Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. Grey day and a score of 5.8. Overslept. Think it was the excitement of having my septic tank pumped out yesterday (although it may have been the grass mowing)! My kind old contractor came despite being on chemo and radiotherapy and still managed not only to do the job but to make me laugh like a drain. Quite humbling when compared to my moaning about dietary restrictions.

6.9 this morning, other than the usual nothing much going on today, should have been taking mum for another blood test, but the nurse told us to cancel it as too soon after the blood test on 5th on March and couldn't understand why the other practice nurse wanted her to have another blood test so soon. We know why they are having her blood tested, because they have upped her blood pressure medication and she already had decreased kidney function which they like to keep an eye one, but this nurse said leave it 3 months before having another blood test.
Morning all and 6.8 for me.

Well yesterday didn't go as planned. I had just done a lateral flow test to make sure I was ok for my eye screening when a loud thump came from the bathroom. Daughter collapsed on floor and incoherent. When she came round a bit it turned out she had blacked out and banged her ribs on the side of the bath. As she was walking wounded by this stage we took her to A and E. Five hours later we're back home, ribs bruised not broken and various tests not showing any obvious reason.

I'm sure she's OK but let's see what today brings.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, grey and threatening this morning, though the forecast says it will be sunny this afternoon. So maybe a walk hopefully.

6.1 this morning and I will take that after all the awful readings for the past few weeks.

Still shattered though. Fell asleep on the sofa at 6pm for 1.5 hours before cooking dinner And ready for bed again at11pm. Slept through to 09:30.

Sounds like everyone had a troubled day yesterday. Hugs to you all.
Well, another hypo this morning. I started the day on a lowish BG and had extra carbs at breakfast but it happened anyway after a bit of running at work. I very rarely go hypo but last time was like that, 2 in 2 consecutive days. I have to put Jelly babies in my shopping list!

By the way, is it normal that I feel worse after treating the hypo than when I am having it?
I hate some people! I managed it in 6, but I was dicing with failure having got all but the first letter right on go 4., I could think of 3 words that would have fitted into the two remaining goes, luckily I chose the right one at the last gasp.
Same here but I got it in 5, so not totally down to the line, but that first letter had so many options I could easily have dipped out completely. Luck of the drw on that one. Got Quordle in 7 which I felt was pretty good and Octordle with 2 lives left. Really liking the multiples and Octordle has an unlimited option as well as the daily one....Not taking any responsibility for anyone investigating that and losing hours of their lives! 🙄
Morning all. 🙂 8.3 @ 6.30am could have been worse I suppose. Yesterday was better. 7.6 🙂
By the way, is it normal that I feel worse after treating the hypo than when I am having it?
Yes, it often is the case for me. I think it is the stress hormones released when the body registers that BG levels are low, so whilst the BG levels might not be particularly debilitating in themselves and come up quite quickly when we take our hypo treatment, our bodies are still experiencing the response to those stress hormones, which take time to dissipate.
Well! It turns out that my nightmare had a reason as within the last few hours I’ve been heading of hypos every hour, twice now, after eating breakfast that needed 1 JB & 1 chocolate fudge brownie cookie. The basal I put down -2 but, there’s another 90 minutes of active NR left & I’m just waiting as long as I can stand before guzzling down a second cookie: just had my 2nd JB; I should have more food but, I’m pretty stuffed! I’m getting awfully thirsty from the JB’s & cookies, though!! 😱

SOMETHING is up today & I’ll have to be ultra conservative with the bolus today! o_O

Right! Cookie time! Green Puking emoji! Because my mouth tastes sour, JB, & sweet, cookie! :(
Hi Colin

I am a diamond as well, although probably more of a rough diamond seeing as I was born and bred in Romford, before moving to Grays 5 years ago.

Hopefully I will get to meet with you along with all the other diamonds, although I have my foot in two camps at the moment, the yellow sweatbands and the Team Tommy's who I am raising money for as my daughter had a miscarriage in the past.

At least you don't have to worry about trains being cancelled or having to take a slightly different route due to engineering work, bag drop etc.
I’ve got my yellow sweatbands!

And no I don’t have any transport headaches to contend with!
I’ll probably use the bag drop though (keys, long sleeved top, water etc) but other than that I’m pretty much expecting to just head down to Diamondtown under my own steam.

Romford produced such gems though. Who can forget that beautiful fountain in the shopping Center, or the Dolphin swimming pool with wave machine, or the beer!
Horrible morning here - cold, wet and windy. Complete contrast to yesterday when I spent a pleasant afternoon in the sunshine cutting the grass front & back and doing some general tidying up in the garden. Just to add to the gloom I had a rare 6.0 this morning, only the second time this year I've been above 5-point-something. Just to be sure I did a second test on the other hand and it was 6.1, so 6.0 it is then.

Had a lovely meal for our youngest's birthday yesterday evening, out of town at our favourite country pub. Superb food and service. For once I had a starter - Chicken, Chorizo & Manchego Croquettes, Smoked Paprika & Piquillo Pepper Sauce - and followed that with Pan-roasted Chicken Supreme, Garlic & Thyme Fondant Potato, Sautéed Spinach, Pink Paris Mushroom, White Wine & Truffle Cream Sauce and a side salad. The fondant potato was the only thing that took me off-diet. Skipped dessert, of course, but did have a piece of his birthday cake (homemade) when we got home.

My wife is looking to change her 10-year-old car for a new one. No 1 choice is an Audi A1 but would you believe she was told that there's a 9-month waiting list for a new one? Now looking for a low-mileage used one instead, even though one of those would actually cost more than a new one. Crazy times.

@Gwynn - hope you have a calmer day today.

Have a good day, everyone - weather permitting.

Is she considering electric or hybrid? Mum just got a new hybrid Suzuki Swift and is sort of regretting now not going full electric.
Here’s a thought! Just managed to get both pills & tresiba back to 11:00 this morning: moving pills back earlier & tresiba back later! Could it be all that pretty quick moving of times around these last few days when getting my body clock back to a normal ish day? But, I definitely did not take tresiba earlier than 24 hours apart & delayed taking it! :confused:

It’s food for thought & I’ll have to keep an eye on changing things in the future: need more info; but, maybe DO NOT change things SO fast in future? :confused:
It was 7.2 for me much earlier this morning. I was battling highs again all yesterday afternoon and evening despite not straying off diet but I'm resolutely refusing to increase my daytime Levemir beyond 26 units. I haven't walked or run since Sunday though and I know that will help so I need to get my act together and get on with that. Struggling for motivation when there are so many other things I need to be doing the minute I walk out of the door. TIR is down to 84% for the past 7 days which I am not happy about but at least only 2% hypo so I suppose that is a silver lining. Must get to the shops today for chicken food, GG food, cat food and Barbara food... Thankfully the bees are out there foraging for themselves, so don't need to worry about feeding them. My apricot tree is helping to do that...IMG_20220316_114832099[922].jpg
Gave it a good prune last summer and it has really benefitted from it. Should get a lot of fruit this year as the bees have been all over it. Fingers crossed we don't get any really bad late frosts to damage the blossoms as they are setting. Looks so bare at the moment but that whole wall will be green with leaves in 3-4 months time with apricots the size and colour of oranges peeking through here and there. Feels like spring when the sun is shining and it is buzzing with bees!
Same here but I got it in 5, so not totally down to the line, but that first letter had so many options I could easily have dipped out completely. Luck of the drw on that one. Got Quordle in 7 which I felt was pretty good and Octordle with 2 lives left. Really liking the multiples and Octordle has an unlimited option as well as the daily one....Not taking any responsibility for anyone investigating that and losing hours of their lives! 🙄
My sister tried to get me hooked on Quordle, but I resisted, deciding after trying it that it took too long, (though maybe I’m just slow) and I'm already hooked on Globle, which my son introduced me to. I have to sit there with an Atlas open on another tab though, my Geography is dire, especially when it gets bogged down in all those tiny islands in the Caribbean. I’ve no idea which ones are closer to which.
Yes, it often is the case for me. I think it is the stress hormones released when the body registers that BG levels are low, so whilst the BG levels might not be particularly debilitating in themselves and come up quite quickly when we take our hypo treatment, our bodies are still experiencing the response to those stress hormones, which take time to dissipate.
Thanks. I don't know about the stress hormones in my body but my mind does get a bit stressed when I see the number in my meter :D

Another question, not too serious. What do you guys do when you are waiting the 10-15 mins before checking your BG again? Assuming it's a mild hypo and you are not feeling too bad, do you sit and stare at the wall? Check your phone for distraction? Keep moving around, but not too fast?
Both my folks have NHS hearing aids in one ear and they’re fantastic.
They’ve got different types but they’re both tiny, pretty much invisible and linked to phone apps which enable them to change settings on the fly.
They were amazed that they’re available on the NHS so don’t rule out what they can provide without at least looking at them first.
My daughter has been wearing hearing aids since she was 25 but 4 years ago had surgery on one ear to correct her hearing and it was fantastic she got back to 90% in that ear but now she is struggling with the hearing aid in the other ear so has managed to get the surgery to have that one done as well. It was a difficult decision as she was told if it was not successful then her hearing couldn't be corrected by hearing aids. Anyway she now things it will be worth having the other one done with still many years left of working life which is where she is now struggling having a public facing role.
It was 7.2 for me much earlier this morning. I was battling highs again all yesterday afternoon and evening despite not straying off diet but I'm resolutely refusing to increase my daytime Levemir beyond 26 units. I haven't walked or run since Sunday though and I know that will help so I need to get my act together and get on with that. Struggling for motivation when there are so many other things I need to be doing the minute I walk out of the door. TIR is down to 84% for the past 7 days which I am not happy about but at least only 2% hypo so I suppose that is a silver lining. Must get to the shops today for chicken food, GG food, cat food and Barbara food... Thankfully the bees are out there foraging for themselves, so don't need to worry about feeding them. My apricot tree is helping to do that...View attachment 20327
Gave it a good prune last summer and it has really benefitted from it. Should get a lot of fruit this year as the bees have been all over it. Fingers crossed we don't get any really bad late frosts to damage the blossoms as they are setting. Looks so bare at the moment but that whole wall will be green with leaves in 3-4 months time with apricots the size and colour of oranges peeking through here and there. Feels like spring when the sun is shining and it is buzzing with bees!
That’s a beautiful tree!
Another question, not too serious. What do you guys do when you are waiting the 10-15 mins before checking your BG again? Assuming it's a mild hypo and you are not feeling too bad, do you sit and stare at the wall? Check your phone for distraction? Keep moving around, but not too fast?
I've tried to learn myself to sit down and wait until my levels are fine before I get on the move again due to prolonging hypo's by continuing and using the glucose that I was shoveling down my throat so it wasn't doing any good xx