Group 7-day waking average?

Caught up now sitting up in bed! Headache has cleared a bit & stomach settling down!

Completely forgot it’s April Fool’s Day & that was a bit naughty to give me a shock this morning Dez @MeeTooTeeTwo 😱:rofl:😉

And lovely to have a quick post from @Kaylz 😛 Hope things are not too bad for you & hopefully see you posting on here again soon?🙂

Still don’t want to eat & will keep testing but, being semi vertical actually helps! 🙄🙂😉
Thanks @Lanny shame you can't react to a post with more than 1 as I also would have "liked" it but "care" is more fitting because of how your feeling, I hope you feel better soon!

Things have been pretty tough the last couple of weeks here hence my absence and I'm still not up to posting daily yet but maybe soon xx
A bit of scrambling there for a quick lunch just 2.5 hours after breakfast but, signs that Tresiba has come up to speed & reducing NR at last: it’s been topsy turvy as BS rose with NR staying the same & maybe SHOULD have increased it a bit but, that goes against the grain; normally NR doses go down later in the day! 😱🙂

As soon as there were signs of DP rise 7.0 with nothing but 6NR I compromised with a protein bar for breakfast with the same 30 NR for breakfast as stomach still getting back into gear! But, started to feel hungry around the 2 hour mark & surprised by only 7.6. Went & cooked ramen & tested when done & dropped to 5.0! My hunger was telling me something & thank goodness I listened! Ate & THEN, 22 NR just now! Here’s my day so far:-

OK so now you have to tell us what he did yesterday!
Oh you know... he has been putting off booking our usual airport parking only to find it's gone up by over £100. So he's annoyed with himself, but clearly it was my fault as he was barking at me all day. I found some at the original price from a different company, but until he'd googled every website in the UK he wouldn't accept my suggestion, however having eventually found the same deal himself he was clearly a clever lad!
I swear some days I don't know why I even bother to chew through the restraints on my straight jacket!
Another round of medical eggheads bs is 19.5 its not good but its not 26 so I'll take that as a minor victory and run with it.. I had a massive verbal tic today and shouted at my doc that all beans have three toes I swear the nonsense my brain comes out with is unreal.
Have a good Friday night folks
pssst @Kaylz I got pears shower gel and I blame you :D Nice to see you post <3

@eggyg and @MeeTooTeeTwo Yay for the HS today (although I don't 100% trust meetooteetwo now)

@Pattidevans clever lad indeed (at least we know you are the brains behind it all)

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER hope the appointments went well today. Now I can't get the mental image of a baked bean with 3 toes out of my head :rofl:. (to be clear, laughing with you here 😉)

Out first thing tomorrow to take kiddo for her booster and then nothing planned again until Friday. All these recent appointments has tested my social anxiety (which is heaps better than it used to be) but poor kiddo is pretty frazzled with it all. Looking forward to a few days off. We have the occupational therapist out next Friday with the surveyor to plan the bathroom refit. Another one that has been cancelled already and rebooked. I wonder if they did it to get put through the next financial year.

Catch you lot tomorrow at some point, we are out first thing so might be later on x
Well, i rang Abbott today about the sensor. After going through everything they are sending me the replacement. I should think so too!!! Yesterday and today it was consistently reading a minimum of +10 compared to the fingerprick!! My TIR has gone from 98-100% daily to 1%!!!!!
My three things to be grateful for
1. My family
2. My close friends
3. A glass of wine on a Friday night.

Welcome to the thread @GRIFFINLONEWALKER, your dog is lovely.
Good morning 16.2
still high but its coming down slowly hoping a few more days and I'll be where it needs to be rudley awoken by the furball dropping her ball in my face her way of saying she wants to go out and chase squirrels in the park so I guess I'm getting dressed and going out to check some pee-mails with my side kick I love being a pawrent
thanks for the welcomes from one and all think I've finally found a place where I can be heard valued and I have no problem at all with you laughing along with me and the stupid things my brain often makes me do Im good with that
Have a great Saturday y'all
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Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 which is good

Nothing planned for today. I must admit that I am getting a bit bored at times.

I am refocussing my efforts on getting my Cholesterol down. Swapped butter out for Bertolini margerine, added plant sterol supplements, added Allicin supplements, added psyllium husk supplements, increased exercise, no idea if it will actually improve things. Time will tell.

Anyone found a successful means of reducing Cholesterol?

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
06:07 BS 5.2! 😱:D I only went & got a House Special!:rofl:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

THAT was worth getting up for! 😛 The CCOOOLLLLLDDDDD hit me going to the little girls room & lay shivering in the bed afterwards for ages trying to get back to sleep but, thrown in the towel, put on the heater & semi vertical in bed now as I post this! Stomach is starting to wake up too so, might as well test & it’s a LOVELY surprise!😎

At last Tresiba is there where I need it! Not that there wasn’t any more high numbers at the tail end of yesterday as I started reducing NR for lunch & dinner: reduced both a bit too much; didn’t correct after lunch & just reduced a bit less for dinner with BS 10.7 & finished up with an even higher 13.7 which I DID correct after dinner before going to bed! So, I ended up overall with a higher BS average than the day before BUT, on a lot less NR despite the corrections because, in hindsight, I overdid NR for the protein bar breakfast which sent me too low! 😳

I’m feeling a bit better now too & spent yesterday re watching Game of Thrones yesterday on Now TV until the end of my subscription this month until 14/04/22 as I saw the trailer for the new GOT prequel for later this year in August The House of The Dragon set 200 years before GOT when the Targaryen‘s first conquered Westeros!

AND next week is The US Masters Golf which I’ve decided, although I MAY cave in on, not to buy the Sports monthly pass at £33.99 to watch it as money is a bit tight at the moment! So, this year it coincides with the Easter weekend & I’ll watch the highlights of days 1 & 2 that are on the BBC & live coverage for days 3 & 4! :confused:

The latter half of yesterday:-

Morning yawning! 5.3 today, oh so tantalisingly close.

I can’t believe I’m up so early on a weekend. TBF, I can, I’m an insomniac. Watched the Horizon programme on Thursday night with Dr Michael Mosley about how to help with the nation’s chronic sleeplessness. Can anyone tell me what happened at the end as I fell asleep! 😉 Ah well, it means I can hopefully catch a nice sunrise.

Busy day today, first I need to make a loaf of bread, sun dried tomato and some sort of dried spicy sausage. Then two steak and ale pies, the filling was made yesterday so it’s nice and cold to go into the pastry. No soggy bottoms in our house! One of the pies is for my eldest daughter and her family, as it’s lambing time, mealtimes are all over the place and quite often not too nutritious. We’re nipping up later as it’s daughter’s birthday tomorrow and so we’re dropping off pressies and a card. It’ll be a flying visit no doubt, as they’ll more than likely have their hands full ( or inside a ewe!) 😱 At least I know they’ll have a delicious tea tonight. The bread is also for them too, as well as a gingerbread I made the other day, which is now lovely and sticky. After our visit we’re going for a walk in the countryside. I’ve had a practice the last couple of days and I’m only coughing 99% of the time I’m in the fresh air! Well it’s ONLY been three weeks!:(

Have a superb Saturday all. 🙂

I’d like to wish @Grannylorraine and @ColinUK all the best for the half marathon tomorrow, I’m sort of thinking you won’t have time for logging on in the morning. Whatever happens, walking, running, finishing, not finishing, you’re still heroes in my eyes. I couldn’t even run for a bus! Give it your all.🙂
06:07 BS 5.2! 😱:D I only went & got a House Special!:rofl:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

THAT was worth getting up for! 😛 The CCOOOLLLLLDDDDD hit me going to the little girls room & lay shivering in the bed afterwards for ages trying to get back to sleep but, thrown in the towel, put on the heater & semi vertical in bed now as I post this! Stomach is starting to wake up too so, might as well test & it’s a LOVELY surprise!😎

At last Tresiba is there where I need it! Not that there wasn’t any more high numbers at the tail end of yesterday as I started reducing NR for lunch & dinner: reduced both a bit too much; didn’t correct after lunch & just reduced a bit less for dinner with BS 10.7 & finished up with an even higher 13.7 which I DID correct after dinner before going to bed! So, I ended up overall with a higher BS average than the day before BUT, on a lot less NR despite the corrections because, in hindsight, I overdid NR for the protein bar breakfast which sent me too low! 😳

I’m feeling a bit better now too & spent yesterday re watching Game of Thrones yesterday on Now TV until the end of my subscription this month until 14/04/22 as I saw the trailer for the new GOT prequel for later this year in August The House of The Dragon set 200 years before GOT when the Targaryen‘s first conquered Westeros!

AND next week is The US Masters Golf which I’ve decided, although I MAY cave in on, not to buy the Sports monthly pass at £33.99 to watch it as money is a bit tight at the moment! So, this year it coincides with the Easter weekend & I’ll watch the highlights of days 1 & 2 that are on the BBC & live coverage for days 3 & 4! :confused:

The latter half of yesterday:-

View attachment 20463
Well done Lanny.🙂
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 which is good

Nothing planned for today. I must admit that I am getting a bit bored at times.

I am refocussing my efforts on getting my Cholesterol down. Swapped butter out for Bertolini margerine, added plant sterol supplements, added Allicin supplements, added psyllium husk supplements, increased exercise, no idea if it will actually improve things. Time will tell.

Anyone found a successful means of reducing Cholesterol?

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
What are your cholesterol numbers @Gwynn? Do you know your HDL and LDL breakdowns? My cholesterol overall number is always high, 6ish usually. But my HDH ( good cholesterol) is high, which is good. So I’m quite happy with it.
It seems to me you’re doing everything you can, walking, eating well, lost weight, not sure if you’re a smoker but that can raise your cholesterol as can too much salt. I would say save your money and don’t buy the Benecol products, if you read the literature it doesn’t bring it down all that much. Worrying can also affect your heart health, it can narrow your arteries, so if you can, and as a worry wart myself I know it’s not easy, try not to let it bother you too much. Some folks can be predisposed to higher cholesterol.
Morning all. 🙂 9.0? Here we go again...😎

I’m picking my girlies up from kennels today - hopefully they’ll be excited to see me. Gwen usually bounces up my nose while Bloden cuddles my knee-caps...then it’s straight down the beach for a very long walk. I’ll be thinking of you @Grannylorraine and @ColinUK, raising money for good causes. :D Heeheehaahaahawhaw @GRIFFINLONEWALKER, you’re funny.:rofl:
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 which is good

Nothing planned for today. I must admit that I am getting a bit bored at times.

I am refocussing my efforts on getting my Cholesterol down. Swapped butter out for Bertolini margerine, added plant sterol supplements, added Allicin supplements, added psyllium husk supplements, increased exercise, no idea if it will actually improve things. Time will tell.

Anyone found a successful means of reducing Cholesterol?

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Spoke to consultant about cholesterol this week, he said the cholesterol spread and drinks, fish, exercise, and veg/lentils/pulses/oats were worth trying
Good morning all! 5'4. I accidentally pulled the needle out too quick this morning and I am pretty sure I didn't get my full dose of basal. But I can't know exactly how much went in so won't risk taking more, let's hope my BG behaves today!

This Saturday feels like Monday as I just had 2 lovely days off. Went to a student production of the musical "Into the woods" which was a nice plan, though I was sitting next to the music band and struggled to hear the lyrics. Then yesterday I went in a ferry and have a long walk in a place with stunning views.

Have a nice weekend folks 🙂