Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.8 on this frosty morning. Up with the larks, it’s taken me ages catching up on yesterday’s posts!

Had a rubbish night, I feel like poo! Coughing, restless legs, hot and Mr Eggy’s snoring. Ugh! :(Luckily I’ve no where to go and no people to see today.

Talking of Wordle, I’ve started choosing my starter word from the next page of the book I’m reading. First five letter word I come across. No cheating. Been doing it for about a week or so and it’s thrown up some interesting words and so quite often I don’t get any letters at all on my first go. But it does eliminate five letters. It’s interesting and keeps me on my toes. How do you all pick your starter word? Same one every time? Always have a particular letter in it? Two vowels? I got yesterday’s in five, it took Mr Eggy 6 and eldest daughter didn’t get it at all, although she had the last three letters from line three!

Anyways, have a great day if you can, I’ll mostly be ironing, de jointing a chicken and making a chicken stock and having a nana nap! :rofl:

Oh and here’s Phinn the pheasant, he came right up to the door this morning, he’s getting cheeky! And he’s very noisy this morning, shouting on his woman friends!


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Good morning - 4.2

Yesterday I met the other diabetic in the same school as me. Only found out because he saw me scanning the Libre and he said “I didn’t like the Libre, I found it uncomfortable”
Morning all. 🙂 8.6 here.

Wow, there’s a ground frost! Hopefully the sun will have warmed the garden up for me before I go out there with my shovel later.

Talking of brownies (sorry @Lanny), there’s a new shop in my village that just sells brownies - I was given a freebie if I agreed to “leave a review” hahaha. I’m laughing coz she took me for someone that dabbles online. :rofl::rofl:Anyway, the brownie was pretty disgusting - super-sweet but not chocolaty at all. Ugh. I’d best not leave a review then!😛
Morning everyone! 5'8 today.

Last week I went to see Wicked, the musical, and I am now in this stage of listening to the songs and have them playing in my mind all day haha.

"Loathing, unadulterated loathing, for your face, your voice, your clothing..."
Morning all, 7.4 here. It’s not raining! I don’t think it stopped all yesterday.
I always start with Audio, @eggy, it deals with most of the vowels, and then I choose something with an E in it for my next go, along with any Ive got right, if I think I need another vowel. I’m not sure it’s a good strategy, I often seem to get stuck with 4 letters correct and too big a choice of words.
How lovely to see Nazanin back on British turf, so happy for the family 🙂🙂.
7.4 today, must have been something carby hiding in my chicken salad 🙄
Spent the day cleaning yesterday, including the fridge and scrubbing the bottom of our wheat coloured sofa in the dining room. The dog comes in from the garden and rubs herself along it and it looked filthy. Not looking too bad but will need to do it again today. So lounge and hall cleaning today, such fun but keeps me busy!
Have a good day all x
8.4 beter the last few days it does seem like like i do raise in morning but so perhaps dawn pahreom weather hen my corrections not working before

8.0 for me

Good job I cleaned the bathroom yesterday seen as I've done something to my chest and everything I do makes it agony, can't breathe too deeply, can't twist, can't put my arm across my body etc, urgh! xx
Morning folks. 13 for me

Had nurse phonecall.
She wants me to go back onto 10mg empagliflozin and calling back Monday. Not sure if you all saw my other post but I have been retaining fluid and BP is up (in line with fluid retention). Anyway I've to drop back down and see if fluid and BP improve any over the weekend indicating it is the higher dose empag causing the issues. She mentioned that we are at the end of primary care solutions and will see on Monday where things are at.

She also arranged a face to face GP appointment for my daughter who has huge anxiety issues with over the phone ones and needs a medication review and general chat about stuff. They are also speaking to their mental health guy on Monday to see if he will zoom with her about anxiety issues or refer her to pain clinic mental health team.

Not all ideal but its steps in the right direction.

Yesterday was good to get out to see family. Ended up going for a run to argos to get a new hot water dispenser thing after talking about it over in the thread about energy saving. Its has many cups of coffee in its future 😉

Wordle in 3 today 😉

@Lily123 Hope you make a friend in school who "gets it".
Happy St Patrick's day. @Lanny You set me trawling You Tube and I found this version which really touched my heart.... What a voice!!

5.3 for me this morning but lots of corrections before bed although I decided to make them worthwhile and have some rum raisin and nutty chocolate and add a couple of units onto the correction to deal with it! Sick of being good, diet wise and levels still being high so thought I would give them something to be high about!! Managed to keep it in single figures, so it looks like new Type 1 diabetes diet is rum and raisin and nut chocolate for me. 🙄 That slippery slope is calling!!

Wordle in 4 this morning.
@eggyg I like to start with a "smile" most days. It just seems to be a good way to start the day! :D Sometimes I escalate it and use laugh or I go for words with just one vowel to try to include or rule out as many consonants as possible as those can usually give you more of a clue to the word than vowels, especially if you get the first letter. I also like to use a word with an H early on as that has limited letters it pairs with so can give you a bit of help if it is there.
I quite like your random starting word generator system of obtaining it from the page of the book you are reading. That is quite a neat idea!
5.8 this morning, happy with that.
Nothing planned for today other than a trip to chemist to get my new spacer.
Had a random phone call from my 3 year old granddaughter yesterday late afternoon. I was a bit concerned as no sound of mummy or daddy in the background and she's waffling on about going to nursery soon, tissue paper down the toilet and daddy coming home from work early.... that bit got me worried hoping all is good with daughter and pregnancy - until I remembered daddy is on night shift this week so would be at home still anyway. After she "rang off" I rang back and daughter answered - she'd been outside at the car re-fixing little ones car seat and daddy was cooking dinner - I think little one had been upstairs. She had been left watching something on mummy's phone, but daughter has no idea how she managed to phone me! lol All's well that ends well. 🙂
Have a good day - and may the luck of the Irish go with you 🙂
5.8 this morning, happy with that.
Nothing planned for today other than a trip to chemist to get my new spacer.
Had a random phone call from my 3 year old granddaughter yesterday late afternoon. I was a bit concerned as no sound of mummy or daddy in the background and she's waffling on about going to nursery soon, tissue paper down the toilet and daddy coming home from work early.... that bit got me worried hoping all is good with daughter and pregnancy - until I remembered daddy is on night shift this week so would be at home still anyway. After she "rang off" I rang back and daughter answered - she'd been outside at the car re-fixing little ones car seat and daddy was cooking dinner - I think little one had been upstairs. She had been left watching something on mummy's phone, but daughter has no idea how she managed to phone me! lol All's well that ends well. 🙂
Have a good day - and may the luck of the Irish go with you 🙂
We need a "Phew!" emoji but happy to use a heart instead.
Morning all... looks nice out, perhaps hubby can get the lawn cut for the first time since last year.

8.3 which is disappointing.

We have friends who have an electric car, it took them 12 hours to get to Penzance from Hampshire where they live. They then spent the whole 3 days they were here worrying about where to charge it and the journey home. Not sure how planet-friendly they are anyway with the lithium batteries with a limited life. Don't think we are inclined to get one.

@khskel glad to hear your daughter has had no further problems.

@Kaylz hope you feel better soon.

@gll thank goodness you are getting some sensible attention and fingers crossed for Monday for you.
Happy St Pat's Day y'all. 🙂 8.7 at 7am. That pheasant though. :rofl:
Afternoon all

Been busy at work as given a new project on top of all my other work. Any 6.7 this morning, no run yesterday as everything was covered in the sand and wasn't sure if it would affect my asthma. Starting to feel depressed but no idea why, had a terrible sleep as I kept waking up with a pounding heart, trembling and a terrible sense of foreboding and doom.
Just realised that I never pressed ENTER to post this morning's reading of 5.3.😳
These "senior moments" seem to be getting more frequent. Now where did I put those marbles?

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Just realised that I never pressed ENTER to post this morning's reading of 5.3.😳
These "senior moments" seem to be getting more frequent. Now where did I put those marbles?

scatty brain...blame D 😉 gotta be SOME perks to it all
Yay! 5km done for the first time in ages!
On the elliptical rather than the road but I’m celebrating nevertheless! 50:06