Group 7-day waking average?

@eggyg i always start wordle with the word "raise". 3 vowels and 2 common letters. I still don't get it sometimes though
02:46 BS 6.6 & VERY RELIEVED! Phew! emoji!

An extremely early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Yesterday was an EVEN shorter day because I went to bed exhausted just after 14:00 just after lunch! Another low day of heading off a hypo just before lunch! I only had 30 units NR for breakfast & no problems, I thought, & Just about to start thinking of making sandwiches for lunch to surprised by 12:46 BS 4.7 but, with no active bolus! Still it’s some drop from 7.5 to 4.7 & I only had 30 units NR for breakfast!😱 I starting making my 2 ham sandwiches but, felt the hypo racing heart & lightheaded so, opened a full 330ml can of coke & sipped that! Then, as soon as I’d slapped on the ham for one sandwich I ate it before making the 2nd one to eat! I’d only intended to have half the can of coke but, had it all & I dithered about the bolus & the delayed tresiba as I’d forgotten to take it at 11:00. I was finishing off Anthony Horowitz Forever and a Day with all the James Bond tense ending, took my pills but, forgot the tresiba!😳 Just as well really because it gave me the chance to reduce it by another -2! What about the bolus? I had decided to go with 20 NR that was -4 lower than yesterday but, I’d had a full can of coke, not just half as a hypo treatment? I usually add +10 for coke & decided on 26 NR & had 84 tresiba: that’s my menstrual cycle dose now, I thought but, it’s not a cycle!😱 What on earth is going on?😱

More or less right after eating a great wall of exhaustion just hit me & I was REALLY fighting to stay awake to test as I was still worried about too much insulin? I finally threw in the towel about an hour later after being very relieved by 14:12 BS 12.1 & slept!

I thought I might wake up a bit high as I thought 12.1 at 1 hour after was very high from the 4.7 but, I woke in target range!

Just finished eating breakfast & I decided to go with 20 NR & see how that goes? :confused:

As to finally finishing off the last batch of 4 James Bond books I’ve discovered the exact time window of kindle returns is 14 days as I checked on 15/03/22 when I was about to start Forever and a Day when all the books I’d bought since 01/03/22 were returnable but, from 28/02/22 & earlier were not. So, I took my time to read it! 🙄 So, there you go you need never be stuck with either an audible or kindle book you don’t like: you have a full year to return audible books; a very short 14 days to return kindle books but, that’s PLENTY of time for me to read it IF I only buy when I intend to read it instead of leaving it in my library & forget about it!🙂

As to the book itself:- It was a prequel to Casino Royale with the death of 007 & M deciding to fast track James Bond’s training as a double 0 by giving him his second assassination just 2 weeks after his first: thereby getting the required 2 assassinations to promote him as a double 0 agent; the death of 007 only left 1 active 0011 agent as 008 was still injured from his last assignment! James Bond got his promotion & was offered the 009 designation but, turned it down & decided to keep the 007 number in memory of the man he knew & had liked as a friend to continue flying the flag for both of them. His first assignment as a double 0 agent is to find out who killed the previous 007?

I really like Anthony Horowitz Trigger Mortis as it was every bit as fast paced as Ian Fleming but, Forever and a Day was a bit slow to start but, once it did start it was very good with a twist at the end that I didn’t see coming. I enjoyed it quite a bit: not quite as good as Trigger Mortis; but, being a prequel it’s already constrained by the known ending as all prequels are!

His next James Bond book is scheduled to be released on 26/05/22 With a Mind to Kill & I’ll try that one too? :confused: Before making up my mind if I like Anthony Horrowitz James Bond?

I decided after reading two of Sophie Hannah Poirot books that I didn’t like them: the Agatha Christie estate hired & endorsed her to write more Poirot books as Matthew Pritchard thought her writing was ver clever; the mysteries are indeed very clever, the first two I read anyway, but, her Poirot just didn’t ring true, for me, & I’d rather stick to Agatha Christie’s Poirot!
Morning all.

6.0 for me today and quite pleased with that as it’s another move towards a waking five-something!
🙂Morning all,

5.7 today.

Hoping today will be a day without so many hypos in…last couple of days have been rather annoying!

Have a good day 🙂
We’re both going low these days & it’s EXHAUSTING! A sympathetic 🙂 from a fellow low BS sufferer!

If I get breakfast right I can work out my average lunch & dinner doses for some stability back, PLEASE! Two Hands Together Pleading emoji!
Good morning - 12.5
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 again

Not much planned for today. A shortish walk as it is rather cold and I am tired after yesterdays long walk.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 5.8, happy with that as was 9.1 at bedtime! Curry, rice and most of a homemade garlic naan, started on 5.2 at 6pm and iffed and ahhed before bolusing, obviously didn’t get it quite right but I resisted a bedtime correction and it all worked out in the end. 🙂

Slept better last night, still coughing, Mr Eggy isn’t too bad. We’ve got baby Zara today and it’s going to be sunny and 14 degrees, so we’re borrowing daughter’s car and we’re going to the seaside. Hoping the sea air will clear our chests. It’ll either kill or cure us! 😉

Have a fab Friday, if you’re able. Hope the weather’s good where you are. 🙂
Morning all. 5.8, happy with that as was 9.1 at bedtime! Curry, rice and most of a homemade garlic naan, started on 5.2 at 6pm and iffed and ahhed before bolusing, obviously didn’t get it quite right but I resisted a bedtime correction and it all worked out in the end. 🙂

Slept better last night, still coughing, Mr Eggy isn’t too bad. We’ve got baby Zara today and it’s going to be sunny and 14 degrees, so we’re borrowing daughter’s car and we’re going to the seaside. Hoping the sea air will clear our chests. It’ll either kill or cure us! 😉

Have a fab Friday, if you’re able. Hope the weather’s good where you are. 🙂
That’s AMAZING after a curry! 😱:rofl:
Morning all. 🙂 8.6 here - fed up with these first-thing highs now, so Tresiba’ll be going up a half unit this evening.😛 Not sure what to do about this pump I've been promised - I haven’t had a peep out of the clinic for a while. I’m watching this space...

Have a lovely day at the seaside @eggyg !!!😎
Morning folks and another exciting day ahead cleaning, my house is going to be spotless lol. Did the lounge and hall yesterday, steamed the floors and got on my hands and knees to do the utility room with a scrubbing brush. Upstairs cleaning today, I’m getting bored with my own text with such waffle but nothing else to report haha.
Anyhow hope you all have a good day whatever you are up to, at least it is a beautiful day here in Sussex with wall to wall sunshine. X
Oops forgot to mention my reading of 7.1.
Morning all, 5.9 here. Had a jolt yesterday, applied a new sensor, but when I went to start it, I got ‘sensor incompatible with this reader' message. Scratched my head for a bit, then had a lightbulb moment. Checked the box, and realised that underneath the pharmacy label that states 'Libre 2' on it, it’s just an original Libre! The other sensor I got in the same bag is a Libre 2, and so I hadn’t noticed the wrong one when I gave all my stuff my usual cursory glance before I left the pharmacy. Will be having words with them later! In my case, it doesn’t really matter, I dug out my original Libre reader, and it works fine, I just won’t have the alarms for a couple of weeks (and it’s seems to be an accurate one, so worth hanging on to). But it might have been more serious for someone who only has a Libre 2 reader, and doesn’t use a mobile, so I will be pointing that out to the pharmacist later!
At last I SEEM to have gotten breakfast right? I needed mote info so, roughly tested every hour to see what’s going on? First hour BS 16.5, 2nd hour 14.6, 3rd hour 11.6 & just now at 07:48 about 4 hours after Breakfast it’s BS 7.8! Yay! 🙂 20 NR seems to be the right dose & I can work out lunch & dinner from that!🙂

I’m noticing that I’m much warmer today: internally warm I mean rather than an external temperature related to how warm the room is; the last 2 days when BS was low I realise now that I was internally cold & VERY COLD yesterday! I’ve had this internal coldness before when going hypo but, forgotten it as I haven’t felt that in quite a while! 🙄

I’ll leave it a couple of hours now before lunch & put in 16 NR plus or minus 2 for what I eat & see how it goes? :confused:

8.3 here

Think I'll be looking to reduce the basal as throughout the day despite reducing bolus doses I'm having to pop a couple of lifts here and there, would be better if I could conduct a proper basal test but sadly I've been advised against it for the last few years which I tend to agree with, the worry being that I may slip back in to my eating disorder which obviously nobody wants but is a strong possibility xx