Group 7-day waking average?

13:46 BS 7.5 & actually relieved it’s not any higher as I have a miserable cold: coughed all night; nose is now slowly running as I let it drip away because attempting to blow wiill make my ears explode!😱

It’ll have to an Australian greeting of G’day Mates, I’m afraid! 😳😉

Feeling a little bit miserable, bunged up sinuses, but, there’s a worser bigger picture in that after coming back yesterday to find on the 6 o’clock BBC news that Russia has invade Ukraine & tough times ahead for everyone as food, oil, gas, heating prices will rise even further: was chatting with my sister yesterday about inflation being at it’s highest in 30 years at 5% & with heating oil etc to put it up further in the coming weeks to 7%; neither of us had heard the news yet, at that point in the morning, that war had started! 😱

So, my little miseries are put into perspective! 🙄
@gll Hope you feel better soon. You really have had a bad spell of luck with your health. Give your immune system a good talking to! It needs to buck it's ideas up!
I'm trying but it wont blummin listen to me - a bit like every part of my body that's a lil bit broken :rofl:.

@rayray119 and @MeeTooTeeTwo Nicely done on the HS today
@sg295 that brilliant news on being able to get the pump, hopefully it will happen sooner.
8.8 this morning. Better than the 14 of yesterday at least. I’ve had my hospital appointment brought forwards today by 6 weeks to help sort things out.
Slowly working my way back through the posts on this thread & I come across @eggyg. ‘s post that’s started some of you going into fresh meat & fish markets on foreign holidays that has me shaking my head in pure disgust! o_O

Have any of you been to those places in Hong Kong? A Green Puking emoji & a Nose Holding emoji! 😱 I’ve always avoided those places as much as possible: just a way of HK live for my mum who went every day; I went to “Welcome”, a well known brand of supermarket across HK, to get by with eating dinner once a day! Supermarkets in HK, unlike the UK, hardly sells any fresh produce with it being mainly tinned, dry food stuffs, snacks, household, cosmetic beauty/pharmacy items & clothing! I once followed mum, as a child of 10 on my first ever trip to HK, into the indoor fish & meat market & I’ve never been SO digusted in my life!😱 They’re all indoors in the ground or sub basement levels of skyscrapers & despite ventilation the smell is overwhelming with the tiled floors constantly being wet with stall holders flushing buckets of water down the drains!

Mum was bemused by my reactions & said “YOU won’t last long without going to a fish & meat market in HK!” Thankfully, over the years the fresh food stuffs have slowly creeped into the supermarkets like “Welcome” & “Park n’ Shop” as I’m not the ONLY overseas HK citizen to dislike the infamous fish markets! 🙄:rofl:😉
Good morning - 4.8
13:46 BS 7.5 & actually relieved it’s not any higher as I have a miserable cold: coughed all night; nose is now slowly running as I let it drip away because attempting to blow wiill make my ears explode!😱

It’ll have to an Australian greeting of G’day Mates, I’m afraid! 😳😉

Feeling a little bit miserable, bunged up sinuses, but, there’s a worser bigger picture in that after coming back yesterday to find on the 6 o’clock BBC news that Russia has invade Ukraine & tough times ahead for everyone as food, oil, gas, heating prices will rise even further: was chatting with my sister yesterday about inflation being at it’s highest in 30 years at 5% & with heating oil etc to put it up further in the coming weeks to 7%; neither of us had heard the news yet, at that point in the morning, that war had started! 😱

So, my little miseries are put into perspective! 🙄
A friend who has just been round said she has been informed by her energy supplier her bill will go up 50% from April.
And potentially the rest!!!
Afternoon everyone. A shockingly high 14 when i woke this morning. Libre graph showed i'd been up to 20 overnight!! The alarm woke me when it hit 12 but lately if i've corrected overnight, i end up being lower on waking so last night i didn't correct. It could be down to food out last night and a rebound from a hypo after but i've been having lots of spikes and lows lateky and my TIR has taken a real beating. Its all making me feel rather low and tearful lately, i just can't get anything right. My weight is going up but i'm not eating any more but i'm struggling with exercise as my levels plummet and i have to eat to bring them up, defeats the object! I just want to wish D away and feel "normal" again. Sorry for the moan but i'm struggling.

@eggyg enjoy your night out. Its sounds fab!
@MeeTooTeeTwo and @rayray119 congrats on your HS
@sg295 great news about the pump. Hopefully you'll get it sooner.
Afternoon everyone. A shockingly high 14 when i woke this morning. Libre graph showed i'd been up to 20 overnight!! The alarm woke me when it hit 12 but lately if i've corrected overnight, i end up being lower on waking so last night i didn't correct. It could be down to food out last night and a rebound from a hypo after but i've been having lots of spikes and lows lateky and my TIR has taken a real beating. Its all making me feel rather low and tearful lately, i just can't get anything right. My weight is going up but i'm not eating any more but i'm struggling with exercise as my levels plummet and i have to eat to bring them up, defeats the object! I just want to wish D away and feel "normal" again. Sorry for the moan but i'm struggling.

@eggyg enjoy your night out. Its sounds fab!
@MeeTooTeeTwo and @rayray119 congrats on your HS
@sg295 great news about the pump. Hopefully you'll get it sooner.
Sorry to hear you’re struggling @freesia

*sending hugs*

Yes I’m very pleased, hopefully it will be, in all honesty I’m just grateful to be getting one at all 🙂
So sorry to hear you are struggling @freesia. I usually find if my diabetes stops making sense and I am really becoming frustrated with it, it is usually a sign that my basal is wrong somewhere. Might be that Tresiba's very flat profile is no longer suiting you. Just something to consider. Hope you can figure out a way to fix the problem. I can totally understand it making you feel tearful. Of course the high levels don't help with being emotional on top of the frustration and concern and general wearing down effect of it all. Hopefully, it is just a phase and things will improve soon. My diabetes management definitely ebbs and flows and sometimes it just seems to work perfectly and sometimes, nothing works as it should.
Hang in there, Sending (((HUGS)))
Yes, no surprise that we have a Waitrose here in Berkshire. It's in the centre of town so their car park is handy even if you're not shopping there. If we buy a chicken for a Sunday roast we always get it at Waitrose, and I prefer their coleslaw to anyone else's. And you can only get LivLife bread there.

As our youngest works at Sainsbury's then obviously that's where we do our weekly shop as Sainsbury's workers and one designated family member (I was elected) get a discount. We use our local Morrisons like a corner shop for newspapers and milk. The packs of nuts we like are only found at LIDL and the nut bars I like are ALDI's own. Our fruit & veg we get from the greengrocer at our nearby garden centre as it's all loose, like an undercover market stall, so you can buy exactly the amounts you want. The only place we don't shop anymore is Tesco, and we don't use Asda because it's too far away.

As you can see we're spoilt for choice, and all bar Asda within a couple of miles of home, and they've just this week opened a Co-op supermarket in the middle of a new housing development just a mile and a half away.

Their basic chickens are better than most other supermarket premium ones and their organic is delicious!
And the livlife bread is also good.
My local Sainsbury sells something similar but it’s in a green packaging and nowhere near as tasty as the LL loaf.
5.2 this morning… good night’s sleep, and weird changes in my body over the week still happening: resting heart rate dropping (It was around 95-100 last year, now in the sixties), leg pains and muscle twitching seem to be gone.
Happy Saturday. 6.4 this morning.
Had a weird reading yesterday, an 8.2 after a home made chicken salad. Trying to work out if it was 'one of those things' or I put something in the salad that caused the jump.

Have a less stormy weekend y'all.
Good morning everyone

An excellent visit to the GP at a very short notice appointment. A GP that actually listened and was good at analysing things. Possible heart problems. Investigations have started. Narrow pulse pressure. Heart failure? Hmm hope not.

The GP confirmed that my HbA1c test, diabetic review and blood serum tests were due middle of Feb but no one told me!! All booked in now for the middle of March.

Wife was very 'off' again yesterday. Probably worry and stress about me because of the visit to the GP. So, as usual, she made things even harder for me all day. Sadly that has made me feel quite upset and 'down' today. I am getting more and more depressed with my total isolation and having to constantly deal with difficult stuff my wife does, says, thinks. Life could have been so much fun but it has turned out to be dreadful and the worst bit is that it will only get worse. Sigh. Sorry about the rant.

BG 4.6. Happy with that

I think I will go and have a cry on the beach.

Have a great day today
Morning all. A decent nights sleep resulted in a 3.2!!!!!
Morning all. 6.3 today for me.
Walked from home all the way to my parents yesterday which is a good 10 or 11 miles. Aching a bit today but otherwise ok.
Was going to park run but instead going to protest outside the Russian embassy.
🙂Morning all.🙂 8.6 here.

Wow, more sunshine. 😎:DGardening, here I come. Weirdly, it doesn’t seem to drop my BG like a stone any more - summat’s afoot!😛

(((Hugs))) @Gwynn. I hope things improve over the weekend.

Well done @sg295!!!