Group 7-day waking average?

Forgot my gratitude list so here goes
1)warm socks
2}ducks butt's when they dive under water
3)you guys for helping me and being so welcoming
I'd also like to say please don't hesitate to ask me any questions around my tourettes I'm happy to share
its a funny old disorder at the best of times!!
Forgot my gratitude list so here goes
1)warm socks
2}ducks butt's when they dive under water
3)you guys for helping me and being so welcoming
I'd also like to say please don't hesitate to ask me any questions around my tourettes I'm happy to share
its a funny old disorder at the best of times!!
I'm so pleased that you have joined us here and I love that you feel sufficiently comfortable to slot straight in with us and share stuff. We are all a bit oddball in our own different ways, so one more just adds to the party! Variety is the spice of life as they say.
Not sure if you are one for puzzles but it is almost obligatory to do Wordle here on this thread, so if you haven't yet discovered Wordle have a go.... and if you are into music in a big way, you might want to try Heardle.... Feel free to announce and gloat over any major triumphs but be prepared to be trumped as there is usually someone here who went one better to steal your glory! ....
..... I got Wordle in 3 today which made me rather chuffed.... forgot to mention it earlier
Forgot my gratitude list so here goes
1)warm socks
2}ducks butt's when they dive under water
3)you guys for helping me and being so welcoming
I'd also like to say please don't hesitate to ask me any questions around my tourettes I'm happy to share
its a funny old disorder at the best of times!!
My dad has Tourette’s (physical and verbal) and I have physical tics but not verbal, so any lack of questions from me is just that it’s normal to me and am familiar with how strange Tourette’s can be at times.
5.6 today.

Looks like eating a teeny bit of carbs per day is definitely paying off. Yesterday evening I made Gigantes for my husband and it smelled so wonderful I sneaked a very small portion. Gigantes (well my version) is made with huge butterbeans in a tomato and garlic and oregano sauce and plenty of olive oil. I think I had about six of them and a small amount of the sauce - the first for years and years. My levels went from 5.6 to 6.7 and then returned back to 5.6 and stayed there. 5.6 seems to be my current stable level that my body wants to stick at. Last year it was mostly 6 - ish so I am quite pleased.
Forgot my gratitude list so here goes
1)warm socks
2}ducks butt's when they dive under water
3)you guys for helping me and being so welcoming
I'd also like to say please don't hesitate to ask me any questions around my tourettes I'm happy to share
its a funny old disorder at the best of times!!
I like the gratitude list idea! I wrote 3 things a day in a notebook for a while but now I only write when something pops to my mind.

Today I am grateful for:

1) The nice place I discovered (well, my friend showed me) yesterday.
2)The flowers outside.
3)My manager just gave me the evening off!
I'm so pleased that you have joined us here and I love that you feel sufficiently comfortable to slot straight in with us and share stuff. We are all a bit oddball in our own different ways, so one more just adds to the party! Variety is the spice of life as they say.
Not sure if you are one for puzzles but it is almost obligatory to do Wordle here on this thread, so if you haven't yet discovered Wordle have a go.... and if you are into music in a big way, you might want to try Heardle.... Feel free to announce and gloat over any major triumphs but be prepared to be trumped as there is usually someone here who went one better to steal your glory! ....
..... I got Wordle in 3 today which made me rather chuffed.... forgot to mention it earlier
I just got the heardle for today in 1 second.......... wordle is my nemesis! Drives me to utter words that would make a hardened Dock worker blush!! Music is a massive part of my life I have over 350 records and I'm close to 270 cds it ranges from speed metal to classical and everything in between one of the only times I stop ticking and am completely calm is when I'm listening to very fast trash metal the louder the more discordant the better!
BIG smugness alert! 🙄

Finally had a wee breakfast of sorts after getting up earlier, earlier than expected, & DP rise of more or the usual 1mmol/hour, good indicator there, & wasn’t really hungry so, just a couple of the tiny Fibre one cakes, salted caramel & chocolate fudge brownie, for breakfast & gave it an admittedly extra bolus for being naughty, & sweet, of 40 NR! Then, tested afterwards for 8.1! Then, fell asleep to wake up just after active NR about 13:30 ish BS 5.3! :D PERFECT! On 2 counts:- 1 it’s more or less exactly where I started at & 2 it sure makes my Today report on mySugr app look WONDERFUL!😛😎:rofl:

After ALL that agro; I can’t help it but, CROW & feel very SMUG! 🙄:rofl:😉

Aww! If only EVERY day could look like THIS:-

Now, I feel a bit anticlimactic announcing that I’m STILL not hungry & STILL feel tired as my right ear is still bugging me, a bit less but, still there so, I’m going back to bed & try for some more sleep knowing that my basal will hold me steady now! 🙂 & A Stream of z’s emoji!
6.0 this morning, not sure how that came about with having a Galaxy (lighter) hot choc with real dairy squirty cream at bedtime, but I'll take it.
Changed the bedding last night and found the mattress cover starting to disintegrate - suddenly realised it has to be 20 years or so old - no surprise there then. Went to check with son on the mattress he got from Ikea, they haven't got that one in king size, but another one is almost identical (and as cheap!) so have that on order for collection this evening. I will also change to using the new mattress topper I bought a while back - start afresh all round.
Might be going to my friend's cake sale (not even going to look!), raffle, meat raffle and whatever else she has going on this afternoon, daughter wants to go too with the princess - as long as the weather stays decent. It is very cold and rain is forecast so we shall see.
Not the weekend I was expecting, but at least I can't say it is boring! :rofl:
Have a good weekend all 🙂
I always recall Gloria Hunniford saying the two most important things are a comfortable bed and comfortable shoes as you spend your life in one or the other.
We have a memory foam mattress and what a difference it made to sleeping well.
My three gratitudes today
1. Quiet
2. Coffee
3. A good book
I always recall Gloria Hunniford saying the two most important things are a comfortable bed and comfortable shoes as you spend your life in one or the other.
We have a memory foam mattress and what a difference it made to sleeping well.
Going to add comfortable knickers to that list too 😉
I always recall Gloria Hunniford saying the two most important things are a comfortable bed and comfortable shoes as you spend your life in one or the other.
We have a memory foam mattress and what a difference it made to sleeping well.
Yes the old (and new) mattress toppers are memory foam and they are totally bliss. This old mattress is a firm one (firm going on hard!), whereas the new one has springs but a memory foam top. I tried laying on my son's one and it was fabulous - so I am looking forward to collecting my one later. Might have to delay swapping them over until tomorrow as will need to get dinner done, but waiting an extra day is bearable.
As for comfortable shoes - oh yes - found some colourful "elastic" ones last year (my friends were after buying them too, wanting to know where I got them - good old Amazon, my first time buying shoes online) and they are heaven to wear all day (I bought a second pair - might get more this year too), so I totally agree with Gloria.
Oops... forgot to post.

4.2 this morning with a flat line all night.

Unfortunately "the little cafe that serves delicious foods" let me down at lunchtime yesterday as the bread in my sandwich was really dry and stale. My friend and I were the only 2 in there and the waitress was conspicuous only by her absence. So I ate the bacon, chicken and avocado filling before I could complain. At least I wasn't charged for it, so went elsewhere and had a lovely big mug of double chocolate with extra choc chips to make up for the carbs I had bolussed for the bread.

@Lanny, well done on the HS.

@colin and @Grannylorraine will be rooting for you tomorrow!

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER thanks for another dollop of humour.
Going to add comfortable knickers to that list too 😉
lol - with all the weight I've lost mine are too comfortable and slip down - no fun oiking them up in Asda, even with trousers on - though am thankful I have the trousers on, of course!!! :rofl:o_O
After lunch reading 18 not where I want it to be had to go adult for a few hours had a gallon of flat white so that's the culprit, I threw a pack of six eggs into the air and yelled go free I also tried to lick the easter egg stand I'm glad the local aldi knows me well the clowns In the driving seat and he's strapped in. I'm also shouting ducks butt's rather loudly thinking I'll have to wander over the duck pond with the hellhound and get my flll of fluffy feathers and flappy feet
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After lunch reading 18 not where I want it to be had to go adult for a few hours had a gallon of flat white so that's the culprit, I threw a pack of six eggs into the air and yelled go free I also tried to lick the easter egg stand I'm glad the local aldi knows me well the clowns In the driving seat and he's strapped in. I'm also shouting ducks butt's rather loudly thinking I'll have to wander over the duck pond with the hellhound and get my flll of fluffy feathers and flappy feet
Do you have a name for your "clown" in the driving seat? Sounds like he's intent on wreaking mayhem today!
I think it is really good that you can talk about it so openly as I am sure it will help us all to be a bit more understanding if/when we come across situations like you describe. Is there a best way to deal with it from a third party's perspective? Ie. Is it more helpful for people to engage with you when you are doing random things or is it more comfortable for you if people just ignore it or pretend it isn't happening. Obviously standing and staring is just outright rude but I would hate to think I was ignoring it if there was something I could do to help?
Morning everyone. 19.3 (here we go again with the stupid numbers)

Kiddos booster all done and back home...ahhh
Had a letter from a health centre and got all excited that it was the DSN referral but disappointed to see it was for the diabetes dietician one. At least it is a video appointment :D Still to wait for the DSN one then.

@ColinUK and @Grannylorraine You will both smash it tomorrow! I'm totally demanding a pic of you both if you meet up 😛

@GRIFFINLONEWALKER omg hellhound is such a character it seems :rofl:

Welp I forgot to hit send earlier.
Been for a nap (4 hours 😱) and 2nd waking is 21.8 🙄
I'm totally laughing @rebrascora for trying to drag everyone into wordle...ITS A TRAP DONT DO IT :D (got it in 4 btw :rofl:)

I watch a lassie on youtube/twitch with tourettes and the amount of times twitch has banned her from the platform for breaking terms of service with what comes out with tics has actually bought around so much more awareness about the condition. I think now she gets a free pass from bans as she obviously has no control over it.
She's done a lot of interviews and podcasts to try and educate folks and I hope that it, like it has done for me, gets folk away from the stereotype of "just shouts swear words" to what the reality can be and to understand that everyone with the condition is different too.
So griff, when I laugh or comment it truly is, like I said yesterday, laughing with you and not at you.
Please do tell me if I ever cross a line that makes you question my intent as I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable in somewhere you feel at home <3

Right off to find a wild coffee in the kitchen, its been too long since the last one :D
I'm totally laughing @rebrascora for trying to drag everyone into wordle...ITS A TRAP DONT DO IT :D (got it in 4 btw :rofl:)
Don't blame me.... @ColinUK started it!!