Group 7-day waking average?

Ooh, me too, I always make a beeline for any food market when we go anywhere abroad, and take photos. I did draw the line at photographing the offal stalls in Barcelona, though, all pigs ears and tripe, along with other things I couldn’t even identify. Everything but the squeak, as they say!
The last time we were in the Algarve, March 2019 seems so long ago, we went to Loule on the bus one day. The market there was amazing, I so wished we were staying in an apartment instead of a hotel as I would have bought all sorts. I also take loads of photos. It’s definitely an age thing. 😉
I was really excited a couple of weeks ago, I had to go to the other end of town for my Covid jab and decided I’d visit an Aldi I’d never been to before ( we have three in my town). When I got there I was so disappointed as it was the reverse of my regular one and I couldn’t find anything. I could have cried! :rofl:
PS I also have a thing about supermarkets and fresh fish and meat markets when I’m abroad on holiday, I could spend hours in them looking at all the exciting stuff. Stuff the beach and the bar!
I'm the same when I go somewhere on holiday! Love to check supermarkets and food shops. Here in England I live in a town and I regularly visit some friends in a bigger city. Each time I go there I am tempted to pop into M&S or Aldi. M&S is not in my day to day budget but I like to pick the interesting snacks :D

When I moved from my country it was exciting exploring all the different supermarkets. From the major chains, I think I only have Waitrose left... :confused:
Ooh, me too, I always make a beeline for any food market when we go anywhere abroad, and take photos. I did draw the line at photographing the offal stalls in Barcelona, though, all pigs ears and tripe, along with other things I couldn’t even identify. Everything but the squeak, as they say!
I was fascinated by the fish market in Funchal, such variety of seafoods.
Good evening all. 8.6 @ 8.42am pleased with that.

I have never been in a Waitrose neither, will have to splash out some day and give it a whirl. 🙂 See how the other half live.
Well done, it reminded me of a faux pas I made on a first aid refresher course. They asked what would you do if somebody was choking and I piped up 'give them a pelvic thrust' which of course had everybody in hoots of laughter. I didn't cotton on to what I had said immediately but when I did, I just cried with laughter and sheer embarrassment. I was never allowed to forget it.
I worked for a few years in a children's centre which incorporated a day nursery. The nursery nurses were doing their child first aid. They got to the end and were asked what they would do in the event of a child choking... one sweet new nursery nurse shot her hand up and responded "do the vagina manoevre". Bless her... she couldn't understand the resulting laughter!

I must have photos of every foreign fish market we've ever visited + veg stalls and meat stalls etc etc.... love a good market!
Good morning everyone

A 4.6 here. Quite low for me but ok

Storms seem to have gone at last.

No idea what I was thinking but I put the wrong bin out yesterday morning. Doh!!!

Have a great day today
Morning Folks 11.4 this morning.

I'm officially a mucus factory now. It just wont stop. o_O
The sickness chilled out a bit, was told to still take diabetes meds but not water tablets and check for keytones through the day 🙂 Still thirsty and woke up again with an empty water bottle that I don't remember drinking during the night but defo managed better on less fluid dependant tablets.

Todays plan is the same as stuff for a couple of hours, nap an hour, rinse and repeat. :rofl:
LFT negative, this is a normal knock you on your backside cold/chest infection. 3rd blummin one this year. 🙄

Hope you all have a brill day today x

@Lanny good to have ya back <3
@ everyone - stop with the silly first aid stories...laughing = coughing fits and running to the loo very quickly :rofl:
Good morning - 6.4
Morning. 6.3 today.

Got a very busy day ahead. Childcare day as per. Baking to be done, brownies, sausage rolls, quiche, curried cauliflower and potato pasties and of course our daily bread. Amen!
I actually won’t do all that today. I’ll do brownies as these are best made ahead of time. I’ll also do the pastry for pasties and quiche but I’ll make those tomorrow. I’m cheating with the sausage rolls and bought rough puff. Bread will be done today too. Apart from the bread, everything else is for baby Zara’s 1st birthday party on Sunday. It’s actually her birthday on Monday. What a quick year!

And then to top off my busy day, we’re going “out” out! Dancing and everything! We’ve been invited to a charity soul night in aid of our local hospital. We like a bit of soul. Better polish my dancing shoes, it’s been a while. Hope I can remember those Northern Soul moves. 😉

Have a fab Friday everyone. 🙂
A 6.0 this morning after a disturbed night's sleep. "crashed out" on my bed at around 9pm. Woke up at 12, and could not get back to sleep for a couple of hours. Of course my head was spinning. Feel pretty crap this morning

@Lanny great o see you back, and I good the new doc is okay

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Good morning! BG 6'4.

I sent a mail to the diabetes nurses and now I have more test strips in my prescription and I will swap to reusable pens the next month 🙂
First test this morning was 5.2
@Lanny lovely to see you back and that your appt went well x
@rayray119 congrats on the HS
6.5 this morning. Met up with my daughter and son in the park for a cuppa which was great, started to go for a walk, got about 50 yards and my bladder decided it was time to go home, op in less than 4 weeks so am praying it works and I can do exciting things like WALKING aargh!! Pre op assessment up in London Monday so fingers crossed we don’t get stuck on the motorways. Managed to fill both cars up with fuel so will be ok to get up there. Popping down to the caravan tomorrow to check all is ok and put things back in order as new season starts from 1st March, hurray.
Have a good day all x