Group 7-day waking average?

I was so disappointed and heartbroken that diabetic santa didn't deliver like he did in my dream :rofl:
Okay, I didn't want to react to your disappointment with a "Haha" but the diabetic Santa bit was funny...
Okay, I didn't want to react to your disappointment with a "Haha" but the diabetic Santa bit was funny...
Don't worry, was intended to be a silly little take on a weird dream.
Yes, I'm frustrated and concerned and do take it all seriously but you have to find some fun and laughs in amongst the rubbish 🙂
7-Day morning readings:

Mon - 4.9 (had a strange 3.4 reading at 1pm but felt great. Tested twice more within minutes and had a 4.1 & 4.2 so not quite sure what happened there).
Tue - 4.6
Wed- 4.7
Thur - 4.3
Fri - 5.1
Sat - 4.9
Sun - 4.6
Today - 4.6

Week 11 this week after diagnosis T2 and weekly averages range from 4.6 to 5.9. I’d cut down on testing as I was getting use to the foods and how my body reacted to them but Mondays low reading put me on edge so I’ve upped it again (probably for my own peace of mind rather than necessity)
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 this morning

Diabetic review went well yesterday. Only 2 issues. Very high B12. So I will cut out the B12 supplement. Higher (than last time) cholesterol. So I will reintroduce the plant sterols and see how that goes.

ECG was a bit of a farce. It was perfectly normal at the time of the test. What would you expect with an intermittent problem? They had no interest at all in my year long blood pressure and pulse readings. None.

The diabetic nurse had much more interest and was concerned at the significant lows in my pulse.

Out fixing the fixed sound system today. A repaired microphone showed its intermittent fault at just the wrong time. Whoops!!!! Under test it performed perfectly. A bit like the ECG

I got up yesterday and really really didn't feel like exercising at all. A feeling of sheer lethargy came over me. In the afternoon the sun came out briefly and I decided to go for a short walk. In the end I walked for 187 minutes. And of course the sun went in, it rained and the cold wind came back as soon as I stepped out of the house. Glad I did it though. I ached a bit afterwards!!!

Nothing much else to do today

Have a great day everyone
Good morning 6.4 today

have a great great day everybody 😎
Good morning. 5.9 today. Feeling exhausted and not wanting to go to work. Its only a cold ((LFT confirmed ) but we're so short staffed and there is so much to do. Counting down the hours until home time already.
Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 13.8 and 2.5 units correction
Morning all. 🙂 3.5 here.

Welsh conversation was odd yesterday cos the other person couldn’t get her camera to work so I was chatting with a blank page. :confused:😛 Poor dab, she and her husband (farmers) are holed up in their bwthyn (cottage) with Covid while their sons - and cats o_O - are in the farmhouse, running the farm. She started listing all the teachers and school kids she knows that are off with Covid. It’s still out there - stay safe, peeps.
6.9 this morning and the last of the food brought back from mum and dad’s is now gone so it’s back on the shakes for an 800 calorie regimen for a while.

Zumba class booked at the gym this evening. First one!
Morning all

6.1 today, so pleased with that, got a PB for 5k with running group yesterday which I was chuffed with as I had ran 10 miles on Sunday. Yoga was then for legs which although tough at the time felt good afterwards.

Have a good day everyone
Good morning. A sterling 5.5 this morning. Tested quite a few times yesterday: 11.28 7.8; 1400 pizza; 1605 19.3; 17.40 10.7; 20.20 6.00; 20.45 Low fat Greek yoghurt. So it looks as if Mr Pancreas and his friend Signore Fegato are doing their best. So I shall be back helping them again from now on. Quite a nice dry morning, no wind, very slight ground frost, blue sky with some high thin cloud. Tried that new government website for Ukrainian homing - it didn't work so gave up after 3 tries. Is this just another Patel pretence of helping? Not sure if refugees would appreciate a rural home but suspect not all of them are urban dwellers. Need to do a bit more exploration - we have quite a few Polish people locally so maybe they would have some insight into integration.
Morning folks. 5.4 today.

I’ve lost my voice! I tried to order LFT tests on the NHS Covid website but it wasn’t as simple as I thought it would be, certain groups got priority ie NHS staff. I had to tick I wasn’t in a priority group and then asked if I had symptoms etc etc. When did they start? I gave in, my eldest daughter has got loads, will get some from her. I really think it’s the same thing I had for 7 weeks in Dec/ Jan but without the snotty nose and feeling rubbish. Mr Eggy doesn’t seem so bad now. Just hope it doesn’t turn into a chest infection like last time. Thank goodness I didn’t have to do jury service this week, I would have been held in contempt of court for coughing and spluttering! 😉

Have a good day. 🙂
4.8 for me today. 🙂

A high undeserved 7.8 today, don’t really know why. No ear infection, they said all looked normal which is good but puzzling. I did a couple of online audiology tests which said ‘possible severe hearing loss’ lol. Am having an audiologist visit my home in four weeks (Hidden Hearing do free NHS home visits) so we will wait and see. Possibly something else to add to my list of ailments - got to laugh really, all those years of audio typing are obviously taking its toll. I’m not even moaning, it’s just life and getting older.
I am having my hair done this morning, need to look good on the operating table, and then that’s me isolating for a week, lots to do indoors so that’s ok.
Have a good day all x
PS it’s absolutely beautiful here in sunny, warm Brighton so that’s a bonus x
Good morning everyone.
4.9 for me today. Needed corrections again last night before bed despite a very late walk up to the village to see to the horses. Slept pretty well though and once the corrections kicked in and brought me down from 10 I had a decent overnight graph
Did Wordle Quordle and Octordle before bed whilst corrections were working. Results were 3, 7 and a fail although I did get all 8 words I ran out of chances to enter them.
Good morning and we have 6.2 yet again. Off down town shortly for an appointment at the opticians, will probably have a mooch around whilst there, maybe even indulge in a small Costa 🙂
Nice sunshine so far, but I know it is chilly out there yet.
Have a good day 🙂

Think it was 8.3 today xx
well, it was another unfouterontate 12.6 i divinity confirmed it my evening livermir isn't covering me right because even though i didn't do a proper background test a correction last night did work. i did a few tests just seemed held steady after night so my in range tests(or almost in range tests) 7.7 and 8.2 then shot back up tonight(which could be dawn pervernoum i'm also half suspecting some sort of stomach bug and something else might . an extra half a unit of livermir it is then(ahough yesterday i might have might have made a false judgment by doing that in the day) hopefully the nurse will agree to me putting up my evening one other nurses have said there happy for me to make my own discussions i just what see a single figure reading first thing i feel if you wake up high its messing you up for rest of the day. i do have a feeling my team are going sujest going back to tresibra.
