Group 7-day waking average?

There is but everything is turned on, i've even turned them off and back on again. Sensor change is due Sunday so i'll hold on. Currently sitting in a car park as levels dropped really suddenly to hypo 🙄
Hhhmmmm, maybe i won't be waiting until Sunday. Hubby turned up to drive me home and when i got here i tested. Finger prick 6.4, sensor 17.7 and going up fast!!! Is it worth ringing Abbott when i've got 3 days left?
I'm having the same problem actually. I wonder if there's an update to the app.
Oooh dear, hope you are OK.
Think I got an infection which said I'll be more supertiple to good old diabetes. Been given antibobics just hope they work because I'm in a lot of pain.
hi I’ve even following this thread for a while I was diagnosed T2 in Jan so still newish but find it really helps to see everyone’s journey with the numbers! I take 2 Slow release Metformin in an evening with my meal and currently my highest readings of the day are on a morning!

Example today 8:4 but I went to bed at 5.1 @11pm last night and stopped eating my evening meal at 7 then walked for 40 mins after and I had chicken cheese bacon salad. I see a range of numbers during the day usually from 5.9-7.9 but my morning reading is rarely below 7. It’s making me think what am I doing wrong and this is all stop my 1AC from coming down as my goal is to get off metformin( I have side affects with SR and Standard)
Moonstar I was on Metformin when I first was diagnosed in Jan 2019 and I worked hard to bring my numbers down and my morning numbers were always between 7 and 8.5 for ages.

Eventually I came off metformin and my morning numbers stayed between 7 and 8.5 but my daily numbers were between 6 and 7 and I started exercising and found my numbers went up instead of down!

I was beginning to give up about my numbers but I was sticking to my very low carb eating and enjoying my new way of eating and my blood pressure and liver function was ok so I stopped worrying.

Then over the last few months something changed and I've been getting the 5 numbers in the morning and staying at 5-ish all day no matter what I eat. Apart from eating slightly more carbs now and then (not huge amounts and not every day just a weeny bit of something ) I don't know what has changed but my blood sugars are staying on 'normal' levels now.

So that is three years of eating very low carb but still having plenty of nice food during that time and now very tentatively adding back tiny bits of carb food like half a slice of bread or the rare portion of chips from the chip shop and now I am getting good results first thing and after exercising - so maybe you will be like me and it will take a while before your body behaves?
@Gwynn congrats on the HS!

My number this morning has climbed a bit but then again I did go to bed on an 5.3 so waking up on a 6.0 isn’t bad.

Starting to stress about the half on Sunday a bit. I’ll be ok as long as I can get to the starting pen but to get there may well take quite a lot of resolve.

Electrician is coming later today. Whether he does or not who can predict!
The best advice I ever received when I got the half marathon "can I do it" wobbles was

"Trust in your training and yourself and you will be fine"

That was 14 years ago now and I still remind myself of it if I'm feeling nervous about an event or a new milestone.

It's natural to be anxious, it means you care about it. You'll regret it if you don't line up. You've done the training, now just enjoy the reward. Good luck! 🙂
morning all its ten past 6 in the am i'm pulling boots on to go walk the hellhound my bm is 25.6 (holy shitballs eeek )
i feeling like i'm kinda winning im finding my routines again one of these is trying to find a little gratitude in this otherwise messed up world we reside in ,,, so here goes my three things for today are
1)my little pup piper that little bundle of fun and fur gets me up in the mornings
2)music it really does soothe my savage soul id be so lost without it i just have to go my vinyl's and i feel joy wash over me
3)cups of tea
so here's a thought how do you practice your mindfulness what gives you joy and makes you feel grateful it dont have to be complex and deep just three things that make you feel happy ?
and discuss ........
have a happy day y`all
I tested this morning and found a 4.9, which was a surprise as I think I’ve forgotten to take my metformin for a few days.
Good morning - 5.6
Good morning 5.4 today
much more respectable than the last few days

looks like things are starting to drop in place regarding the house moove
although no idea on completion date just yet

need to catch up on some work expenses and other admin this weekend
otherwise really need to be clearing out in readiness for moving , when it comers

snow here this morning !

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning and another frosty one. Drum roll please……5.2!!!! Blooming Nora. Been a while. I’m beginning to think my homemade bread is carb less, I’ll have a slice for brekkie and see how it goes! 😉

Zara day today. Haven’t had her for a while as we were at memorial last Friday. Apparently she’s dropped her morning nap! Oh no! We’ll be frazzled by lunch time.

Have a fab Friday everyone. 🙂
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.1 TBT again

Not sure exactly but power bills are just about to rocket. Makes me very anxious and worried. Thank goodness summer is just around the corner.

Today...nothing to do...sigh

Have a great day today whatever you get up to.
Tell me about it, I'm a size 12 for trousers, but 16 for tops! It does make it hard to find a dress that suits.
@eggyg, I also have skinny legs... I could never wear leggings... I look like a potato on 2 sticks.
Exactly the same as me, 10/12 bottoms and 14/16 tops.

Altogether now. “ Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down!” Now there’s a blast from the 70s ear worm for you all today. #sorrynotsorry:rofl:
Morning all. Sensor says 10.8 finger prick 5.7. At least its on the +10 on the sensor like most of the day yesterday. Abbott will be getting a call this morning.
@eggyg congrats on the HS.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning all.

Was expecting a high-ish number today based on how I’m feeling this morning so imagine my surprise when the meter said 5.3 - jabbed another finger to double check whilst hoping it’d give me a 5.1 so I could join @eggyg with a HS but not to be. Second finger was 5.3 as well.

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER I should dig out my gratitude journal. I used to write down five things I was grateful for each day but I also meditate every day.
I know we’d all be grateful for pics of the Hellhound if you feel like sharing!

Elaine, enjoy Zara time and I’m sure you’ve got many tricks to get her to take her morning nap up your sleeves in case you need them!
5.4 for me this morning but it took 4 JBs to maintain a pretty flatfish Libre graph which just dipped ever so slightly into the red for a very brief period about 2am. I guess increasing my Levemir wasn't the best plan last night but I didn't too any serious manual work, so expected it to be needed. I managed it pretty well though.

@eggyg Many congratulations on a rare HS accolade for you. Hope Zara doesn't run you too ragged today.

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER Delighted you decided to join us. Hope you had an enjoyable walk and it brings those levels down a bit. I agree with @ColinUK and @Bloden.... Photos of your pup are a must. I love your suggestion, so here are my 3 "Gratitudes" for today...
1. Waking up in a warm house (storage heaters... will be costing me a fortune now 😱 ) when there is snow on the ground outside. Feeling for all the refugees in the world.
2. My morning cup of coffee with real cream..... I'm currently sitting in my PJs in said warm house really just being in the moment with my coffee this morning and it tastes delicious.
3. This forum and the lovely people on this thread in particular. :D