Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.7 - on a mild but grey day. Plan for today install curtain pole over front door and windows (6ft of not very good double glazing). The wretched aperture has an arch so replacement would be several thousand pounds, a tad excessive when I have some suitable curtains which just need letting down a smidgeon. Determined to seek out good heavy curtains for study also - Ebay here I come - I may prefer blinds but I do not want to make a greater contribution to Russian oil revenue than I need. In the longer term, as a pensioner, with inflation rife, any savings will be useful.
A self-induced 9.2 today, when am I going to get my act together? To be fair, and honest, I have been suffering with clinical depression since before Christmas but am on medication and am feeling better but my eating has not been good. Thankfully it doesn’t really affect my weight but obviously it does my bg.
@Gwynn i have a smart meter and after 6 months have had to turn the digital meter off as I found myself checking it all the time and watching it go up and up. We are self-conscious of what power we use and it still kept going up, started at about £1.40 a day and last few readings were between £3.50 and £4.50. Can’t keep looking at it, it’s stressing me out.
Have a good day all xx
@ColinUK ive still got my Prestige pressure cooker, it too was a wedding present almost 42 years ago. I only use it as a big pan now, haven’t pressured cooked anything for years. Maybe something to do with a lentil curry and the ceiling? :rofl:
Good morning all! Starting the day with a freshly baked House Special, 5'2.

I'm writing from my luxurious accommodation, the golden suite in...just kidding, it's a bunk bed in a dorm with a bunch of other girls. Have to make the most of these cheap options when I am still young and healthy-ish and able to climb to the top bed! Though I have to admit, I think I am becoming too fancy for those shared showers. I planned to stay in bed for a little longer but people in the hostel are starting to move and make some noise, so I might as well get up and start my tourist day. First stop: breakfast!
5.1 for me today. 🙂


7.3 today xx
Well done @Elenka_HM on your House Special. 🙂
A self-induced 9.2 today, when am I going to get my act together? To be fair, and honest, I have been suffering with clinical depression since before Christmas but am on medication and am feeling better but my eating has not been good. Thankfully it doesn’t really affect my weight but obviously it does my bg.
@Gwynn i have a smart meter and after 6 months have had to turn the digital meter off as I found myself checking it all the time and watching it go up and up. We are self-conscious of what power we use and it still kept going up, started at about £1.40 a day and last few readings were between £3.50 and £4.50. Can’t keep looking at it, it’s stressing me out.
Have a good day all xx
I don’t use the in home display for my smart meter but I do use
Hugo instead.
They monitor usage and automatically suggest cheaper deals for when your contract expires.
It’s also significantly less stressful being only able to check usage the day after rather than live.
@ColinUK ive still got my Prestige pressure cooker, it too was a wedding present almost 42 years ago. I only use it as a big pan now, haven’t pressured cooked anything for years. Maybe something to do with a lentil curry and the ceiling? :rofl:
That’s why I love my new pressure cooker / Instant Pot.
It’s impossible to end up with a buffet on the ceiling!
Morning all. 8.9 bit disappointing. Think it was some weird peas I ate last thing as tum was growling but I couldn't eat earlier as not hungry. Good grief I am not used to that. Lost a pound over night.

This is a very amusing thread. You are all so entertaining.

7 exactly this morning, so a bit better, off to take mum for one of her medical appointments today, not feeling great myself full body aches, swollen glands, totally fatigued, but I don't have time to be ill myself and after a couple of days leave I just couldn't call in sick to work today, lucky still working at home during March, so muddling through the best I can.

@Elenka_HM - congratulations on your HS, hope you enjoy your day out.

@SueEK - sending you hugs.
Morning All!

6.9 for me this morning when I got up, 6.5 half an hour earlier when I injected Levemir.
I ate nice and early for once last night and then did evening stables after my meal which unfortunately then caused me to hypo. Reduced my Levemir by 2.5 units as I had had a busy day but found myself on 9.7 with an upward sloping arrow (no idea why) when I got into bed. I'm not having that, so I jabbed 1.5 units Fiasp (I was torn between 1 and 1.5 and should have gone for 1) but then woke up at 4am on 4.3, which was a bit close to the red line so munched a couple of JBs (1 would have been a better option) but still not unhappy with the final result.

Played a blinder with Wordle and Quordle this morning with 3 and 7 being my results.

Congrats to @Elenka_HM on your House Special this morning. Hope you enjoy your sight seeing today.
Morning all and 5.1 for me.

Appear to be starting with a cold, can't really remember the last tim I had one.

Into the garden after cup of tea. Always feel better outside if the weather is halfway decent

Have a good day everyone.
Smart meters: yes it is quite likely to give me something more to analyse and watch. I just hope it doesn't become an obsession.

Thanks for all your comments re smart meters. At least they will be fitting the newer type 2 meters.
Smart meters: yes it is quite likely to give me something more to analyse and watch. I just hope it doesn't become an obsession.

Thanks for all your comments re smart meters. At least they will be fitting the newer type 2 meters.
Honestly it really does help knowing that I can only check once a day.
All I do is check in the morning for the previous day and it's not as if I can really reduce the amount of gas or electricity I use as there's only me anyway. But it's still interesting to see and try and figure out what the spikes were (usually the washing machine).
Just back from blood tests & GP had a look at my lumps at the hairline on the right hand side of my face that’s coincidentally also my weaker side of the body when it comes to neuropathy. They’ve improved a lot & 1 has gone entirely, 1 almost gone, 2 being a lot flatter & less hard than they were while the last one, the biggest one to start with, I’d been scratching at right in front of my ear where I’m always tucking my hair behind my ear is a bit septic so, I’m to put ointment on it 3 times a day for 5 days! And DO NOT SCRATCH! GP says they may have been little fat deposits & if I get any anywhere else to see a GP again straight away! I told him about my no fat at all diet of the last 4 days & only started with a little butter yesterday that’s eased my stomach, loo & dry heaving upsets! So, I’ve just applied the ointment with a cotton bud & MUST NOT SCRATCH! I will now try & stay awake as long as possible to give myself a chance of going back to a semi normal day & nigh: not a major priority, I suppose; just nice to be able to enjoy the longer, warmer days of spring instead of sleeping through it! 🙄:rofl:😉
8This is a very amusing thread. You are all so entertaining.
You haven’t met my other half - I’m hiding away in my office doing some admin to distract myself from the fact that I can’t eat (I’m doing a basal test :() and he comes in with a couple of warm pasties (drool) from the local pasty shop (my fav) and starts asking which one I’d like, the cheese and onion (tummy: “grrrrrr”) or the Cornish classic (tum again: “GRRRRR”). He’s a true comedian!
You haven’t met my other half - I’m hiding away in my office doing some admin to distract myself from the fact that I can’t eat (I’m doing a basal test :() and he comes in with a couple of warm pasties (drool) from the local pasty shop (my fav) and starts asking which one I’d like, the cheese and onion (tummy: “grrrrrr”) or the Cornish classic (tum again: “GRRRRR”). He’s a true comedian!
Did he pop to the bakery and buy cake as well or is he not that cruel?