Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - can't make up it's mind what it's doing!

A depressingly consistent 9.3 this morning after a very early morning 4.1, a dextrose and half a cookie.

Lovely day yesterday, wall to wall sun, but OMG that cold cold wind! I surprised myself with the 10 pin bowling. Haven't been for years but managed to come 3rd out of 8, so at least didn't disgrace myself. The struggle back up the hill afterwards did surprise me... whether I am just getting old, or whether I am puffing like a steam train due to leftover covid effects I dunno... Pizza was a total BG disaster as expected!

Well done @TinaD on the HS.

So jealous of you all having such fun at @eggyg's.... I spent the evening snoozing on the sofa.
Hi everyone! 6'3 today, and a day off, which is not common for me on a Sunday! I will go for a walk now and think what else can I do today.

@ColinUK obviously his loss! You reminded me of the Tinder account I opened a week or so ago, after some friends have suggested it for ages. I just uploaded a few pics, give one like and proceeded to abandon the app until today :rofl: Still have to complete my profile, but don't even know what I want to put in there. I gave a few likes today and when I got a match I thought "oh sh*t!". I dunno, I want to meet people but all the dating stuff is very awkward to me!
I think he might not be telling the truth but is trying to upset me in some way. He said on my thread that he only eats 30g carb per meal maximum and seemed offended that I don’t eat low carb. So I suspect lies and trying to insult me in some way about my high bgs here.

I struggle to read people because of autism though so it might be that he's trying eating carbs because that’s what I do, and they need more insulin to match them.

Either way, hopefully the sandwiches and insulin result in good bg
Good afternoon @Lucyr,
We are all on our own journey.
I hope you are feeling well today.
@Benny G I now see where this all comes from as I have read your posts on @Lucyr 's other thread. I agree with your post there and the idea of reducing carbs from meals when levels are high makes absolute sense to me but it seems you are now being rather sarcastic. Not sure that comes across well or comfortably from my perspective.
Thank you and good afternoon @rebrascora. Carb counting and insulin corrections are my daily bread.

When sarcasm is directed at me, a single broadside is returned followed by 'user block'
Thank you and good afternoon @rebrascora. Carb counting and insulin corrections are my daily bread.

When sarcasm is directed at me, a single broadside is returned followed by 'user block'
So am I getting blocked for scowling and wagging my finger at you? I hope not. :(
I do feel that your post was mocking of Lucy though and not at all in the spirit of the forum, albeit done quite subtly.
I would hate to lose a low carb ally but I also hate to see people being mocked or scorned.... it is akin to bullying and it doesn't sit comfortably with me at all to witness it without saying something.
I gave a few likes today and when I got a match I thought "oh sh*t!". I dunno, I want to meet people but all the dating stuff is very awkward to me!
If it's what you want then go for it, you've taken your diagnosis very well so I can't see dating being any more difficult than that! (although I'd be intimidated by dating lol, something I've never done as I got with my partner when I was 17 and now been together nearly 13 years) xx
Hi everyone! 6'3 today, and a day off, which is not common for me on a Sunday! I will go for a walk now and think what else can I do today.

@ColinUK obviously his loss! You reminded me of the Tinder account I opened a week or so ago, after some friends have suggested it for ages. I just uploaded a few pics, give one like and proceeded to abandon the app until today :rofl: Still have to complete my profile, but don't even know what I want to put in there. I gave a few likes today and when I got a match I thought "oh sh*t!". I dunno, I want to meet people but all the dating stuff is very awkward to me!
I did internet dating for a few years before I met Ian and I can totally understand your reticence, but i can say that it was a very positive experience for me at a time when I was struggling with life and depression. A bit like this forum, it helps you to focus on the positives and you learn a lot about yourself by engaging with others. The next step of meeting in person is pretty scary, but it is also interesting meeting new people. I think you have to go into it with a view of just seeing if you connect on a personal level rather than viewing that first meeting as a date, as such. I met some really lovely people and a relationship or two developed. Not at the same time I might add. 🙄 None were long term. One in particular still puts a smile on my face even though it was very short lived.
In the end I met someone local via a mutual friend and we both have so much in common and so many mutual connections that it works, but the internet dating was an important part of my life experience and I am pleased I did it.

@ColinUK Feeling really sad for that guy and I don't even know him! Definitely not worthy of you if he has ghosted you unless he has a very good reason for vanishing.

@eggyg Hope I didn't damage any of your lovely furnishings or injure anyone with my back flips!
8,6 foe me this morning i was 12,6 when I went to bed and decided to leave it alone, so not a bad result
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I did internet dating for a few years before I met Ian and I can totally understand your reticence, but i can say that it was a very positive experience for me at a time when I was struggling with life and depression. A bit like this forum, it helps you to focus on the positives and you learn a lot about yourself by engaging with others. The next step of meeting in person is pretty scary, but it is also interesting meeting new people. I think you have to go into it with a view of just seeing if you connect on a personal level rather than viewing that first meeting as a date, as such. I met some really lovely people and a relationship or two developed. Not at the same time I might add. 🙄 None were long term. One in particular still puts a smile on my face even though it was very short lived.
In the end I met someone local via a mutual friend and we both have so much in common and so many mutual connections that it works, but the internet dating was an important part of my life experience and I am pleased I did it.

@ColinUK Feeling really sad for that guy and I don't even know him! Definitely not worthy of you if he has ghosted you unless he has a very good reason for vanishing.

@eggyg Hope I didn't damage any of your lovely furnishings or injure anyone with my back flips!
Just the antique Ming vase and Chippendale sideboard! I’ll send you the bill! :rofl:
So am I getting blocked for scowling and wagging my finger at you? I hope not. :(
I do feel that your post was mocking of Lucy though and not at all in the spirit of the forum, albeit done quite subtly.
I would hate to lose a low carb ally but I also hate to see people being mocked or scorned.... it is akin to bullying and it doesn't sit comfortably with me at all to witness it without saying something.
I hope you are enjoying your afternoon @rebrascora. Light scowling and finger wagging is perfectly acceptable, you have the patience of a saint. The 'blocking' has already been done.
Good morning. 4.7 for me after eating JBs from about 5am. I had a lovely day yesterday, hair done then meeting a friend for a wander around the shops and a coffee. Very relaxing.

@TinaD congrats on the HS
@sg295 i didn't know whether to like or care your post. I'm sorry you've had so trouble with your sensors, it must be really frustrating. I think @Kaylz understands how it feels. Its really good the DSN has got the ball rolling so quickly re the pump and great that you could speak to her on a Saturday. I hope your new sensor is better.

Yes it is super frustrating! I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with my libre. When they’re working well, I love them and wouldn’t be without them! But I’ve had a few faulty ones these past few months and when that happens I just want to throw them at the wall!

I’m super grateful that she has got it all going for me (she is super lovely!) and sorry my bad, I meant Friday! Thought today was Saturday for some reason *face palm*

Thank you, I hope so too! 🙂
Thanks @Kaylz! "Comparing" to the diagnosis it's an interesting way to look at it, it could make me a bit more confident thinking I am managing the condition well (so far) and overcoming my fear of the sharp stuff involved, so a few conversations with strangers shouldn't be too hard. It also puts things in perspective. Someone not fancying me doesn't seem a big problem in the big scheme of things. Plus, I can always use my Type 1 as a conversation subject: the tone and abundance of gore details depends if I like the person or not! Haha.

@rebrascora I am interested in meeting new people, not just for potential relationships though I'm open to this as well. I might try the "Looking for friends" option in Tinder and see if I'm more comfortable starting there.
I went for a long walk and ended up in a country park I've visited a few times. There is a café there that looks lovely and I had never gone inside before, so today I decided to treat myself. In the menu, the "goat cheese and chive scone" caught my eye, and since my BG was only 4'1 and I still have a good 45 min walk home, I went for it. Yumm!
Just the antique Ming vase and Chippendale sideboard! I’ll send you the bill! :rofl:
I thought it was a Chippendale calendar and I’m not sure that vase is actually a genuine Ming, they’re not often acrylic!
I hope you are enjoying your afternoon @rebrascora. Light scowling and finger wagging is perfectly acceptable, you have the patience of a saint. The 'blocking' has already been done.
Guess it's me that's been blocked. Doesn't bother me so long as that means you won't mock me again
18:39 BS 5.2! 😱 Tah Dah! I only went & woke with a HS!:rofl:

Got my shopping earlier, heated up some frozen veg soup & had a chicken breast sandwich with no butter at all before finally getting some sleep! Stomach was still a bit uncomfortable & I was afraid that eating had created another blockage but, it was only wind that I’d forgotten about since my metafartin days have been behind me for some time now! 😱😳:rofl:😉 Had to hold my nose for a bit but, settled down to sleep!🙂

Now, I’ll have more of the same as my stomach is rumbling again! I know this meal is liver friendly so, hopefully no more problems other than wind? 🙄:rofl:😉

A Very Good Evening to you all! 😉