Group 7-day waking average?

@Gwynn to type yours I had to type @gw before it showed a list of suggested names
Just tried on my android tablet and just to note:
it took a second or two to come up with name suggestion
the location of the place to click is in the reply box and not on the tablets keyboard.

edit: @everydayupsanddowns beat me to it but will leave post up for image ref in case it helps 🙂
@Gwynn It is important to get the case right as well as the letters if you don't get the drop down options when you start typing. So you typed @metooteetwo all lower case and only one e on the "me" when Dez is actually @MeeTooTeeTwo
Correct spelling and case for letters is important... and no gaps after the @. Also it doesn't highlight it as a link until you actually post it.... So whilst I am typing this now it isn't blue but will be once I hit post reply.
03:54 BS 8.1 Higher than I’d like but had a snack without bolus before going to bed as BS was only 4.7: overdid the snack; rather that than go low while sleeping & wake up with a high & hypo hangover headache when my liver overreacts & dumps glucose like mad! Had that before & it’s ROUGH to wake like that! 😱

Almost there on the normal day front & already had breakfast of 2 cups of tea, 1 sandwich & 1 pot of yoghurt! 😛

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

It’s a new month money wise, well every 4 weeks, & I’ve read the last 2 full Ian Fleming James Bond as the other two are short stories not narrated by the all star cast of 2012: caved in a little early buying 4 & read 3 the last few days; You Only Live Twice, The Man with the Golden Gun &, because the first chapter was narrated at the end of the Hugh Bonnaville recording of Goldfinger, Anthony Horrowitz Trigger Mortis & Forever And A Day!

You Only Live Twice was nothing like the film at all, apart from the names of characters, & is actually a very fascinating account of Bond training & masquerading as Japanese ninja assassin! He’s fully indoctrinated into the Japanese culture of ritual suicide in the Japanese psyche as Blowfeld has created a “Garden of Death” on an island that attracted loads of Japanese to kill themselves: it’s where the idea for the garden of poisons comes from in the last James Bond film No Time To Die; the British secret service needs something from Japan & they want that Garden of Death destroyed so, Bond’s recruited to do so! I enjoyed it a lot & the Japanese culture etc. was fascinating to read about! 😛

The Man with the Golden Gun was the very last book written by Ian Fleming & he was already ill while writing it so, he wasn’t happy with it & wanted to rewrite it the following year: he wrote on his annual leave each year in Jamaica ; he died before he could polish it up to his standards & the publisher published it posthumously! It’s the weakest book as a result BUT, it’s still Ian Fleming & very good: just not quite as richly detailed as his others! 🙂

Anthony Horowitz is the latest writer appointed by the Ian Fleming estate to write James Bond in 2014 after the family found old manuscripts of short stories written for a tv series he was talking to producers about before the films were made & the success of made redundant. One of the short stories was about the world of Grand Prix racing & Anthony Horrowitz used it to write Trigger Mortis published in 2015: around 500 words in total from the first half of the book were actually written by Ian Fleming; he just fleshed it out a bit more to expand the story & those words helped him to write in Fleming’s style. I enjoyed it a lot & fits in very well with the Fleming Bond books! 😛

There was one thing that happened after I finished it, just before going to bed, that’s surprised me! 😱 In the 2nd half of the book the villain plans to blow up the centre of Manhattan & bring down the Empire State Building because of it’s iconic global statement of power & I thought surely The World Trade Centre was THAT much more so? Then, realised that in 1957, the year the book is placed, it wasn’t built yet & must have been after Ian Fleming’s time! So, I googled it after breakfast to find out when it was built? From Wikipedia I found out it was opened in 1973 & of course 9/11 etc. was in the entry! I, like everyone else, was horrified at the time with the tv news coverage & it had gradually faded from the forefront of consciousness but, since I’ve never really read newspapers, I watch tv news, I’d never read the statistics in written text before! Written text can be a cold, hard, unforgiving & stark medium: none more so than 9/11’s statistics of the loss of life; it hit me like a ton of bricks & I was brought back to that horror I felt at the time & was sobbing & crying early this morning!:( It was over 20 years ago but, it’s still resonating & affected me today especially with the war going on in Ukraine!:(
Thanks everyone. It seems to be working now @whoever

We had a great time yesterday with my daughter and her daughter and belated birthday cake for my wife.

And to cap it all BG this morning 5.2 and yesterday my HbA1c result (just checked yesterday) was 37.

Today I have my diabetic review and an ECG. Should be fun. I think I won't go for my exercise before the ECG

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 5.1 rising to 7 with an upward trend within 5 mins. I need to keep it a bit higher this morning as i need to be able to drive to the hospital for an xray.

Where did the weekend go?

Congrats to @harbottle and @Gwynn on your HS.
Good morning - 6.2
i just checked even though i'm not probeklly up yet, 12,4 corrections didn't seem to do anything last night(i did have a roast dinner in the afternoon and it seemed to go okay but I eat cookie using my old radio again(still fingering this out because of the jumps i'm got get in the evening but yesterday I got a jump in the afternoon so thought oay maybe it is something o do with food in the evening),i'm increasing my livemir for a half unit temporary today for reasons(at least with livermir if its the wrong thing to do i can just not do it.
Congrats to @harbottle and @Gwynn on your HS. Glad you’ve conquered the @ @Gwynn .
7.4 for me today. Hoping to get to speak to GP today (fat chance me thinks), my ear is painful and after my weird experience last week with being unsteady thought I had better run it past him, don’t want my op cancelled last minute if I have an ear infection.
On another note I took some women and baby provisions to a collection point for the Ukrainians yesterday and spoke to a lady from Ukraine and she was telling me how desperately they are trying to get antibiotics, bandages etc to send for the soldiers in Kyev who apparently are suffering from injuries and particularly pneumonia- so sad :(
Have a good day all x
Good morning! 6'3. I don't want to work today 🙄

They found some background retinopathy in my eye screening. It doesn't need treatment now but I am a bit worried.

@ColinUK I spent hours in the Natural History Museum and then had a quick look at the V&A (and had a bit of trouble trying to find my way out lol) , I'd like to visit this one properly next time.
Morning! 5.9 and back to my normal early getup. Had my annual lie in! 😉

Disappointed that the consultant didn’t call Mr Eggy yesterday, who knows, there may have been an emergency. He’ll call the cardiology department today. We waited in all day until at 4 o’clock we decided to go for a walk. It was only three miles, through mud though, but we were both exhausted. We both started with a dry tickling cough a couple of days ago, it’s now a bit more “ wet” and as it was quite breezy yesterday we struggled a bit with our breathing. We haven’t any other symptoms ie runny nose, sneezing etc. Wondering whether to go for a PCR, I used our last LF on Friday, negative. Mr Eggy doesn’t do colds and I’ve never ever had a cough without having a cold. And of course I spent four full days with 12 strangers last week, first time in two years I’ve mixed with people for any length of time. Hmmm…..:confused:

Other than maybe going for PCR, I’m making fishcakes for tomorrow’s tea, a bit washing as it’s a nice day and I’ll hang it on the line, and I might get the polish and duster out. I can write my name on the hall table! o_O Give me a break, I was busy last week and Mr Eggy doesn’t know his Mr Sheen from his elbow!:rofl:

Have a Happy Monday all. And special congratulations go to @harbottle and @Gwynn on the HSs. 🙂
Morning all.
Lightly raised 6.9 today but that’ll drop as the day goes on I’m sure.
Have a good one!
Good morning! 6'3. I don't want to work today 🙄

They found some background retinopathy in my eye screening. It doesn't need treatment now but I am a bit worried.

@ColinUK I spent hours in the Natural History Museum and then had a quick look at the V&A (and had a bit of trouble trying to find my way out lol) , I'd like to visit this one properly next time.
Add the Wellcome Foundation to your list. It’s free and it’s really a huge collection of curiosities. Fascinating and gruesome.

Oh and the Old Operating Theatre down by London Bridge and Guys Hospital is also worthy of a visit. It’s only over the road from Borough Market with all the fantastic food stalls as well!
Good morning. 6.3 which is higher than I like, maybe need to do a diet review to consider "carb creep". Had an evil thought - what about home made pizza for lunch and then do the review - followed of course by ultra strict dietary compliance...Get thee behind me Satan. Beautiful morning, like a Chinese painting, clear blue sky with mist hanging in the valleys below with trees emerging from the mist. Quite crisp with heavy dew. Wishing everyone a happy day.