Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.0
Morning everyone. 17.2 by the time I tested.

Got up, daughter was sitting in the living room saying she felt sick. She went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet lid with a bucket and had 2 fainting episodes. Son got urgently shouted on to keep her from toppling over.. Couldn't get a bp reading on her (it errored on me which it never does). She kinda came round and got her back to the sofa.
Called 111 as she had a wee bit more colour to her and was talking. They think it might be the new depression/anxiety meds but I've to phone GP for an emergency consult to see what they want to do with her medication wise and not to take the morning dose. Common side effect nausea and rare one is fainting.
Fed her some toast to cover all bases and got her into bed with various ways of summoning me to hand and will check on her every 20 mins.

Not sure I will make my bloods appointment at 1 (need to leave at 11 due to transport times) but will see how that plays out.

Hope everyone has a good day 🙂 x

@Grannylorraine no judgment here just oodles of hugs to you x
Good morning. 5.6.

I’d like to say I’m full of the joys of spring as it’s a glorious day, but I’m not. Think I overdid it yesterday, hairdressers, beauty salon, lunch out, Tesco! It was definitely Tesco that tipped me over the edge. I was absolutely exhausted again and had a splitting headache.

Can’t rest today as we are attending a memorial service for our eldest’s FIL. He died exactly two years ago today. No funeral service was had obviously then, can’t say I’m looking forward to it. But there’s a lunch after the church service. Just hope I don’t start coughing.

Have a fab Friday all.
7.7 today. Didn’t get my walk yesterday but did weed the pavement and patio out the front, now have a blister on my finger but don’t panic, I’ll live.
Sainsbury’s this morning and a possible trip to Matalan, how exciting.
@gll how awful for your daughter and indeed yourself, hope she is ok and you get to the bottom of it x
@eggyg hope all goes well today and you feel ok during the service xx
Have a good day all x
Morning fellow hosts to the pesky Diabetes Fairy.

5.8 today for me.

@Grannylorraine you are an inspiration and we’re all allowed to be human and to have comfort foods when we need them. You made the best decision available to you at the time you made it yesterday. It’s what you needed to get through the day.
Today’s a new day. Hopefully it’s a better one.

@eggyg Hope the memorial service goes ok and is a celebration of life and filled with memories of laughter and smiles. And not too many coughs.
08:13 BS 7.2 🙂 Slow & steady going down a bit each morning: soon in target range?:confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Woke with bright sunshine on my face going through my curtains which have a tiny gap! 😎😛 WAY too late for the birdie chorus, though as they’re up around dawn at just over 6am? I couldn’t get back to sleep just after 2am after a call of nature so, wached a couple of episodes on Now TV of the last season 3 of Westworld that I’d missed a few years ago! Great tv show I’d recommend by the makers of Lost!😛😎

Breakfast ready in oven so, have to go! 😳🙄:D😉
5.5 for me today. 🙂

There we are! Safely out & JUST on the edge of too crispy! :D Been having little frozen mini danish from tesco 2 or 3 times a week & have 2 tiny ones in the oven for a strict 22 minutes, or exactly 25 minutes from switching on my small top oven of my electric cooker, on gas mark 6: a minute over & they burn as they’re SO tiny! I have 2 no crusts sandwiches & 2 mini danish, today it’s stuffed chicken breast sandwiches, vanilla crown & cinnamon whirl, with 2 cups of tea for an admittedly extra 10 NR so, 40 units instead of 30 but, SO YUMMY! Mind you I can’t have anymore fat today as that’s my quota & not every day: no danish tomorrow!🙄

Right! Tea’s brewed now & having breakfast now! 😛
Hi everyone! 6'1 in this lovely bright morning, currently in a taxi to my appointment with DSN because bus was delayed, I'm gonna be late anyway but I hope I can still make it :( could have walked to the hospital but wanted to give my legs a break after 14 hours working on my feet yesterday. Not my hardest day, but a very long one. Today would be similar if I hadn't changed the morning shift to attend my appointment, so better save some energy now. On the bright side, I was in a great mood after a good night of sleep and the weather was lovely all day. Went out for a coffee outside in my break and really enjoyed sitting in the sun 🙂
A fine sunny morning - hope everyone enjoying it. The dog is in disgrace. Woofed on and off from 2230-2400. Slept until 0320 when awakened by desperately rumbling tum - BG then 5.8 - ate bacon eggs and mushrooms and then went out like a light until 0500 when the dog started again. Language blue until 0630, decided to get up but immediately fell asleep again...Up at 0830 when BG 6.00. Blasted Wolf running about with wide grin and wagging tail - if I was more agile I might have given in to temptation and planted wellie in his beam end. Had an email yesterday from my splendid young (Plaid Cymru)MP about the form requiring Ukranian sponsors to enter passport number despite guidance for refugee to provide copy passport/driving licence etc for which the electronic form does not provide....He too was unable to resolve the issue and is asking a parliamentary question. Not sure if just damnably stupid government or intentional cock up to make it look as if they are helping refugees with online visa applications but actually making sure we get fewer of them. I'm rather looking forward to having refugees at the bottom of the garden - makes a change from the traditional fairies.
A fine sunny morning - hope everyone enjoying it. The dog is in disgrace. Woofed on and off from 2230-2400. Slept until 0320 when awakened by desperately rumbling tum - BG then 5.8 - ate bacon eggs and mushrooms and then went out like a light until 0500 when the dog started again. Language blue until 0630, decided to get up but immediately fell asleep again...Up at 0830 when BG 6.00. Blasted Wolf running about with wide grin and wagging tail - if I was more agile I might have given in to temptation and planted wellie in his beam end. Had an email yesterday from my splendid young (Plaid Cymru)MP about the form requiring Ukranian sponsors to enter passport number despite guidance for refugee to provide copy passport/driving licence etc for which the electronic form does not provide....He too was unable to resolve the issue and is asking a parliamentary question. Not sure if just damnably stupid government or intentional cock up to make it look as if they are helping refugees with online visa applications but actually making sure we get fewer of them. I'm rather looking forward to having refugees at the bottom of the garden - makes a change from the traditional fairies.
James O’Brien yesterday, and he’s coming back to the topic today, had lots of evidence to suggest that the whole Ukrainian refugee scheme has been designed to fail or at least be as impenetrable as possible whilst maintaining the pretence that it isn’t.
Lots of stories from those trying to join family who are being pushed from pillar to post and also a requirement for every single Ukrainian to have a passport number. That includes children who haven’t even been issued a passport.
The entire thing is an embarrassment but it fits very well into the government’s playbook.
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

Replacement for yesterday's failed sensor didn't get off to an auspicious start. First reading was spot on but then decided to give s reading of 2.9 until it stopped scanning. Sprang into life again with a reading of 2.9. Eventually started giving a bit of variety in the readings. Let's see how it goes.

Have a good day everyone.
9.3 for me had a bit of nightmare last night and this morning (dyspraxia really isn't helpful with all this diabetes stuff to keep track of) I think I temporary resloved it until I find the thing I misplaced (meter but got another one with the same strips(it's here somewhere because I hear the aletms I know some people will be thinking I really shouldn't I hear misplace these thingd and I shouldn't but sometimes other things get it the way) I'm hoping which everpnr o end taking to work leyet keeping in my inside pocket works(I was going to trail that out last night.
Morning all, another lovely day.

9.8 this morning, all my own fault, eating stuff I shouldn't and forgetting bolus yesterday until some time later. Still the lunch went down very well. Everyone seemed to like every course. I had thought that the chocolate collar on the black forest cheesecake would be a disaster, but it turned out well in the end. Guests arrived at 1pm and left at 7pm, then we cleared up and I fell asleep on the sofa for an hour. All in all a successful day!

Congrats all those who achieved an HS.

@Grannylorraine don’t beat yourself up. You’re only human and you take on so much. I’m unimpressed in the extreme by the colleague who threw you under the bus after you so kindly helped them.


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10.1 so a bit better. Thank you all for your kind words, I spoke to my team leader today and told him how I am feeling, he has agreed not to offer my help to anyone else for the time being especially as the new work I agreed to take on has turned out to be a lot more than we were originally told.
Handsome, happy Welsh boys @Martin.A. :D My hubby was also happy with the result (but not quite so handsome LOL).🙂

Glad to hear you’ve spoken to your team leader @Grannylorraine and they were sympathetic. 🙂 It’s so important with diabetes to be able to put ourselves first sometimes (and to educate others to this fact).