Group 7-day waking average?

Happy with a 6.8 this morning.
Nearly had a fail with Wordle..... took me all 6 tries (my first 6) after getting 0 letters with my first 2 attempts. Poor effort!

Blooming Heck! You guys are keen!!.... meeting at 8.30am for a 10.15am start! Hope it all goes well and you both have a great time.
I was diagnosed with early stage fatty liver disease at the same time as my diabetes in January 2019.
My blood pressure and cholesterol levels were high.
I changed to a high fat very low carb way of eating aka keto.
My version involved making the sort of foods I never ate before but using a lot of fibre to achieve that.
So I have been eating vast amounts of psyllium husk and oat fibre and bamboo fibre and using almond flour/ground almonds and coconut flour and vital wheat gluten and flax seeds and chia seeds ever since. But not as supplements - as ingredients to make cakes and bread and pasta and pastry and custards. I have also been eating a lot of gelatine and red meat and plenty of lettuce and cucumber and cauliflower and radishes and celery. I use cranberries quite a bit in moderate amounts. Oh and tons of eggs and cream. There are two of us in the house and I buy at least fifteen eggs a week and sometimes 21 eggs and we use them all.

Within three months of eating this way my blood tests were showing normal for cholesterol with my good cholesterol raised and bad cholesterol dropped and the fatty liver was sorted. My blood pressure had improved but it took a couple more months before I could stop with my beta blockers and just keep them for coping with my social anxiety.

I wouldn't urge anyone to stuff themselves with eggs etc etc but it worked for me.
This was our afternoon tea and my blood sugars didn't go higher than 5.5 all afternoon after eating three scones with jam and cream and before bed it is down to 4.9 after my nightly peppermint tea. I used my usual low carb ingredients to make the scones and the jam was strawberries and cranberries and a tad of gelatine with some erythritol.
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They look amazing do you have a recipe for the scones ? I have a my husbands birthday coming up and would love to make something that I know won’t spike me dessert wise 🙂
Morning all, 6.1 here. Had planned to call in and see our son as we're going to be driving past his door today, but he rang last night to say he’s got Covid. Part of me is thinking, how very convenient, he won’t have to endure the Parental Inspection of his house and garden.
Urrgh 24.1!!
Anyone else hear 2.00 pound coins clanging through their combi boilers? Ive hit a wall today so I'm slowing it down and just having a break from the normal thousand miles an hour pace i set my self have really bad brain fog not sure if it's diabetic or the clowns doing it's like walking around a vat of syrup all sticky and hard going I've gone to make a brew at least 5 times and end up doing other tasks instead.
My three gratitudes for today
Fresh brewed coffee
Cheese omlettes
Zoomies I don't know where she gets the energy from I'm knackered just watching her run off the walls like a wall of death rider.
Good luck and godspeed to you guys running the marathon today im sure you'll smash it.... I went for a run once but I came home after 5 mins because I forgot something..... I forgot I Was a 48 year old overwieght man who hates running and shouldn't be seen wearing lycra lol
Have a great day gang
Good morning - 5.8
I’m still in bed. Alarm set for 7am which gives me 90 minutes to get ready and wander down to Charing Cross where I’m meeting @Grannylorraine for 8:30.
Our start time is 10:15 (we’re in the same start wave).

BG this morning 6.0

The electrician came yesterday to finish off what he couldn’t finish the other day. Left him here for a couple of hours and returned when he said he was tidying up and all done. First words out of his mouth when I got back were “I’ll have to come back during the week to finish off….”
It’s a two day job which has been ongoing now since September. But he’s charming so it’s hard to get annoyed with him really.

Anyway… I’m going to shower, shave etc (thinking a shave might cut my wind resistance down and give me 1/1000th of a second time boost) and get ready after checking my kit for the umpteenth time.

Looks like the day is set fair with 12 degrees high, no rain and a gentle breeze in London so hopefully wherever you are you have an equally lovely spring day and you enjoy it.

Good luck, did you shave your legs too? Every little helps. Xx
Good morning. Sensor 8.9, finger prick 5.6. Sensor still showing anying between +3 and +5. Its got another 24 hours to settle and then i'm ringing.

@ColinUK and @Grannylorraine good luck on your run. Have a great day.
Afternoon folks! 5.4 at 8.15.
I had a lie in but then got distracted. It’s eldest daughter’s birthday ( 38!) and I got caught up in the birthday messages pinging back and forward between her and her sisters. Then brekkie was ready and I’ve just opened my iPad. Wordle next.

My three things to be grateful for today.
1. I’ve a 38 year old daughter and when I look in the mirror I still look like a teenager! ( With my glasses off and in the dark).
2. I’m having a self care day today ( I know all the lingo), bubbly bath, candles and my book.
3. The sun is shining and I’ve a wash on which I’ll hang up later, before all my self care gubbins.

Have a super Sunday all. 🙂
Gorgeous! Don’t have too much coffee, you’ll be needing the loo all the way round! Good luck to both of you.
PS @ColinUK you didn’t have a very good shave! Or did you just mean your legs? :rofl:
My thoughts exactly!
Morning folks. 17.5

Brain like a sieve too here. I'm putting it down to not enough coffee in me yet. (work in progress)

Just had video chats with my brother and the family. New bubba is adorable and my other niece was on top form with her antics. She's my lil ray of sunshine. Can't be mad at early morning calls when she blows kisses :D

Wordle in 5

Best of luck @Grannylorraine and @ColinUK, fab pic!
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.9 happy with that.

My daughter came on a surprise visit yesterday and we had a great time. A full house full of laughter, food, play (with they 3yr old daughter). Sadly she was very worked up about affording to live going forwards. Who isn't.

They brought some fresh rhubarb with them. Fresh from their allotment. I will have to try to work out how to make a rhubarb crumble today. Do I use digestive biscuits in the topping or make them from scratch with flour and butter and the dreaded sugar. Hmmm. Not sure right now.

Good luck those doing running today.

Did a major update to the App yesterday. Kept me very busy (when the family were not here). Glad I did it. I increased the med and supplement notifications/reminders on the home page to 20 each. It required a lot of messing about with shapes and code which I find very absorbing.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to.
Not yet picked any rhubarb but I make a crumble topping with ground almonds, low sugar granola or oats, seeds, butter and a tiny bit of erythritol.
Not yet picked any rhubarb but I make a crumble topping with ground almonds, low sugar granola or oats, seeds, butter and a tiny bit of erythritol.
My rhubarb is still battling to break through the ton of horse manure I heaped onto it. It does love being fed!
I like orange zest in with my stewed rhubarb. I have it with my morning yoghurt and seeds instead of berries rather than crumble. Must confess I need a little sweetener with rhubarb.
My rhubarb is still battling to break through the ton of horse manure I heaped onto it. It does love being fed!
I like orange zest in with my stewed rhubarb. I have it with my morning yoghurt and seeds instead of berries rather than crumble. Must confess I need a little sweetener with rhubarb.
We like ginger in ours. I must try orange but it does need some sweetener, I can't quite manage it without.
We’ve picked some rhubarb and made crumble. The traditional way. Flour, butter, sugar and then usually brown sugar sprinkled on the top! We wasted it last year so hope to use it more this year. Only problem, as Barbara attests to, it does require sugar!
Mr Eggy does make rhubarb and ginger chutney with it sometimes. He says he’s lovely, I don’t eat chutney as I can’t stand vinegar. I’ve tried making cake but it was a bit heavy, maybe need to experiment a bit.