Group 7-day waking average?

Congratulations @ColinUK on the 5.2, my reading this morning was 4.6. 🙂

Morning all and 5.6 after a much needed lie in. The latest I’ve been up all week has been about 6.20!

Memorial service went as well as can be expected, I didn’t expect to get upset but our grandson read a poem, which our daughter had written, about his grandad and that set me off. I was so proud of him as he’s only 15. Then his uncle read out a tribute to his dad and we were all in tears. I reckon all the grief they couldn’t express two years ago ( no hugs allowed then) just came out. My daughter’s MIL told her it was the first time she’d cried since her husband died. Maybe funerals do help, I might have to change my mind about not having one now. I was always so vehemently against them. Oh and I did cough, but I did try to wait until we sang the hymns! The Old Rugged Cross was ideal for this!

I didn’t feel well when we came home, so had a nana nap whilst Mr Eggy ripped the decking up! Don’t ask! I was a very brave girl and cooked Tuscan salmon for tea even though I didn’t feel hungry at all, but the salmon needed eating and Mr Eggy needed proper food. I had some but my appetite still isn’t what is was. Felt nauseous and had a terrible headache for the rest of the evening. Went to bed early. I’m beginning to think I might “just” have the good old fashioned flu. Youngest daughter popping round with some LFs today , although I only did PCR last week, just to double check before I call the GP on Monday if I’m not feeling better. It’s gone on too long now and I’m damn sick of it. Going to have a slice of toast for breakfast soon, touch wood it won’t make me feel sick.

Have a great day, it’s going to be a scorcher up here again. Think I’ll sit in the garden on my lounger watching the ripping up of decking. Such excitement.:D
Big well done @ColinUK on the lesser spotted HS. 🙂
7,7 today still using my back up meter. Things are really confusing.
Good morning 6.1 today, was half expecting something much higher, so relief it was only in the 6’s
I honestly ate far to much of the things I should be avoiding yesterday (Carb & Sugar)

congratulations @ColinUK on the HS

Ive got a busy weekend planned at home, with still plenty to clear out, sell / giveaway from the house
ready to move when the time comes, also some more things needed to provide to solicitor.

Have a great day everybody 😎
Disappointing 8.7 for me this morning and levels were in double figures for part of the night despite a 1.5 unit correction at bedtime and more than enough bolus with evening meal. I had dropped daytime Levemir by a couple of units as had a couple of days of levels dropping but I've put it back up this morning and levels still going up despite 2 corrections since I got up. Arrgh!
Delighted to congratulate @ColinUK on a rare House Special this morning. Hope it gave you a mental lift and it isn't too long until the next one.

Wordle was an interesting one this morning wasn't it! Got it in 4 but I puzzled for a long time on 2 and in the end wasted a try just to see if I could get some extra letters.
Disappointing 8.7 for me this morning and levels were in double figures for part of the night despite a 1.5 unit correction at bedtime and more than enough bolus with evening meal. I had dropped daytime Levemir by a couple of units as had a couple of days of levels dropping but I've put it back up this morning and levels still going up despite 2 corrections since I got up. Arrgh!
Delighted to congratulate @ColinUK on a rare House Special this morning. Hope it gave you a mental lift and it isn't too long until the next one.

Wordle was an interesting one this morning wasn't it! Got it in 4 but I puzzled for a long time on 2 and in the end wasted a try just to see if I could get some extra letters.
I’ve just got it in five. I was thinking, this can’t be right, but tried it anyways. There will be an uproar, mark my words, just like there was with caulk! I knew they were lulling us into a false sense of security when we all got chest in two! :rofl:
I’ve just got it in five. I was thinking, this can’t be right, but tried it anyways. There will be an uproar, mark my words, just like there was with caulk! I knew they were lulling us into a false sense of security when we all got chest in two! :rofl:
Being a practical sort of person, I got "caulk" without too much difficulty although I was a little surprised that it was correct.... I think todays was more tricky..... or should that be sticky 😉 Pleased you are still testing neg. Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like more rest is needed. Maybe soak up some vitamin D in the garden if Mr E isn't causing too much chaos.
5.4 for me this morning, getting closer to the elusive - will get it one of these days!
Got Wordle in 3 and it wasn't an easy one, but slightly more well known than caulk!
Nothing planned for today as yet, probably get some washing done whilst the weather is still good.
Car insurance has been done on the old jalopy for me, so that will keep me on the road until mid summer when MOT is due - then we will take it from there.
Don't forget the clocks go on an hour tonight at 1.00am - how dare they shorten Mothering Sunday by an hour - pfft! Whatever next! :rofl:
Have a good start to the weekend 🙂
Good morning. Grumpy today - blasted dog woofing all night every hour. Maybe a visiting fox or badger. NB charge up the really big torch...Gardener late as leaky bathroom+plumber. Digger sitting idle on yard but truthfully I can't work a full day anyway so why worry? Lovely, sunny morning with first asparagus tip showing - yum and v.low carb... BG 5.8.
Good morning everyone! 15.8

Managed to get my bloods taken yesterday with one of the family taking me up and back. usually I am quite independent and I planned on going into town for a bit before the appointment as buses don't run over lunchtime and I couldn't book a taxi.
Obviously didn't want to leave my daughter for long on her own after her faints but it worked out in the end. Was out of the house for about 20 mins total. Anyway its done and just need to wait. Still worried that it wont reflect how things have been and I'll get left in limbo without anyone doing anything.

Spoke to the gp about my daughter yesterday and she has 2 choices, cut her pill in half and try a half dose with a view to take 2 half does separately if she can tolerate it later down the line or wait until next wed where she has an appointment with her MH guy and he can give her something else. GP was lovely and said it is entirely up to her which one she wants to go with and understands if she isn't willing to try the half.
Kiddo said she will try the half tonight but not holding my breath 🙂 Its her choice 😉

Wordle was in 4 today, I was scratching my head a bit over it though.

So Mr @ColinUK you got a really shiny gold star there 🙂 I mean my glittery home made ones are filled with love but ooooh the gold one is so shiny :D Well done mate. I know how hard you have been trying x

@eggyg Sorry you are still feeling so rubbish.

Hope you all have a good day!
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

Trying a basal reduction as I've been getting very close to hypo territory in the evenings got the last couple of days.

Sounds like there's a load of washing nearly ready to go out.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Another beautiful day and it looks like the cold wind has dropped.

7.4 this morning, after going to bed on 8.6 at 1am due to turning into a chocolate monster and devouring half a bar of the Terry's Orange after dinner. Still the black forest cheesecake has gone... we portioned it up and gave it away in the pub last evening. Came home and polished off the remaining venison casserole, mash and buttered cabbage. All temptation now out of the way.

I got a phone call last night from a friend who I'd had lunch with last Monday to say she has tested positive again... that's the 2nd time she's had covid and she's fully vaccinated and boosted. The rate in Cornwall is soaring and soaring.

@Grannylorraine so pleased your team leader was sympathetic. Take care of yourself.

@ColinUK massive congratulations!

@Elenka_HM I think you are very brave to acknowledge what is going on with your attitude to food. I hope the talking therapy helps.

Hugs to the rest of you...

I think our garden will have some attention this afternoon... it's not too bad but all the pots and tubs need weeding.
Morning all. Another beautiful day and it looks like the cold wind has dropped.

7.4 this morning, after going to bed on 8.6 at 1am due to turning into a chocolate monster and devouring half a bar of the Terry's Orange after dinner. Still the black forest cheesecake has gone... we portioned it up and gave it away in the pub last evening. Came home and polished off the remaining venison casserole, mash and buttered cabbage. All temptation now out of the way.

I got a phone call last night from a friend who I'd had lunch with last Monday to say she has tested positive again... that's the 2nd time she's had covid and she's fully vaccinated and boosted. The rate in Cornwall is soaring and soaring.

@Grannylorraine so pleased your team leader was sympathetic. Take care of yourself.

@ColinUK massive congratulations!

@Elenka_HM I think you are very brave to acknowledge what is going on with your attitude to food. I hope the talking therapy helps.

Hugs to the rest of you...

I think our garden will have some attention this afternoon... it's not too bad but all the pots and tubs need weeding.
Recipe for the Black Forest cheesecake please!
Let’s see if we can low-carbify it.
Morning all. Another beautiful day and it looks like the cold wind has dropped.

7.4 this morning, after going to bed on 8.6 at 1am due to turning into a chocolate monster and devouring half a bar of the Terry's Orange after dinner. Still the black forest cheesecake has gone... we portioned it up and gave it away in the pub last evening. Came home and polished off the remaining venison casserole, mash and buttered cabbage. All temptation now out of the way.

I got a phone call last night from a friend who I'd had lunch with last Monday to say she has tested positive again... that's the 2nd time she's had covid and she's fully vaccinated and boosted. The rate in Cornwall is soaring and soaring.

@Grannylorraine so pleased your team leader was sympathetic. Take care of yourself.

@ColinUK massive congratulations!

@Elenka_HM I think you are very brave to acknowledge what is going on with your attitude to food. I hope the talking therapy helps.

Hugs to the rest of you...

I think our garden will have some attention this afternoon... it's not too bad but all the pots and tubs need weeding.
Ha ha! :rofl: A chocolate monster & a cold cuts monster!😱 WHAT a pair we are @Pattidevans 🙄:D😉
can you low carbify a roll and sausage with a slab of choc cake please and deliver it to me in about an hour. ty.
stupid blummin hormones, I wanna eat everything in sight. :rofl:
Easy to do the roll. The sausage, as long as it’s high meat content would be fine.
Low carb chocolate cake i I can knock up anytime.
Not sure they’d survive the journey to you though…. unless they’re in my belly!

11 this morning, today is going to be a bad day food wise as I have afternoon tea with my mum and daughter for daughter’s birthday and made an enormous Kit Kat cheesecake that my son asked for instead of a birthday cake, so going to have to give it a try.