as I got undressed for bed. First time since I was prescribed the Libre back in October. Not bad going. I’m declaring an unofficial HS though, my metre was downstairs so I had to get out of bed, put on my dressing gown, go to loo, walk downstairs, get my kit bag out the drawer and try and draw some blood, the DP must have hit. So a 5.2 it is then! 😉

I’m feeling good this morning, still coughing, but haven’t woken with a headache and I ate every meal yesterday. I just rested, sat in the garden and read my book. Dr Eggy has ordered I have at least two more days resting. Better do as I’m told then. Although the hordes will be descending sometime today to bring me lots of lovely Mother’s Day goodies no doubt. Already had messages from them all. Nothing’s changed from when they were small children, still waking me up at the crack of dawn! At least I don’t have to pretend I’m loving the soggy toast with two inches of jam on, served with a luke warm cup of milky tea! :rofl:

Have a great day. It’s beautiful and sunny once again up here. 🙂
7.3 for me today. Off out to a lovely park in Crawley today for a meal at Smith and Western with my daughter and family.
@eggyg glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better, do as hubby says and take it easy x
Have a happy Mothering Sunday all x
Morning Everyone 14.8. Was expecting much higher considering what I went to bed on but something finally woke up and kicked into action while I was snoozing 😉. Feeling rough and not sure if it was the extra gliclazide or just running so high and coming back down (or both).

Happy Mothers Day to all you mummas out there. Hugs to everyone feeling sad and sensitive about it too. I get a little sad today after loosing Mum when I was little. <3

No super big plans today. This bath board is supposed to be getting fitted tomorrow (3rd time lucky maybe?) so need to get housework done today I guess. Can possibly bribe the kids into helping 😉

Have a brilliant day whatever you get up to x
Good morning - 6.6
5.8 for me today. 🙂

6.7 this morning. No real shock after going out for dinner yesterday and totally ignoring all sensible eating advice and enjoying every single mouthful of the forbidden foods!

Electrician came yesterday. Broke a beautiful lightbulb which he’s replacing as well as taking the value of from the invoice.
Don’t think he realised he’s actually paying for it twice now.
Lights now fire safe in the bathroom and so bright they can be seen from the moon.

Off for a walk in a bit. No plans to see mum today but she has her card of course.

Happy People Who Give Birth to People Day to all of those in here who’ve done that!
Good morning. 6.2 with a sudden drop to 4.1 and a downward trend.

Its cloudy here, where has the lovely sunshine gone?!

Have a good day everyone.
6.7 this morning. No real shock after going out for dinner yesterday and totally ignoring all sensible eating advice and enjoying every single mouthful of the forbidden foods!

Electrician came yesterday. Broke a beautiful lightbulb which he’s replacing as well as taking the value of from the invoice.
Don’t think he realised he’s actually paying for it twice now.
Lights now fire safe in the bathroom and so bright they can be seen from the moon.

Off for a walk in a bit. No plans to see mum today but she has her card of course.

Happy People Who Give Birth to People Day to all of those in here who’ve done that!
Is there such a thing as a beautiful lightbulb? Mine are all just, well, bulb shaped!
Please note I live in a very provincial northern town, and I don’t get out much! :rofl:
Another disappointing reading this morning of 9.2 which will be down to eating far too many roasted peanuts before bed 🙄 . I had a couple of corrections to deal with them which stopped me going into double figures but they just continued to release through the night, keeping levels high.
Really should have got Wordle in 3 but I did it last night and I was getting a bit tired and ended up wasting a try because I wasn't totally switched on. Another slightly baffling word with it having such an unusual letter combination.
Is there such a thing as a beautiful lightbulb? Mine are all just, well, bulb shaped!
Please note I live in a very provincial northern town, and I don’t get out much! :rofl:

Hand blown glass and assembled by hand for example.

Truly more a piece of art than a lightbulb.

😳09:51 BS 7.2 🙂 Made me jump a bit looking at my iPhone screen for the time then, remembered the BST change so, for once, changed the meter clock before taking my reading: usually takes me at least the 2nd reading before I realise to do it manually; the other thing needed a manual change is a watch! Only my watch has stopped working for a good few months now & before that about a year: it needed a new battery which I eventually changed at my town centre jewellers a few months ago; but, as with all my water resistant watches in the past once the battery is changed it stops being so & the water gets in si, the watch stops working! WHY IS THAT?😡 I haven’t gotten around to getting a new watch yet but, gotten used to doing without one!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Silly numpty just realised something yesterday when I got through the post the batteries & control solution, might as well get that too, from GlucoRx! For the last 4 years I had the GlucoRx Blue system & never used it because I didn’t know I could with the nexus mini ultra meter! 😳

When I first joined the forum in March 2018 it was because all of a sudden my health centre changed all my Freestyle test strips to GlucoRx nexus & I didn’t have any of there meters: for 3 months this kept happening but, my kindly chemist switched them for my freestyle ones & couldn’t do so anymore; searched online for Freestyle strips to buy & the cheapest was the Diabetes UK online store so, discovered the forum! 🙂

Even so, I eventually couldn’t afford to keep buying strips so, eventually bought the cheapest nexus meter possible on amazon which was the Go meter that’s literally clipped onto the top of a pot of strips but, it has no memory at all! So, I bought the dongle to go with it & the app on my phone! I used that for about a month or so before @Northerner helped me to argue my need for the freestyle strips I was used to using to my health centre & my strips were changed back! But, only for about a month before they said no other strips allowed & gave me 2 nexus mini ultra meters to use!

In yesterday’s postage pack of batteries etc. there was an instruction leaflet as well about the meter being compatible with the Blue system & I thought “Great!” & transferred all of the 999 readings from my current meter & the 2nd meter but, unfortunately the very 1st meter I couldn’t access at all: my meters had kept periodically stopped working due to using Duracell & NOT using their own batteries; solved that problem now & the battery was successfully changed last week & meter still working on their own batteries!

So, now I have all my meter readings for the last few years, with some gaps due to overwritten memory readings, on the 1000th reading the older readings are overwritten & lost, & it’s all connected to the Health & Mysugr apps on my iPhone!

My estimated Hab1c is at 59 & that gives me a bit of encouragement to see it going down even though it’s only been a month since my review & Bab1c of 68.

Mind you, the real test, as always, is comparing that to the next REAL Hab1c. Back when I was laboriously manually imputing my readings into the mysugr app the estimated was always lower than what it turned out to be but, still it gives me a rough idea! 🙄🙂

Numpty that I am I had all this all these years & didn’t know it! 😳 I do now & will continue using it: sticking in the dongle to update the new reading/s when I test & the data gives me much better insight with graphs etc etc etc!:D & a Lightbulb emoji!😉