Group 7-day waking average?

My wifes birthday yesterday. Yup chocolate fudge cake. Hmmm. I think I survived it.
Hi all... lovely day today after yesterday's wall to wall misery!

7.5 this morning after a restless night with wierd dreams. I dreamed we were in the house we had in Wokingham in the mid-80s. A fat woman in black forced her way in, wrestled the full syringe I had prepared to fill my omnipod out of my hands and injected it all at once (150u) into my toe through my shoe, then locked me in the master bedroom. I was trying to work out how many carbs to eat, but I couldn't and I was trying to shout for help out of the window.. but everyone nearby was at work and there was no one to hear. Peculiar! Where to these dreams come from?

@ColinUK I love my Scoville marbled pans! Other than those I have a set of 4 stainless steel saucepans with thick bases courtesy of Lidl that are as good as new still after 20+ years.

We have a smart meter... hubby has just worked out from the bill that our February payment will be approx £6 more this month than last Feb. Fortunately we fixed the rate last summer from Oct 2021 - what happens from next October onwards remains to be seen. I am so happy that we now live in an energy efficient well insulated house after many years of large rambling old properties with draughty windows and little insulation.

Lunch party with 2 friends went down well, I did all the cooking for it yesterday, so no need to cook dinner tonight as we are full 🙂

@Elenka_HM congrats on the HS.

@Gwynn thought your wife's birthday was the other week when you cooked that amazing chocolate cake?

@Bloden I must be the only resident of Cornwall who does not like pasties LOL!
Well I was expecting it to be up a bit but not quite that much.

HbA1C up to 45

Time to refocus and get it down again.
20:48 BS 7.6 ok ish 🙂

Well, that didn’t go to plan as I was JUST too tired & conked out around 12:30 ish: didn’t say earlier but, that trip was the hardest trip breathing wise, yet & that’s saying something as every trip out is hard but, this time audibly wheezing as well as panting for breath; my blood pressure went up to 166/69 then, dropped steadily, while waiting for GP after my blood tests, & more or less back down to normal 129/67 by the time I left, normal is 120/65! Then, the trip to the chemist for the ointment before going home & again I’m wheezing hard & I did it in the taxi instead of walking down: still the few steps from the taxi into the chemist & back was HARD! When I got home & after eating a light meal just after posting it all hit me at once & I was out for the count! Ah, well! Not a major priority, as I’d said, but, I slept through a wonderfully sunshiny bright day, if a bit cold, & up just about the same time this evening! 🙄

Just had breakfast & I’ve graduated to some ramen noodles & a pot of raspberry full fat yoghurt & see how the fat goes down: I may not be ready for full fat greek yoghurt yet but, it’ll be out of date on 12/03/22 so, giving it a go; there’s one more pot of strawberry left out of date 14/03/22? If I’m not ready; I’ll chuck the other one & leave it for a while longer before considering getting any more! :confused:

A Very Good Night to you all & I wish you all a Very Good Morning coming up & a Wonderful Day! 😉
Morning. 8.9 yesterday
8.5 today

so happy to be in control

9 days back on it and feel better for not having my head in the sand any more.

onwards and downwards
Good morning 5.7 today
Yesterday I finally got the prescription sent across (following consultation back on 1st February)
so as of tomorrow will be starting on Trulicity instead of using Ozempic.

hove a Great Day Everybody 😎
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Good morning - 5.2
Morning folks. 6.3 and I can say for the first time in almost five years. TGIF! My jury service is officially over. Not needed today or next week. Yippee! I had quite a grim case, wasn’t pleasant to listen to, and what ever way the verdict went we were destroying someone’s life. It was stressful and I never want to go through anything like that again. :(

Moving on, at least I’ll see my little Zara today. So still no lie in today. I’m having a very lazy weekend though.

Have a fab Friday, I will. Congrats @Lily123 on your HS. 🙂
Good morning - congratulations to @Lily123 for her HS - not quite so jammy here but happy enough with 5.5. Brisk breeze, every bush and sapling waving and bending, grey overcast but fairly mild and dry. Managed to get massive curtain rail up in hall yesterday, think the lintel must have been an overorder for Stonehenge. Planning another big raised bed to reduce veggie buying so that's my next 2 weeks sorted - alternate pedaling of old Singer treadle and well rotted manure wheeling. Why do people pay for gym membership?
Morning all. 🙂 7.0 for me. The basal testing yesterday informed me that my basal is spot-on...still too high in the mornings for my liking tho. Where did I put that drawing board?

Congrats! @Lily123. :D Glad to hear things are going well @TiredOldGal.:D

Chin up @ColinUK - 45 looks pretty good to me. And you have been under a lot of stress lately. ((Hugs))
Morning all, 5.7 here. I was 5.2 at 6.15am, but unlike some of the early risers on here, that’s far too early for me, more like a middle of the night, so I can’t claim a 'waking reading' just because I woke up then!
@eggyg . Whatever messed up the lives of the people in your case happened long before they got to court. No jury should feel responsible for wrecking anybody’s life.
ColinUk: I cheated and bought the cake from M&S. My wifes birthday was definitely yesterday. Not sure now why I baked the cake the other week.


Good morning everyone. Up early. Tested early. Posting quite late. BG 5.3

Out for a walk shortly. Very windy out there I notice.

Have a great day
Morning all.

Thanks for the support folks. Honestly feeling a mixture of concrete resolve and also like scoffing a big fat chocolate gateau all by myself and sobbing. However I won’t do that.

I’m up. I’m going for a short walk before work and as I’m finishing at 2pm this afternoon I’m going to go to the gym.

@eggyg I’ve done jury service and I get that it’s pressured, especially with a tough case. It’s reassuring how seriously everyone takes it precisely because it’s someone’s liberty at stake.
You did good kid.
Forgot to say 6.2 this morning!

12.2 today and no idea why as sensor failed a couple of hours after activation yesterday, told me to replace sensor then the license agreement thing popped up telling me it needed accepted and that always seems to end a sensorm think Abbott need to find a way to sort it xx