Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

BG 4.7

Wife had a minor melt down yesterday evening. Out of the blue she felt we had had intruders damaging her stuff. This time it was a bit of rubber in her little camera that she had locked away somewhere. She knew it had been damaged by an intruder. She was visibly frightened and shaken. I investigated and of course everything was fine. No intruders. No damage!!!. She did settle back down quite quickly as I reassured her. Normally things would escalate rapidly into much worse darker waters for her but thankfully, this time, things quietened down. She was very clingy all evening after that incident. It all just wears me out and saddens me deeply. Even today I am knackered from, and disturbed by the goings on. I can never relax as these things come randomly out of nowhere. But I feel for her as she is in a constant state of fear and wariness. Sad.

I thought I had an appointment at the hospital today. My mistake, it's next week.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to

@goodybags I would have been first if I hadn't rattled on so. Sigh not even 5.2 and now not even first up. What a way to start the day sigh 🙂
Morning all.

Interesting set of readings for me post Zumba yesterday. Significant uptick at one hour post and that stayed the case all the way through until bed with a score of 9 last thing at night which is unheard of.
Was a bit concerned that would result in a high reading this morning but those fears were unfounded:


Barely any sleep last night however.

I’m getting awful nightmares which are a mix of images, sounds and scents clearly coming from the part of my brain dealing with the PTSD and overlayed on that is a general set of recurring images which I’ve had periodically in dreams for as long as I can remember going back to late teens (which might also be trauma related too I guess).

One plus point from yesterday is I know my start time for the hall marathon! I’m in the last, i.e. the slowest, starting wave “Diamond” and it’s full of people who are going to walk and party so I’m actually looking forward to it more now too!

@Grannylorraine Are you Diamond or are you up there in Cheetah or Lightning?!
Good morning - 9.2
Morning all,

5.7 today.

Had a super weird thing yesterday where I kept feeling like I was having hypos at various intervals throughout the day but every time I checked, levels were fine (5s/6s most of the time, lowest was 4.5 which is still fine!)

Rather confused as to why that is and it was super annoying!

Then the gears in my car decided to stop working so wasn’t too pleased about that either

Still today’s a new day…hope you all have a good one 🙂
Morning all. A completely flat line all night....albeit in the 10s despite correction. Woke this morning to 11.6. This cold is really taking its toll on levels now.
Morning all. 🙂 8.7 here.

Had a hearing appointment yesterday and got to try out some top of the range hearing aids - wow! I’ll be in my office doing some maths today, to see if I can afford them. o_O😛
Morning. 5.5 on the metre as sensor finished yesterday and I didn’t put a new one on. I’m trying to sync with my holidays. Going away 6 weeks this Friday and want to put a new sensor on the day we leave as we’re away for two weeks, if that makes sense. So next time I’ll move it on another day. I really missed it though, will pop a new one on after brekkie.

I have glad tidings, we have tested negative for Covid. :D“Just” another cold then, this cough is annoying me big style. I’m going for the big monthly shop today, I just know I’ll end up having a coughing fit as the slightest thing is setting me off. Smells, a draught, talking or because there’s a Y in the day! Think I’ll have to forego the mascara today, I’ll probably end up looking like Alice Cooper on a bad day! ( Younger forum members may have to Google!)😉

Have a wonderful Wednesday all. 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 8.7 here.

Had a hearing appointment yesterday and got to try out some top of the range hearing aids - wow! I’ll be in my office doing some maths today, to see if I can afford them. o_O😛
Both my folks have NHS hearing aids in one ear and they’re fantastic.
They’ve got different types but they’re both tiny, pretty much invisible and linked to phone apps which enable them to change settings on the fly.
They were amazed that they’re available on the NHS so don’t rule out what they can provide without at least looking at them first.
Good morning! 4'5 today.

I had a mild hypo yesterday after a walk. I felt sweaty and with a bit of a headache, and I thought it probably was nothing, but I'm glad I checked anyway.
feeling like I was having hypos at various intervals throughout the day but every time I checked, levels were fine (5s/6s most of the time
That's what I get most of the time I feel hypo. Not that I feel usually hypo at 6, but sometimes I think I have symptoms and then my numbers are normal. I was almost happy yesterday when the hypo was true!

Yesterday I started training at work to do more "front of house" jobs, ie taking orders and such, apart from my usual food running. This job is less physical and I wouldn't be in the kitchen too much, so avoid temptations of eating bread and all the leftovers! On the other hand, it's more stressful and diabetes wise, I feel less free to finger prick or snack, because I would stay on sight of the customers most of the time. I think Libre would be quite convenient for that, no need to wash my hands so I could scan anytime and only need to disappear when I'm going low.
well i when i checked everything was checked at 5 this morning i was 9.1 when i proberry got up i was 10.4 can i go with 9.1 instead.
Morning all, 9.7 here. Last night I was in the 4s at bedtime, and really didn’t fancy eating, so I decided to experiment and not take my night time basal. I’ve been meaning to try it for a while, because 2 units have me hovering along the top of the red, or just dipping in and out all night, the hospital clinic said I ought to reduce it , and so I was wondering if it made any difference anyway. So the answer is obviously it does make a difference, I had a curving upward line all night.
OH is feeling much better, I think the antibiotics are kicking in already, so it looks like it is a kidney infection, and not stones. Just shows how important face to face appointments with GPs still are. The out of hours doctor was useful in eliminating what it wasn’t, but was uncertain what it was, over the phone. Once he’d been prodded and had his wee tested, it was clear it was a kidney problem.
5.8 this morning and Wordle in 2. :D

morning everyone
Had a massive sleep and woke up on 11.7 in the early hours. Not a bad number for my normal but already has been destroyed.

Going to visit my sis in law later on for a coffee and catch up. No appointments or phonecalls to wait for.

Wordle I got in 3 today.

So many peeps not having the most awesome of days. Hope life is a bit easier on you today and if you are on unwell, feel better soon. Wish I could give you all a huge hug if you need one x
5.8 this morning and Wordle in 2. :D

Wordle I got in 3 today.
I hate some people! I managed it in 6, but I was dicing with failure having got all but the first letter right on go 4., I could think of 3 words that would have fitted into the two remaining goes, luckily I chose the right one at the last gasp.
07:59 BS 6.2 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Woke up with a jerk after a weird nightmare dream of the old days/nights working at the restaurant during lunch that just didn’t make sense: dreams rarely do! Back in the day we opened for lunch Mon to Fri 12:00 to 14:00 before opening in the evening again at 5pm so, we all hated having to wait for latecomers, restaurant doors locked at 13:45 & only takeaway after that who stayed still eating after 2pm as that meant a shorter nap in the afternoon: most people knew the cut off time & most days they were in by 13:45 & still eating past 2pm & I”d always thought that our lunch opening times were too early as most working people have their lunch hour at 1pm! But, anyway, I was dreaming about one nightmare lunchtime when for some inexplicable dream reason the doors weren’t locked & of, course people kept coming in to disturb the staff’s breakfast/lunch after lunch service: it was for most of us our first meal of the day after working lunch on empty stomachs; I HATED having to get up at 11am to get to work by 11:30 to vacuum the restaurant before opening at noon after working till midnight the previous night so, I was always STARVING by 13:45 when the tables are laid for the staff meal! With people still coming in the restaurant both sets of waiting & kitchen staff didn’t get to eat peacefully needing to keep jumping up & down from our food to serve customers! AND there was a new chef that cooked the staff meal! It was some kind of very sticky, sweet sausages that I HAD to eat, starving, & guessed the extra bolus for, & ate it: almost every lunch service there’s an element of jumping up & down eating & serving customers which isn’t very conducive to the digestion but, this was ridiculous! THEN, it turned out that the new chef had used artificial sweeteners to cook our staff meal & I collapsed from all the extra insulin I didn’t need: it started with me not being able to see the time on my watch, too stupid from hypo lack of reasoning to see that as a danger sign & got the iPhone out from my pocket to ask Siri “what time is it?”, which by the way was 9pm in dream reasoning that never makes sense, & blacked out to wake up to staff & customers trying to force down some coke down my throat! I woke up at that point & my heart rate was going through the roof which took a while to calm down before I tested: I was worried about dreaming going hypo, which I’ve never done before, because I was actually going hypo; SO relieved to find that’s not the case!

I’ve had a bit of time to think now especially, with all this 1 finger typing of this post, & I’m SO relieved NOT to be working in the restaurant business anymore as I think it would just be impossible now on insulin! I worked 10 years while on blood sugar lowering tablets, Novonorm I forget what the generic name it goes by now, & that was hard but, doable as I did it! It was only about a year after the restaurant was closed that I made the switch to insulin & it’s just impossible to have SUCH uncertainty of meal times, sometimes SO busy the staff ended up taking home takeaways at the end of the night as it was just too busy to eat at all, didn’t happen ofter but, on nights of special days that everybody else gets off & not us! 😱
Just snuck into the 6s today with a 6.9. Hair done and now isolating. PCR test arriving today to be done Saturday and go back via courier.
@Bloden and @ColinUK interesting about the hearing aids, let us know how you get on as it seems I may be looking into them!!
Have a good day everyone xx
I hate some people! I managed it in 6, but I was dicing with failure having got all but the first letter right on go 4., I could think of 3 words that would have fitted into the two remaining goes, luckily I chose the right one at the last gasp.
Won’t tell you I got it in three today as well then.
And Heardle in two I think.

Given up on Worldle and Jewdle.
I hate some people! I managed it in 6, but I was dicing with failure having got all but the first letter right on go 4., I could think of 3 words that would have fitted into the two remaining goes, luckily I chose the right one at the last gasp.
I have no sympathy, its all your lots fault that I play it anyway :rofl:

8.4 for me today xx
Morning all.

Interesting set of readings for me post Zumba yesterday. Significant uptick at one hour post and that stayed the case all the way through until bed with a score of 9 last thing at night which is unheard of.
Was a bit concerned that would result in a high reading this morning but those fears were unfounded:


Barely any sleep last night however.

I’m getting awful nightmares which are a mix of images, sounds and scents clearly coming from the part of my brain dealing with the PTSD and overlayed on that is a general set of recurring images which I’ve had periodically in dreams for as long as I can remember going back to late teens (which might also be trauma related too I guess).

One plus point from yesterday is I know my start time for the hall marathon! I’m in the last, i.e. the slowest, starting wave “Diamond” and it’s full of people who are going to walk and party so I’m actually looking forward to it more now too!

@Grannylorraine Are you Diamond or are you up there in Cheetah or Lightning?!
Hi Colin

I am a diamond as well, although probably more of a rough diamond seeing as I was born and bred in Romford, before moving to Grays 5 years ago.

Hopefully I will get to meet with you along with all the other diamonds, although I have my foot in two camps at the moment, the yellow sweatbands and the Team Tommy's who I am raising money for as my daughter had a miscarriage in the past.

At least you don't have to worry about trains being cancelled or having to take a slightly different route due to engineering work, bag drop etc.