Group 7-day waking average?

9.1 for me today
Here's one I prepared earlier. 🙂
And congrats to my fellow House Specialist @Lily123 on yours.

Congrats @Lily123 on your HS.
@MeeTooTeeTwo - what can I say other than I’m jealous 😉
7.9 today. Met up with a few other owners yesterday which was really nice. Hubby should be down later today as long as his car passes it’s MOT. Toothbrush and Jif did the trick with the shower, that was fun!! (Oops correction Cif not Jif - why do they change names, I don’t get it)
Have a good day all x

Really happy with a 5.9 this morning, not sure what I did to get my numbers in the 5s but I am happy with it. Mum's appointment went well, her HbA1c was 44 which is the lowest she has had, her kidney function has improved, blood pressure was down slightly (although still high), has a BMI of 24 so actually for 86 she is doing quite well, just need to get that blood pressure down a bit, strangely it has only been raised since she had Covid in January.

@Lily123 and @MeeTooTeeTwo congratulations on your HS today.

@ColinUK - don't be too hard on yourself, you have been through a tough time to me 45 is still a good number.

@eggyg - pleased your Jury Service is over enjoy baby Zara today.
I know it’s just where I am today and I do appreciate the support and I know 45 isn’t a “bad” number per se but it doesn’t stop me feeling like I’ve failed somehow.

I haven’t. I had an HbA1C of 73 when given my diagnosis and I was almost 2 stone heavier than I am today. That’s the truth and I need to keep reminding myself of that so that the intellectual gets heard over the emotional.
I know it’s just where I am today and I do appreciate the support and I know 45 isn’t a “bad” number per se but it doesn’t stop me feeling like I’ve failed somehow.

I haven’t. I had an HbA1C of 73 when given my diagnosis and I was almost 2 stone heavier than I am today. That’s the truth and I need to keep reminding myself of that so that the intellectual gets heard over the emotional.
Sending you virtual hugs, you are most certainly not a failure, but I totally get what you are saying because I do exactly the same, no matter how much I improve things, I can always still be negative about it.
Sending you virtual hugs, you are most certainly not a failure, but I totally get what you are saying because I do exactly the same, no matter how much I improve things, I can always still be negative about it.
Most importantly is that today I don’t self soothe with cake!
I got 5.2 this morning. Down from 6.5 yesterday. Am awaiting my latest HbA1C result today. My levels have been between 5.5 > 6.6 over the last month.

I have been a little slack in engaging with these forums, don't know what it is about this time of year but I do struggle for any form of motivation!! Also not really helping is watching the news at the moment!!
Still all sorts of backwards with sleep so waking was a nap that ended about 11pm last night. 18.8. No idea what I am at the moment.

Been all sorts of stressed out. Went to do daughters PIP for with her (renewal) after 5pm last night only to realise the time to get it back to them was yesterday and their call centres closed at 5.
Anyway spoke to them this morning and the guy on the other end of the phone was lovely, explained that the last few weeks have been a nightmare and that I thought it was due on the 15th etc. He added an extension so we have until 20th April to get it all returned by.

Son is off work today and went to put his work clothes in the wash, I said I would do it as he is going into town to get my prescription for me. I put the washing machine on without putting the clothes in.
*edit* script isn't at chemist or doctors (ordered it via patient access thing for the first time) but should be ready tomorrow. Its only test strips and I can use my old meter as I still have some left in that pot if I run out.

Didn't get wordle today. By line 2 I had the last 4 letters all in the right order but too many words to guess from still.

Even the dog is sulking at me for putting his ball into ball jail as he wouldn't stop getting it stuck under everything and crying about it.

Can we hit reset on today :rofl:

@Lily123 @MeeTooTeeTwo and @joner847 Well done to the 3 of you on the HS today
@ColinUK hugs. Let your brain win over emotions on this one. You can't rewind time and change everything that lead to the small increase but you can change what happens from today onwards. You got this mate x (but lets just slowly back away from the cake anyway :rofl:)
Afternoon all! Not late up, just late posting.

7.2 at 08:30. I need to adjust overnight basal, but am in a quandary... with my old pump I could do 0.01u per hour adjustments and often found 0.03 was just right... with the pod I can only do 0.05u per hour and I fear that would be too much. Still, yesterday was a disaster as I forgot to bolus for lunch until we got to the cheese which was much too late and I ended up high for the rest of the day. We'll see what today brings!

@ColinUK keep your chin up... you haven't failed, it's such a complex disease to manage it's a wonder anyone ever gets it right.

@MeeTooTeeTwo, @Lily123 and @khskel well done on the HS. Quite a clutch of them today!
Didn't get wordle today. By line 2 I had the last 4 letters all in the right order but too many words to guess from still.
That happened to me today too! I had four lines left and the last four letters correct, and could think of five words that would fit and of course I chose all the wrong ones first and ran out of goes. OH was the same, only he happened to guess the correct word first! To say he was smug is a complete understatement!
Afternoon all. 8.1 @ 8.25am 🙂
@Pattidevans and @gll ; {ahem} what is "HS"? And is it a good thing?

I'm still rather new to all this, trying to get my head around all these new terms! Seems I need to learn a whole new taxonomy!! :D
That happened to me today too! I had four lines left and the last four letters correct, and could think of five words that would fit and of course I chose all the wrong ones first and ran out of goes. OH was the same, only he happened to guess the correct word first! To say he was smug is a complete understatement!
Also feeling smug as I only had 2 letters at my 3rd attempt and got it from nowhere on my 4th, so still 100% record with Wordle and Quordle which I got in 8 today. I think my tactics for Quordle may be helping with Wordle or perhaps it's just all the extra practice at Quordle is improving my skill (luck more like!) 🙄

5.8 for me (much earlier this morning) following a trip up into the 13s last night for absolutely no reason (I definitely injected my evening basal, although i reduced it by half a unit to account for the day's activity) and two stacked corrections within an hour of each other amounting to 5.5 (3.5+2) units before bed to bring it down. Seems like I judged it perfectly with the help of Libre but would have preferred it not to go into double figures in the first place! It's a bit like riding a horse. They sense when you're not paying enough attention and take liberties. One minute I was 7.8 with a nice horizontal arrow having eaten a low carb meal 2.5 hours earlier with more than enough bolus insulin to deal with what there was plus protein and 2 hours later 13.1 and rising. It's a tinker!
@Pattidevans and @gll ; {ahem} what is "HS"? And is it a good thing?

I'm still rather new to all this, trying to get my head around all these new terms! Seems I need to learn a whole new taxonomy!! :D
Oh yes, I forgot, congratulations to @Lily123, @MeeTooTeeTwo, @khskel and @joner847 on attaining what is the nominated optimum waking reading of 5.2 otherwise known as a House Special or HS. It is just a bit of fun really but the idea is that it is not too high and not too low that you might have had a hypo overnight and not an odd number because the member who started it off @KookyCat had a thing about odd numbers I believe. It makes a nice start to the day when your meter wakes you up with that number and you know everyone is going to be sooo envious.... We are actually delighted for people achieving HSs but there is an element of green eyes monster, particularly towards those people who achieve it rather more frequently than those of us who struggle for good consistent BG levels. 🙄
With all the wordle chat I thought I’d link to this for those who prefer music.
