Group 7-day waking average?

Just a quick one. I’ve booked us both in for a PCR this morning. Fingers crossed please. Or would it be best that we do have it as it should give us some anti bodies? :confused:
No waking reading for me. Not really slept after yesterdays nap (wups I was nearly fixed too).

Expecting the nurse to call this morning for meds review. Going to be an interesting call. *EDIT: totally thought it was today but online says Thursday*
Still waiting for housing to call back about getting daughter listed on the tenancy as living here for the disability shower paperwork. Called them Friday, chased them up yesterday and still no return call.
The bath board is due to be fitted today and I have no idea if it is going ahead without all the paperwork sorted.

Hope everyone has a good day. Will post an update later 🙂
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Our eldest had Covid between getting his second jab and his booster and was told by the nurse administering his booster that he would now have the highest level of protection. A triple-jabbed GP writing in our daily newspaper also said that he wouldn't mind if he caught Covid now, for the same reason (although he did say he wasn't going to go actively looking to catch it).
I’ve had four jabs! So if I do have it I should have super protection! Mr Eggy has had two and booster. My only concern is our “ underlying” health conditions. 🙄
Morning all and 6.2 for me

Plans for today paint garden gate this morning then dig sunglasses out because it's eye scan this afternoon and it's a bit bright out there.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and 6.2 for me

Plans for today paint garden gate this morning then dig sunglasses out because it's eye scan this afternoon and it's a bit bright out there.

Have a good day everyone.
Are the sunglasses buried in the flowerbed?!
Turned up at the GP for the DN appointment to get my feet tickled and no trace of the appointment on their system. Nothing. Not even a trail showing it’s been cancelled.

So rescheduled for next week.
Morning all... quite nice out. Hopefully will get a walk in today.

At last! 5.5 this morning with a fairly straight line overnight. Possibly the glass of Tia Maria I had last night.

Was at the surgery yesterday having blood taken and the HCA taking the blood commented about me having had Covid. We got chatting about it and apparently the main symptom pointing to Covid is now extreme fatigue. She said that a lot of people were having negative LFTs and just thinking they had a cold, but the fatigue definitely pointed to Covid and can go on for weeks. They are also seeing people get it more than once in a short time span (@freesia you had it a short while ago methinks? :( ). Anyway, came home and cleaned upstairs (2 beds a study and 2 bathrooms) I was shattered afterwards and could barely stay awake to get dinner. Then slept on the sofa for 1.5 hours before waking and watching TV for an hour. I've been needing my bed early ever since I had Covid....
Good morning people! 6'1 here. Nothing exciting planned, should do some laundry.

@ColinUK have fun at Zumba! I used to go a few years ago, couldn't always follow the rythm but it definitely made me sweat!
Afternoon all. Haven’t a clue what morning reading was, too busy slaving over OH all night. Had to phone 111 eventually at 5am, got call back from out of hours GP (who thought muscle pain, but told him to get a face to face with his GP when they opened, to be prodded. It was 7.30am by this time, so nearly opening time ), then took him down to our own GP to be prodded. Upshot, probably kidney infection, maybe kidney stones, but try antibiotics first.
Thank you, but far from a baby. Strapping young man, towers over his mum and is almost as tall as me.
He’s the youngest therefore he’s always going to be the baby!
Afternoon all. Haven’t a clue what morning reading was, too busy slaving over OH all night. Had to phone 111 eventually at 5am, got call back from out of hours GP (who thought muscle pain, but told him to get a face to face with his GP when they opened, to be prodded. It was 7.30am by this time, so nearly opening time ), then took him down to our own GP to be prodded. Upshot, probably kidney infection, maybe kidney stones, but try antibiotics first.
Wondered where you were this morning. Hope all turns out well. He must have been in a lot of pain. Hope the antibiotics work and it’s not kidney stones, I believe they’re incredible painful. :(
Wondered where you were this morning. Hope all turns out well. He must have been in a lot of pain. Hope the antibiotics work and it’s not kidney stones, I believe they’re incredible painful. :(
I gather men who have them say 'Oh, they’re the most painful thing I've ever had' and women say, 'Hmm, they’re nearly as bad as childbirth'
So kinda annoyed with today.

As edited in my earlier post I got the date wrong for nurse and its Thursday.

Waited all day for this bath board getting fitted (and was half wondering if the paper work issue would stop it) only to find out delivery was attempted at 2pm and a card was put through the door (or so they said). No one at the door and no card. Maybe they went to the wrong door.
They will be back out on 25th 🙄

I had to phone housing office once again but this time was a little more firm about waiting so long & not getting a return call and not able to wait until next week when whoever was back from holidays. Anyway daughter is now listed as living here properly for paperworks sake.

Felt like a waste of a day. 1 out of 3 things achieved
We got chatting about it and apparently the main symptom pointing to Covid is now extreme fatigue. She said that a lot of people were having negative LFTs and just thinking they had a cold, but the fatigue definitely pointed to Covid and can go on for weeks. They are also seeing people get it more than once in a short time span (@freesia you had it a short while ago methinks? :(
I did, back in January. This does feel like a cold...snotty nose, stuffy head, itchy eyes etc but the tiredness is the thing. I've been going to bed early (not even reading, which is unheard of), sleeping through and struggling to get up the next day. Even my boss at work commented how tired i looked today (more like hagard as i couldn't face putting make up on!). LFTs are all negative. If this is covid now, how on earth does anyone know they have it? There are so many bugs going around now, i think we've all lost our natural immunity having to wear masks all the time.

@eggyg i hope your PCRs come back negative.
If this is covid now, how on earth does anyone know they have it?
Well in the governments eyes what does it matter? Seen as it's no longer law to isolate and you are going to have to pay for LFT's there will be many that don't bother testing and even if they do they don't have to isolate so clearly it's not bothered about much to them xx
Well in the governments eyes what does it matter? Seen as it's no longer law to isolate and you are going to have to pay for LFT's there will be many that don't bother testing and even if they do they don't have to isolate so clearly it's not bothered about much to them xx
I think we do need to get back to normal at some time. We can't keep isolating and to be honest, when i had it in January, i felt better than i do now with a cold. When we have to start paying for tests, a lot of people may not be able to afford them so may not bother anyway. My hubby has been lucky not to catch it from me as if he is off sick, he doesn't get paid. So many people are in the same boat and can't afford to be off work without pay. At least with the vaccines, any symptoms will hopefully be mild.
I think we do need to get back to normal at some time.
Everyone agrees with that, though many would suggest some slightly modified "normal" would make sense. We could look at improving air quality in the same sort of way we improved water quality for previous infectious diseases, for example. Or encourage wearing masks when you feel bad (and don't go into the office!).

We could have tried to improve things (maybe support people who're sick so they feel able to stay off work, improve air quality in public buildings, etc.), but instead we seem to be going for the "let's pretend it's 2019 and there's nothing to worry about" approach, during winter.

Maybe it'll work out OK. I think probably it will, at least for a few months. (I think there's a plausible argument that Omicron (especially BA.2) spreads so easily that there's no practical way to constrain it. Even so, improving air quality would be a benefit for lots of reasons.)
I agree there are lots of things that could have been done though all these cost money. Some companies are struggling and are unable to afford to make changes. All we can do is our best to minimise any risk. I think my cold was caught by sitting opposite 6yr olds who have been sneezing over me. My usual natural immunity has been weakened over the last two years.
Good morning 6.1 today
Am I first here today? looks like it
have a great day everybody 😎