Group 7-day waking average?

A beautiful sunny morning here in West Wales. Not so good on the FBG front - 6.2. Overdid it yesterday as increased steroid dose had really kicked in so felt well and energetic with breathing better and pain levels down to "rather uncomfortable" from "rug biting". Stayed up until midnight altering a pair of curtains for the front doorway arch: woke with the horrors at 0200,pain in chest, blocked breathing, pain in knees and hips. Serves me right for starting that task when I had already blitzed the kitchen after realizing that in the race of life I had been lapped by Mr Grubby. I too am horrified by the likely increase in my electricity bill and the price of heating oil - which has doubled in the last 12 weeks with more to come. If I lower the thermostat any more I shall be able to turn off the freezer...Oh well, summer is coming and nobody is bombing the house so "mustn't grumble" as Grandad used to say in the face of adversity. Mind you he had only one lung after being shot at Vimmy RIdge and still lived to 98 so perhaps he was made of tougher stuff. Back to the sewing machine.

10.0 for me today

Burst into tears with frustration yesterday, things have been building up for a few days with this or that and yesterday the sensor I'd applied in place of the previous days failure also failed, got glucose reading is unavailable try scanning again in 10 minutes for 5 hours and then told me it had ended, just finding things a bit too much at the moment xx
Morning all. Glorious sunshine here in Sale. 😎

Over ten for me but I don't trust the reading as I could only get a tiny bead of blood out and it's always very high when I do that. Very frustrating. I will probably give up again as it puts me off. Am I supposed to press really hard and JAB and squeeze? 🙄

Have a good day all.
Warm fingers are really important. Either hug a mug of tea/coffee or soak in warm water.
Personally I just touch the tip of the lancing device to my skin and kind of let it bounce/rebound as the needle fires into the skin rather than holding it firmly against the finger. I tend to have it set on the deepest setting though as I have tough skin. I am very good at blood letting though. I should be after 51 pints. Talking of which, it is important to be hydrated, so maybe drink a glass of water before you test as well.
@eggyg they’re unlikely to get roaring drunk being a bunch of Jews. We generally don’t really do booze the same way as other cultures might. It’s the food which is of primary importance to us rather than the booze.
That’s why I’d never heard of anything other than a free bar at a wedding until I went to my first Christian one.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4 ok

Got an energy bill and a request to increase my monthly payments yesterday. A shock. An increase of about £100 for absolutely nothing at all. Crazy. Worrying. I have put measures in place to reduce our energy consumption to a bare minimum. No lights in the evenings. Heating set way down. No telly. Less cooking. Feels a bit tough right now. And they are promising more price hikes going forwards. This feeds nicely into my natural worrying nature. I am even looking into trying to get a job. Sigh. As if I didn't have enough to worry about and yet many many people will be faced with increasing problems too going forwards this year. Still we have smart meters being fitted on 21st of this month. Maybe that will help with out energy use.

Today, cold, windy, a short walk I think.

Have a great day today
I'm afraid all the adverts etc for smart meters imply that just having the smart meter cuts your energy bill, NO not unless you take some action to not use the gas/electricity.
The first smart meter we had was totally useless for anything but allowing it to be read remotely. We changed supplier and their reading system wasn't compatible so we had to send readings. They then installed one of their meters but didn't bother to set it up so we could actually see easily what we are using.
The main saving was in having LED light bulbs in everything.
Happy Diaversary @Martin.A You are exactly a month and a day behind me. Wish I was getting the same HbA1c results as you!
We too have had “ the email”. An extra £1000 a year for us. Washing hung on the line instead of going into the dryer, heating turned down, batch cooking, no food wastage, meal planning etc. We don’t watch much TV and I am always switching lights off, I really don’t know what else we can do. Maybe I’ll have to send Mr Eggy back out to work. After this last week having to get up and be ready early, made up with decent clothes on, AND making a packed lunch, I don’t think I could hack going back to work!
I have never used my dryer part of the washing machine as it took ages and you could only dry half of the washed load.
I always either hung out or put on the airier in the spare room but it was making the wall damp so we bought a dehumidifier and although only 600W it produces a lot of heat and will dry the clothes in 2 hours and produce about 3 litre of water which explains why the we were getting dampness.
Don't forget slow cookers tend to be more energy saving too than ovens. Can also use cheaper cuts of meat and get away with it no worries in them.
Can do batch cooking in them too 😉
Morning all,

Slightly unusual for me…7.4 with an arrow pointing straight up!

I had pizza for dinner last night and usually it’s fine…end of honeymoon period potentially? Or just one of those random things when you’re not quite sure why!

Anyway have a good day 🙂
Morning all. 5.0 for me. Not much planned for today, having a lazy morning atm.

@ColinUK enjoy your mum's party. Tell us about the food tomorrow, it always sounds delicious.
Don't forget slow cookers tend to be more energy saving too than ovens. Can also use cheaper cuts of meat and get away with it no worries in them.
Can do batch cooking in them too 😉
Same for pressure cookers! And the new electric ones function as both!
I have never used my dryer part of the washing machine as it took ages and you could only dry half of the washed load.
I always either hung out or put on the airier in the spare room but it was making the wall damp so we bought a dehumidifier and although only 600W it produces a lot of heat and will dry the clothes in 2 hours and produce about 3 litre of water which explains why the we were getting dampness.
I like my washing hung out but in the winter that’s usually not possible. The best thing we ever bought was an extendable clothes line which stretches across my utility room. I know not everyone is lucky enough to have a utility but if you do it’s an absolute Godsend. Our boiler is in there and we have a small radiator in the airing cupboard so the clothes dry quickly. When there was five of us at home I had clothes airers all over the house! It’s towels that I find myself putting in the dryer but I’ve been hanging them out the last couple of weeks. Line dried towels make excellent exfoliaters! 😉
@eggyg they’re unlikely to get roaring drunk being a bunch of Jews. We generally don’t really do booze the same way as other cultures might. It’s the food which is of primary importance to us rather than the booze.
That’s why I’d never heard of anything other than a free bar at a wedding until I went to my first Christian one.
I agree, food is much more important than alcohol. I can’t eat AND drink much. TBF I can’t even eat much now either. :( So I just live vicariously through your foodie posts! Can’t wait to hear about it all tomorrow.
I'm afraid all the adverts etc for smart meters imply that just having the smart meter cuts your energy bill, NO not unless you take some action to not use the gas/electricity.
@Leadinglights Exactly! That's what I have been meaning to comment on since the start of the conversation about them.

Morning all! Another vile wet and windy day... so sick of it and no chance of ever hanging washing out! Did washing yesterday, all hanging on the airer in the 2nd bedroom by the radiator.

8.1 this morning... probably due to the 3.8 correction with Lift tablet and ginger cookie at 01:45. Went to bed on 5.6 less than 2.5 hours after eating, which in it's turn no doubt led to the 3.8.

We've fixed dual-fuel until 31 Aug... I expect a nasty shock will come after that. Fortunately this house is superbly insulated and all lights are LED... 6 radiators and 2 towel rails are a sight different from the last house which had 17 radiators and a towel rail. The kitchen equipment (washer, dryer, dishwasher, fridge/freezer, hob/oven) is all relatively new and economically rated. So I think we are luckier than a lot of people, but I still think it's going to eat away at our savings.

I have a slow cooker I hardly ever use, perhaps I'll fish it out of the depths of the cupboard.... I do find stews cooked in the oven have a significantly nicer texture though, with thicker more unctuous sauces.

Not much on today... prepare 2 days' dinners for tonight and tomorrow whilst hubby watches the rugby.

@ColinUK have a lovely time at your Mum's party. Wish her happy birthday from me... and a description of the food please tomorrow!
6.6 again.
Oops,forgot to post this morning!

At 9:25 3.4
Good evening people! My morning blood sugar was 4'6 yesterday and 5'9 today.

I'm in the train back from London. I enjoyed my time there. Thanks again @ColinUK for all your ideas! Especially the view from the roof of One New Change, I wouldn't have known that. I was quite lucky with the weather, had two days of sun and used the more rainy one to visit a museum. Today I had a nice walk along the Thames, it was full of people (some of them speaking Spanish!) but that's something you would expect in such a popular area, and in a sunny Saturday!

After my first visit to the city, 6 years ago, I wanted to visit a few places I didn't have time for. The problem is, now I found more places I want to visit! :DWell, it should be easier to return now that I can go by train instead of plane. But I would also like to visit more places in England. And Wales. And Scotland, but I'm in the south so that one is a longer train journey. Anyway, I don't need to start planning the next trip yet, unfortunately I have to come back to work :rofl:
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00:38 BS 6.0 after going to bed on 6.2 around 19:00?: had a short 90 minutes to 2 hours nap in the afternoon 14:30 to 17:30 ish with dropping off time; up now for food of ramen & yoghurt! 🙂 Things are moving later & hopefully get back to normal ish hours by tomorrow or the day after! Had to take my pills a bit earlier though around 17:30 ish: just a few hours earlier than 24 hours but, I can’t skip an entire day as once it’s past midnight it’s the next day; it’s just a few hours later for tresiba & I’m working towards merging the two back together, pills & basal, from either ends of the day back to lunchtime!o_O It sounds a little nuts but, I’ve got in straight in my head: just comes down to execution; an hour or two here & there on either, or both, fronts I won’t be too fussed about!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉 Usual, normal, morning greeting as it IS technically the next morning albeit EXTREMELY early!o_O:rofl:😉