Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks. I don't know about the stress hormones in my body but my mind does get a bit stressed when I see the number in my meter :D

Another question, not too serious. What do you guys do when you are waiting the 10-15 mins before checking your BG again? Assuming it's a mild hypo and you are not feeling too bad, do you sit and stare at the wall? Check your phone for distraction? Keep moving around, but not too fast?
It's only really bad ones where I have to sit down... either bad because they are low or bad because of the rate of fall being very fast, otherwise I continue what I am doing, usually mucking out the horses since the steep walk up the hill to the stables can set my levels dropping and then sweeping and shovelling can just drop me a bit too far. Or if I am out walking, I just continue to walk. It may sound a bit weird but if I am out on my own walking after dark.... which I frequently do....and I have a bad one, I don't like to sit down somewhere in case it overwhelms me, so I continue to walk and recite my mathematical tables to myself like you did at infant school ie 1 2 is 2, 2 2s are 4 3 2s are 6, 4 2s are 8 etc to assess how well my brain in functioning. If I am struggling with my 3-6x table in that 15 minute spell I know that I probably need a couple of JBs more, if I can comfortably make it all the way to 12, then I am probably safe on what I have had. 🙄 If I can't manage 2x table I guess I would need to call an ambulance 😱 assuming I can manage to operate my phone by that stage! So far that rule of thumb works pretty well for me and haven't needed to resort to the final option, although I have had a couple of marginally dodgy moments when sight was deteriorating but could still manage 3xtable at a good yomp pace whilst chewing extra JBs.
ooh a 5.3 this morning, goodness me!
Had my eyes checked and tested yesterday, all is good with healthy eyes and good vision (20-20 with glasses on), cataracts not a problem, only when I can't read the 4th line up will it be time to to consider surgery and I can still pick out some letters from bottom line. Need new glasses (varifocals with anti-glare and reactive lenses) so that put me back a pretty penny ... sob. I don't need to be seen for 2 years as per normal, so that's fine. I also got them to recheck the lenses positions as I felt the old ones were slightly off centre, so the assistant sorted that out for me. New ones will be ready in two weeks, so have the fitting appointment made.
Went to coffee morning, then nipped to shop for bread for hubby and son - raining on and off today, so happy to use the car, but will have to go practice in our "new" one ready for when this old one goes bye-bye in 10 days :( I want to keep it until MOT runs out in August, but hubby now saying no .... even with me saying I'd pay for the insurance renewal. Can't blinking win with that man at times ... moan over!
Enjoy the rest of the day
@Bloden and @ColinUK interesting about the hearing aids, let us know how you get on as it seems I may be looking into them!!
Have a good day everyone xx
Try the nhs aids first @SueEK - they’re free! I didn’t get on with them at all, but you might find they’re fine (my best mate’s dad likes them). 🙂
That’s a beautiful tree!
Thanks .
Will post an updated photo when it's not so "naked" and has it's leaves and hopefully fruit. Should have chosen a sunny day to photograph it rather than today with it being rather overcast but the blossoms will be dropping soon.
It is probably my most successful gardening achievement. Never dreamed it would ever get fruit on it let alone massive juicy ones (apricots normally being small and dry) when I planted it..... and it was just a cheapy Lidl special about 7 years ago. Doesn't suffer aphids or any other pests.... just a really easy, no fuss fruit tree... why can't all plants be like that??
I will say that You Tube is a wonderful resource for pruning tutorials!!
Both my folks have NHS hearing aids in one ear and they’re fantastic.
They’ve got different types but they’re both tiny, pretty much invisible and linked to phone apps which enable them to change settings on the fly.
They were amazed that they’re available on the NHS so don’t rule out what they can provide without at least looking at them first.
Not in Wales, unfortunately. :confused: I’ve asked nhs Cymru for sophistication, but bog-standard is the only style available here.😎
if I am out on my own walking after dark.... which I frequently do....and I have a bad one, I don't like to sit down somewhere in case it overwhelms me
I can understand that. I sat down once, 10 minutes walk away from home (in daylight, so not that bad) but didn't wait much because I only wanted to get home where I would be comfortable to treat of needed and relax. Plus, it was very cold and didn't know if I would get blood out my fingers!
Not in Wales, unfortunately. :confused: I’ve asked nhs Cymru for sophistication, but bog-standard is the only style available here.😎
Ear trumpets?
I’ve had one of my what I call ‘hypo days’ today.


With no reason or rhyme to it!

Did my usual ratio for breakfast…nope.
Changed my ratio down slightly for lunch…nope.

So annoying!

Honestly can’t win today…

A bit naughty but I thought I’d put off injecting after dinner for a bit to avoid another hypo…

Now I’ve had a big old spike well into the double figures…I’m done with today
Finally this exhausting day is over as my BS is stabilised & I’m calling it a day! 🙄 Only ate twice today & had 2 JB’s & 2 cookies just over an hour & then just over another hour after breakfast!

Then, had a late lunch, all that horrid sour & sweet taste in my mouth took time to dissipate despite copious amounts of water, on BS 7.7 with -12 NR, ultra ultra conservative I thought: had decided -10 but, some instinct to go even lower at the last minute with the needle in me & I dialled it down a further 2 to 24 units, usual lunch NR is 36 units; just as well as I checked about 90 minutes after & BS was 7.1! So, had cup of tea & half a cookie for the next 2.5 hours of NR!

Finished up after all the bolus at 19:23 BS 7.3 & I’m going to bed!

Let’s see what tomorrow brings? I’ll go even more ultra ultra ultra conservative with NR doses as I’m absolutely sick of tesco’s chocolate fudge brownie cookies after eating 2.5 of them today! Sorry tesco, it’s not your fault but, another Green Puking emoji! 😉
Morning all, 9.7 here. Last night I was in the 4s at bedtime, and really didn’t fancy eating, so I decided to experiment and not take my night time basal. I’ve been meaning to try it for a while, because 2 units have me hovering along the top of the red, or just dipping in and out all night, the hospital clinic said I ought to reduce it , and so I was wondering if it made any difference anyway. So the answer is obviously it does make a difference, I had a curving upward line all night.
OH is feeling much better, I think the antibiotics are kicking in already, so it looks like it is a kidney infection, and not stones. Just shows how important face to face appointments with GPs still are. The out of hours doctor was useful in eliminating what it wasn’t, but was uncertain what it was, over the phone. Once he’d been prodded and had his wee tested, it was clear it was a kidney problem.
my telephone apoimennt before dangerous led the doctor diagnosing me with a throat infection a few days letter I have been rushed into hospital. so yes I agree with the importance of face to face appointments
05:04 BS 7.5 🙂 Happy with that as pretty much what I went to bed on! Phew!

An early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Top of the morning to you on St. Patrick’s Day & here’s the lovely Danny Boy & Londonderry Air:-

For those that don’t know:- The tune The Londonderry Air is centuries old who a blind harpist from Limavady in the County of Londonderry played it in at a festival in Belfast so, was heard by & included in a well known book of Irish melodies at the end of the 19th. Century. The words of the song Danny Boy were written by an English Reverent after the 1st World War about the loss of his son in the war!

It’s an anthem because it’s used in the Commonwealth Games!
Last edited:
6.7 this morning

Worldle in 4
Heardle in 1!

And now back to dozing for an hour or so before gym.

Catch up with you all in a bit.
Wow I am so late up posting this morning. Anyway BG 5.1 the big tease

Nothing planned for today....

Have a great day today whatever you get up to