Group 7-day waking average?

Haven't been on this part of the forum for a while last few days have been running high 10.4 this morning and missing my last Libre which finished on Thursday. Still waiting for the GP to move things forward after first being told that the letter from hospital didn't say which Libre was being prescribed. Phone call to DSN required who obviously hadn't listened to the voicemail I left and started asking me unrelated questions although she did return the call within the hour. (Impressive)
05:50 BS 6.0 🙂 But, going to bed soon! Had a pretty good day food wise though, just a teeny bit monotonous: 3 lots of veg soup with either chicken breast or turkey ham sandwiches with no butter; stomach & gut settled down & no more bouts of wind! Phew!o_O:D😉 Had a hunch & went back down -2 tresiba, back down to 88 after the last few days of 90, & actually kept better control as my breathing is better than the last few days! 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Ah hah! The little birdie chorus has just started so, may take a bit longer for me to drop off but, I don’t mind at all as I miss their birdsong during the winter! 😛😎🙂
Good morning 6.0 today
that seemed a short weekend
can’t believe it’s Monday already

have a Great Day Everyone 😎
Good morning. After being woken every 2 hours by the new sensor telling me i'm low (i wasn't :( ) i've woken to a 10.4 (finger prick showing 9), and a tired start to the week. Where did the weekend go?
Good morning - 5.8
Morning All. A 6.6 for me. With a couple of low alarms - that were low.

Have a good day.
Morning all. 7 for me, I like a round number but prefer it to be number 5 or 6.

Can’t stop, first day of jury service today. Oh joy! I’m looking forward to it and dreading it in equal measures.

See you all tomorrow. Have a good ‘un. 🙂
Good morning - 5.7 after poor night but pain levels down. New fuel free food delivery worked well - with crude at $140 a barrel and rising I need to get the hydroponics up and running as soon as the temperature improves. Think I will grow some spuds in the raised beds - I can't eat them but the youngsters can. A bit difficult to plan a garden when torn between low carb and feeding others. I rarely wish anyone ill but if Putin and his whole beastly Duma dropped dead in agony I fear I should find it had to grieve.
Morning all, 4.8 here. It's been hypo city here all weekend, BGs just keep dropping. I reduced Basal all in one go, from 7 and 3 units to 5 and 2, quite a lot in percentage terms, and still had to munch jelly babies twice during the day yesterday and again at 3am. It must be Spring.
Morning all.
6.9 this morning for me and news from the police last night.
They called me late yesterday to let me know they’ve found the suspect and he’s nowhere near Greater London.
They’re liaising with another force and “another agency” but will be able to arrest and question under caution soon.
I did ask which other agency but obviously they couldn’t tell me.
Hello hello...6.8 here. 🙂

Gawd, this forum’s a pain - it freezes on me all the all the time - any clues as to why / tips anyone? :confused:
It does to me as well, very annoying!
7.8 this chilly morning.
Have a nice day x
Morning all

9.8 for me but did go out for dinner yesterday and had a mini dessert as well as eating the chips that came with the meal.

Managed to run a half marathon yesterday, so a bit achy today and bake club tonight so not going to be eating well again today.

Wishing I could have stayed in bed today.

Congratulation @Lanny on yesterday’s HS.
Five point zilch for me this morning. 🙂
