Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0 on the nose so to speak

Daughter and family coming over today. Looking forward to it.

I need to get out to walk but the raging wind (outside !!!) has come back making it much harder. I don't really mind the wind as long as it is warm. But right now it's....

Diabetic review tomorrow morning. Oh, such fun. Better get some graphs printed.

Oh, and latest HbA1c test result is 37. Now that's not bad for 3 months of evening celebrations (a few too many carbs) and a drive to increase my weight (as everyone was concerned that I was way too skinny). Of course it's pushed my BMI now to slightly above the ideal point, which is absolutely fine with me as BMI seems a bit 'faulty' as an indicator of body fat composition and fitness overall. The next HbA1c will be lower again as the celebrations have stopped and I think I am slightly over my ideal weight, so I need to lose a little. Good place to be.

I had predicted (guessed) that the result would be between 36 and 40. I am so glad that I hadn't pushed it back into the diabetic territory. The next test result will be very interesting to me.

I had better update my profile !

Have a great day today whatever you are up to
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Good morning - 8.1
Good morning 6.9 today,
we had a busy day doing some clearing out yesterday, more to do today,
I’m off to Specsavers today (I’m pretty sure I need new glasses)

I’ve only had the last ones just over 12 month, but with my HbA1c
levels having been previously so out of control, plus being treated at hospital for DMO
the changes in vision are expected, I’m going to give varifocals another try😛

have a great day everybody 😎
Good evening people! My morning blood sugar was 4'6 yesterday and 5'9 today.

I'm in the train back from London. I enjoyed my time there. Thanks again @ColinUK for all your ideas! Especially the view from the roof of One New Change, I wouldn't have known that. I was quite lucky with the weather, had two days of sun and used the more rainy one to visit a museum. Today I had a nice walk along the Thames, it was full of people (some of them speaking Spanish!) but that's something you would expect in such a popular area, and in a sunny Saturday!

After my first visit to the city, 6 years ago, I wanted to visit a few places I didn't have time for. The problem is, now I found more places I want to visit! :DWell, it should be easier to return now that I can go by train instead of plane. But I would also like to visit more places in England. And Wales. And Scotland, but I'm in the south so that one is a longer train journey. Anyway, I don't need to start planning the next trip yet, unfortunately I have to come back to work :rofl:
Glad it was useful and that you enjoyed yourself!
One New Change is a hidden gem, especially if you’re looking the right way as you go up in the lift and you suddenly have St Pauls revealed in front of you. Also interesting bits of statuary dotted around the roof terrace.

Which museum did you visit?
Morning all and I passed on the various birthday wishes to mum of course.

6.4 for me today.

Mum and dad enjoyed it and so did their guests. I was in the kitchen most of the time washing up and basically being Good Son and ensuring mum didn’t have to spend any time in there.

I think it’s the last time they do anything like this as frankly they can’t cope with the numbers anymore. Not the last time they throw a party but the last time it’s self catered. It’s just way too much work which is fair with them now being 80 and 82.

Food was a standard mum buffet with salads (green, pasta, couscous and roast veg, potato, Waldorf, coleslaw), fried fish balls (some salmon, some tuna), quiches (salmon or roast veg) with desserts being lemon posset, apple strudel, cheesecake, chocolate mousse (which I did the piping decoration for when I got here and had great hilarity with because of all ridiculous things, the whipped cream just wouldn’t stick the the mousse at all so I’d pipe a rosette and lift off the bag to release and it would just come up. No idea why it wasn’t sticking but I thought maybe the mousse was too cold so grabbed a blow torch and quickly ran it over the surface and persuaded the cream to stick to it eventually. The end result looked a little rustic but I’m sure it tasted fine!).
Oh and cheese and biscuits. Plus a two tier fruitcake.

There’s plenty of food left over. I mean plenty.

Clearly I couldn’t eat much on the table so I used a chair like an adult. I had cheese, green salad, one fish ball and no dessert.

Today’s scores:
Wordle in 2
Jewdle in 2
Heardle in 1
Morning all, back home now. 7.8 for me and need to do big shop today after we have been out for breakfast. Am isolating from Tuesday, although having hair done first, before my next, and hopefully last op Tuesday week. Getting a touch nervous now it hey ho.
@goodybags didn't have time to reply yesterday but remember we are always here if you need to offload.
@Gwynn excellent result, well done.
Have a good day all x
@Gwynn forgot to say well done on your numbers! Great work young man!!
Good morning good people!

6.2 for me an hour or so ago. Increased my evening Levemir to 5 last night. Happy enough with that but I think it will need to be reduced tonight as I have a busy day ahead today.
Just to put the record straight, Arthur went much better than expected and did pull his weight both going out and coming back. Apart from nearly jumping onto of a cyclist (for no obvious reason) he was a good boy! Long may it last! It was a lovely sunny day but the wind was bitter up on the top. At least it was helping with the energy situation as the wind turbines were fairly swooshing as we passed them!

@ColinUK Food sounds lovely but can understand your amusement and probably frustration with the cream not sticking. Sounds like we all need to descend on your parents' house today to help clear up the leftovers although maybe only those of us with insulin! You were clearly very restrained which is reflected in your morning reading. Well done! Feel free to polish your halo. 😉
Can't believe you got Wordle in 2 today!! Took me 4 but then my 2 starting words were bad choices and only gave me 1 letter between them.
Is Jewdle in Hebrew?
Was Heardle easy enough for me to have a go at it or are you just a genius at music recognition?
I got Quordle in 7 today but then it was an easy one.

@Gwynn Many congrats on your great HbA1c result.
5.3 for me this morning. 🙂
No walk in the woods for me - it's much too windy!!


7 on the dot. Pleased your mum had a good birthday @ColinUK, off for a run, hoping it stays dry. Not much else planned today maybe doing a bit more of a cross stitch project I found that is about 10 years old.

@Gwynn - well done on your HbA1c.

@SueEK - hope your ops goes well.

@Elenka_HM - glad you had a nice trip and Colin had some lovely suggestions for you.
morning 9.3 well it was done with corrections in the night i'm fairly okay with the end result(I know its not ideal and its not within the guidelines and yes waking up at something like 6 and 7 would be better) I generally happy if I wake up under 10. (I've been running kind of high for a couple of days but i' fairly sure I know why so may worh considering up leivermar by half unit for a few days I'll see) I was said last night and decided what I was going to eat for backfast today and worked out the dose so I cold just get on with it and not do the maths as it was already done.
@rebrascora Jewdle isn’t in Hebrew! That would be impossible! It’s in English but is limited to things to do with being Jewish whether it’s cultural or religious.

Heardle took a number of plays of the first bit to get it but I knew I recognised it immediately. It’s a great sing-a-long, Rock out, bounce around the mosh pit type song!
@ColinUK Thanks for that.... I had a go at Heardle but after skipping 5 times I gave up on it as I didn't recognize it at all. Don't think Heardle is for me.
Good morning,

5.7 for me today.

Pretty pleased with that as I went out for a meal last night with friends and had a few drinks. Luckily my options were fairly low carb so didn’t need much insulin (and then lowered the amount further because of the drinks which also make me drop). Also had a glass of orange juice before bed to prevent hypos and it seems to have done the trick (my DSN always advices me to have some sort of carby snack before I go to bed if drinking otherwise I tend to crash!)

Have a good day everyone 🙂

9.4 for me today

Finally ordered some books for Mothers Day so that's everything bought for it xx
Oh yes! I tried heardle the other day too & recognised it straight off, I know it was a shock to me too, as it was the 80’s & my era! But, after putting in various configurations of artist & song the maximum number of times it kept saying I was wrong & then, came up with Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance With Sombody (Who Loves Me) which I put in every time eith a slash, without one, with brackets, without, all capitals, I tried all I could think of & every time it was wrong: SO frustrating; I knew it & the right answer coming up to confirm I knew was a kick in the teeth! Nope! NOT doing THAT again! A rare, from me mad emoji 😡
Heardle took a number of plays of the first bit to get it but I knew I recognised it immediately. It’s a great sing-a-long, Rock out, bounce around the mosh pit type song!
took me 2 seconds, knew I knew it but just needed that little bit more, absolutely love it as well! xx