Group 7-day waking average?

well when actually up and before back fast was 9.3 but when I happened to wake up at 6 it was 7.4(probably should have left checking then) so it does seem like I do raise a bit in morning between 6 and 8(but a cuole of other checks before midnight were around 8 and and 9. so it does seem like I am gernally covered in the night. yesterday settled down and seemed to return normal and I didn't see above ten all day(i'm fully aware I may be have been and just didn't see it) and I actually found myself eating between meals(perpherps not always needing to but I wasn't sure which why it was going.
Ah! Here’s a thought? In the last 2 years of lockdown, & no difference in activty levels, there was no Autumn/Winter difference of insulin compared to Spring/Summer! Am I getting a Spring/Summer drop in insulin now? I have been a little bit more active moving around the house these last few days & Spring is definitely here now with bright sunshiny days! :confused:
Morning Everyone. was 12.2 many many hours ago 🙂

BP this morning 133/89 vs yesterdays 143/94 so an improvement in a just one day on less empagliflozin. I held back taking it yesterday until after I spoke to the nurse as I had a feeling she would want to mess with it.
Didn't notice a massive difference in BG yesterday (the usual rubbish). Did notice a massive difference in trips to the loo (as in more). Kind of already indicating that the higher dose was throwing everything off.
Hopefully over the next few mornings I will further reduce the fluid in my legs with the water tablets and therefore hopefully reduce blood pressure more. :D
Then its back to square one with BG...can't win here :rofl:

So this morning will be a busy one with lots of epic adventures to the loo :rofl:
This afternoon I will be heading over to see my great nephew (he who cheats at animal snap). Feels like weeks since I have seen him. Have missed my cuddles.

Wordle I got in 4 today
heardle i got on the last try although I got the artist on the 2nd bit 🙂

Hugs to all struggling with your dosage. Seems to be a fair few of you <3

Have a wonderful day xx
Good morning - wonderful, beautiful, sunny day. Roof fixed yesterday - today the sweep. That's the maintenance up to date and now a good day for washing duvets. Peachy not yet bagged up and it looks as though the mice have been after my broad beans. So not perfection but enough to rejoice. A bit like the morning - BG 5.6. Wishing everyone a happy Friday.
I walked 20k yesterday (To work, around the University, back home, then out to the pub in the city centre and back.) So I'm wondering if that has contributed my low morning reading. (I didn't sleep well, either.)
Morning all.

I have been battling high levels for about a week now with regular corrections throughout the evening and at bedtime needed and staying up late to see how they were working and going to bed at 2-3am and then waking up at 7, so poor sleep, not enough exercise, not eating properly.... just all to pot with a lack of routine.
Got a bit of exercise yesterday afternoon, had an early proper meal of meat and veg, still needed multiple corrections but climbed into bed at 7.10pm on 12.5 with active stacked corrections and immediately slept. Woke up at midnight and again at 3.30am with levels mid 4s so had 10g of rum and raisin and nut chocolate each time (I know that is pretty shocking but enjoyable) and went straight back to sleep and woke up at 6.20am just before my 6.30am Levemir alarm to 4.0.

Thought I would include a photo of my overnight graph because I think it is a thing of beauty.... I know some people might consider it a bit low but I think this is actually a good "normal" level for people to sleep well. I know having to eat through the night isn't ideal and I find it really surprising that the chocolate didn't cause much more of a blip as 10g carbs should have taken me up to 7, so to me it looks like my body sucks that glucose out of my blood straight away as soon as it releases and then stabilizes. I do wonder if I hadn't had the chocolate whether I would have dropped much lower or not. or whether my body just wants to be at that level for good sleep and regulates my BG to keep it there. Looking at the very straight line before I ate the first chocolate, suggests that I wasn't dropping low.
As a result I will be making time to do a good walk again today, eat properly and reduce my evening Levemir tonight....
It makes such a difference having a really good, long sleep both physically and mentally and BG wise. Hugs to those people struggling to get good sleep. Mine was self imposed to a large extent and I need to be more disciplined, as good sleep improves everything.
:D Dez

7.5 here, but just ate what I wanted yesterday, good job the grandkids Easter eggs were out of reach is all I can say. Still feeling very fatigued and very low mood. All I want to do is sleep.

@MeeTooTeeTwo - congrats on another HS, please send one to me.
@SueEK - Once you have finished I have plenty of cleaning you can do for me.

Bright and sunny here at the moment, yesterday I had my back door open most of the day.

Have a good Friday everyone - I am off to do Heardle before getting bogged down in work for the rest of the day.
Morning all - and a lovely morning here too!

5.9 at 08:30 with a nice flat line for most of the night and I am happy with that, specially since I went to bed at 00:56 on 8.7 after a dinner consisting of pork belly done in a sweet BBQ sauce and mashed potato + spinach.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTwo on being king of the HS!

@Bloden, when I got my first pump I had to keep nagging them... it may be due to a funding issue. In my case there was no-one in post who could sign it off!

Well, not a lot on the calendar for today, just food shopping, but I guess that counts as exercise as we will be visiting two different supermarkets.
PS sympathies @gll being messed around with lots of different meds. I was taking my 3 morning meds (Levothyroxine, Liothyroning and BP) this morning when I decided to do an audit of pills in my medication box (actually a small toolbox) and find that over the last 12 months I have been prescribed 8 different tablets for BP (by 5 different doctors)... none of which have worked! Must return them to the pharmacy for disposal.

@gll I just hope the latest non-working diabetes meds convinces them to refer you to the clinic so you can get a proper diagnosis and some insulin which you clearly need.
6.2 this morning, not bad as not feeling too grand, having a cuppa and hoping it will soon pass so I can go shopping - flying solo today as daughter not going till late afternoon and I don't like going too late in the day.
Silly chemist didn't have my new spacer, they didn't have any in stock - I was not impressed and showed them the text I got from GP at 08.58 Monday morning to say prescription had been sent to chemist - don't they read the darned things??? The chemist seems to have gone to pot since the original pharmacist left in the past few months, they've added an extra waiting day on (3 instead of 2) and still can't keep up. Hubby is fed up with them too now, we are thinking of changing to another chemist, maybe get them sent to Asda instead - hubby got them to give him his script and took it to Asda himself. It was better when we could just collect script from GP and take it anywhere we liked to get it filled. Moan over!
Another week coming to an end - 2 days until the start of Spring - lighter nights are on the cards too this month 🙂
Have a good weekend
02:31 BS 6.6 Yay! :D Exactly what I went to bed on & I reduced another -2 tresiba at 15:28 BS 6.6 just a little bit later than the day before!🙂

More or less got every meal, all 3 for a change, right albeit, not going down evenly over the 4-6 hours or so between meals: tested every hour after each meal, I KNOW IT WAS A LOT TESTS, but, I needed the info; BOY! are my fingers SORE! 😱 Which suggests to me, along with a further reduction in tresiba before going to bed, that I need less basal as I’m going up a lot in the first hour & then come down faster with each hour that passes; the bolus is too little & I go high while the basal pulls me back down again pretty fast! It’s doable only IF I eat though so, need to get that balance right! o_O Still no sign of a cycle in sight so, definitely not THAT & I really do think that finally after 2 years of no seasonal changes in insulin I’m needing a Spring reduction which I’m taking as a good sign!🙂

I’m going to keep reducing the tresiba bit by bit every day & may have to put up NR until I get my BS going up less & coming down more evenly when I eat! My fingers will just have to suck it up & keep buffing them when they inevitably harden with callouses! 😱

I may not get it down to just over half of the insulin needed for Winter pre covid a few years ago as I’m definitely not as active STILL with long covid but, any reduction would be great? :confused:🙂

A very early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just had breakfast & watching last year’s series 2 of Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr on iPlayer: series 3 is currently on this year with a couple of episodes; never seen it before so, watching series 2 first as series 1 isn’t on iPlayer! 😛

Also, did an amazon search of my favourite authors yesterday to see if there are any new books from them? I’d collected & read all 20 of the Phryne Fisher books by Kerry Greenwood & saw that number 21 came out last November 2021 & bought that to read Death in Daylesford. 🙂 Going to be reading that now after breakfast! I always watch something when eating as I could never read & eat at the same time: don’t know how some people could do that; there was a very regular restaurant customer that came in most week nights reading either a book or work files while eating his dinner after work? o_O I’m inclined to drop something on the page if I, in italics, did that!😳🙄:rofl:😉
Good morning everyone. There is no way I will beat @Lanny and that early start!!!

BG 4.9 nicely in the middle ground but a zillion miles from an HS

Nothing planned for today. If it is not too cold I may go for a longer walk.

Tiny cheese and tomato pizza for tea today. I am looking forward to it.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to
Morning all and a 5.2 for me at 5.30 when the dawn chorus woke me. I didn’t mind, it was the first time this year. Better than the dawn phenomenon!

Had a good day and a bad day yesterday. The good bit was the weather at the seaside was amazing, albeit a tad breezy at first, Zara was a little angel and really enjoyed herself. The bad bit was I still don’t feel right, I didn’t cough as much with being in the fresh air and we did walk almost six miles ( very slowly) but as soon as I got in the car to come home I felt really, really unwell. I couldn’t stop coughing, I felt nauseous and just generally rotten. It was the longest 50 minutes drive ever. My BGs had run low all day, even after half a portion of fish and chips, I couldn’t get them up as I wasn’t hungry at all. In the end I had three Opal Fuits, yuk, and a handful of Pringles. That was my tea! I went to bed at 9 to try and get comfy and read my book. Instead I got a visual migraine which lasted about half an hour. No reading was done as I laid in the dark instead. Anyhoo, I have woken today feeling absolutely starving, I am coughing loads and it’s not nice what’s coming up, but I feel a lot better. Today’s another day and it’s going to be gorgeous, just going to stay at home, maybe potter about the garden.

Have a super Saturday everyone.

Here’s a seaside selfie for your perusal. 🙂


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Good morning, 5.4 today

nothing to exciting planned this weekend - a mixture of much needed relaxation
and some continued clearing out of the mostly unwanted things downstairs

Hopefully we will get plenty of notice as to when we will be able to move.
In the end decided we’re going to stay here in Northampton (just a few miles away from where we are now) having previously looked at properties in different areas, so we’re at that stage of waiting for solicitors to do what’s needed.
using the time to get on clear out start packing etc … to be ready - for when we get a date.

Great that one of my customers is a carpet fitter (so my wife has already chosen carpets)
the house doesn’t need to be totally renovated, but certainly will need a spruce up,
plus it’s nice to freshen up and obviously a good clean of course.

I know Ive not lost any more weight over last few weeks, so instead of weighing myself this weekend
will make a better effort next week,and see what my weight is next Sunday, aim to soon be back where I was a few months ago, then moving on to my target weight.

Take Care & have a great weekend everybody whatever your doing (or no doing) 😎
Good morning. Lovely sunshine, sharpish wind. BG 5.5. Pillows and quilts blowing on line following yesterday evenings washing. Lawns today. Tomorrow my gardener, who has the bit between his teeth, is determined on felling infected ash trees. Makes sense given the price of wood - give it 6 months to dry out. Have a good weekend everyone.
Yet again in the 7s with a 7.4 after my cheese omelette and coleslaw? :confused: Have done my PCR test and just waiting for courier to collect it. The countdown is certainly on. Today is batch cooking so that I will be fed after my op.
My plan of cleaning upstairs yesterday went awry, couldn’t be bothered, fed up with cleaning so other than having a bath and hair wash I wasted the day away watching reaction videos on YouTube and having a nap lol.
Another beautiful start to the day here and hear it is supposed to get up to nearly 20 degrees next week, just when I will be stuck in hospital, never mind.
@eggyg congrats on your HS today and hope you start to feel much better soon, such a sweet photo of baby Zara x
@MeeTooTeeTwo don't think I have forgotten your HS yesterday, can I have one of yours and you can have one of my 7s 🙂
Have a good day all x