Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all,

5.9 today.

According to my appointment yesterday, I have managed to gain 3kg of weight since diagnosis last year - it’s a good thing, I was far too thin before and all my bones were sticking out!

I definitely look and feel a lot healthier now!

Have a good day everyone 🙂
Morning all... really changeable weather here today. One minute sunny, the next rainy.

5.3 this morning at 8:45. LFT was negative yesterday at long last and it was the 11th day, so I got to go shopping in Lidl and Morrisons... the excitement of it!

Congrats to @harbottle and @freesia on the HSs.

Big hugs to everyone who is struggling, it seems more are than not. Perhaps it's that time of the year?
Late check after a restless night, did check extra early but had needed to munch on a cracker so ignoring that one, can have a 6.2 instead after a proper fast.
I drove the old car yesterday, boy did that feel wonderful. Son said he wanted to go out as bored, so I said I'd just drive around our estate to get the feel of the car again, but we ended up at the local shops, so popped in a couple for supplies. He wasn't feeling too comfortable in the bigger food store due to his anxiety issues, but he managed it and that's what counts.
As for the other car we went to look at, oh dear. The carpet on passenger side front had blue-green mould growing - talk about a health hazard for someone with asthma. It was kind of okay otherwise but not worth the price they were asking. Had loads of other cars on forecourt but reckoned there was nothing else for sale..... yes, thank you and goodbye! Back to the drawing board. The engine management light has gone off again on old car so it will get us about for now, but hoping to replace it by the time the insurance needs renewing end of March - if only I had a magic wand to make the old car younger again!
Time to grab some lunch now - hubby came in and started chatting so time disappeared fast! lol
Have a good day 🙂
This morning, about 10am, BS 7.4 ok ish with that as it was a bit under stress before my diabetic review at the hospital later today! 🙄

Had a few days off to calm down a bit & stop smarting from hurt feelings! 😳

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just back from the lawyers as my sister going with me came down with a positive covid test, BIL too, & had to change appointment at the last minute. Things starting to get in motion now!

Haven’t had time to completely catch up yet as I’m having a quick lunch before setting off for the hospital.

It only started to get VERY windy here, I’m guessing from Eunice, two nights ago AND the heavy snow started last night: felt the sudden chill in the night & whacked up the heating from 18 to 20C to wake to a blanket of snow. Lawyers appointment was 11:30 & left the house at 11am when the snowfall came down heavily again. But, it doesn’t seem to be lying much as the ground is wet!

Must get on if I want to eat, only had a couple of oatcakes so far, before hosp. app. & have learnt the hard way that I’d better do so or it’ll be hypoland if I don’t!

Will catch up later when I get back!

Stay warm today: it’s ffffrrrreeezzing out there! Covered in icicles emoji! 😱
Good afternoon everyone! 5'6. I went to bed even later but this time was justified as today is my day off, so went out with some friends and I've been able to sleep my hours. Seems sunny around here, I'll go for a nice walk 🙂
Mine was a 7.3 this morning so that is three consecutive mornings in the 7s (consistency is something I really struggle with)... with a varied Levemir dose each night. Two units off last night for extra exercise yesterday.

Had to be up at the farm this morning to help with TB testing and by the time I got horses, chickens and cats fed first, I didn't even have time for more than 3 slurps of my coffee before I had to head out, so I am late posting and getting caught up and not had a chance to do Wordle yet. Blustery sunshine with intermittent snow showers here. Lambing storms I suppose. There is definitely a hint of Spring in the sunshine and my apricot blossoms are on the verge of bursting into bloom and looks like it is going to be covered this year after my major pruning session last summer.

Congrats to @harbottle and @freesia on attaining the optimum waking reading.

Hoping for positive news from your appointment later @eggyg Sending good vibes your way.

@SueEK So sorry to hear that things came to a head at work but hopefully it will make people realise that there is a problem that needs fixing. You have been struggling with workload for far too long.... as with so many people who seem to be under ridiculous pressures of work these days.

@gll Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough. Hope you feel better soon.

@Grannylorraine Spring is just around the corner. Hang in there. Everything will seem so much easier when we get some warm weather and sunshine. (((HUGS)))
@rebrascora bless you but it was just a dream lol. That’s not to say it couldn’t happen but hopefully I’ve got more control in real life than I have in my dreams 🙂🙂
@rebrascora bless you but it was just a dream lol. That’s not to say it couldn’t happen but hopefully I’ve got more control in real life than I have in my dreams 🙂🙂
Oops! I guess I skim read and didn't fully take your post in and knowing how frenetic work has been for you over the past few years, I thought "good for you" blowing your top at them. Hope the dream brought you a little release. 🙂
13.5 this morning 😱 hope I’m not coming down with something else. Correction dose taken.

Got the results of the first aid course and passed though, so that was good.
Well done, it reminded me of a faux pas I made on a first aid refresher course. They asked what would you do if somebody was choking and I piped up 'give them a pelvic thrust' which of course had everybody in hoots of laughter. I didn't cotton on to what I had said immediately but when I did, I just cried with laughter and sheer embarrassment. I was never allowed to forget it.
Well done, it reminded me of a faux pas I made on a first aid refresher course. They asked what would you do if somebody was choking and I piped up 'give them a pelvic thrust' which of course had everybody in hoots of laughter. I didn't cotton on to what I had said immediately but when I did, I just cried with laughter and sheer embarrassment. I was never allowed to forget it.
That is priceless!!
What have we come to when a trip to LIDL or Morrisons is the highlight of the day........?!?
Well, before they opened the Lidl near my house I had to take a bus to the next town to go there and it was an exciting day out! I'm an old lady trapped in a 20 something body :D
ah, i see i was pretty closed this morning then. admiralty i sometimes getting a bit nervous at waking up at that number(don't ask me why)
I must admit i do prefer to be slightly higher first thing in the morning, say between 5.9 and 6.5. I know then that i'm usually well within range to drive to work.
Well done, it reminded me of a faux pas I made on a first aid refresher course. They asked what would you do if somebody was choking and I piped up 'give them a pelvic thrust' which of course had everybody in hoots of laughter. I didn't cotton on to what I had said immediately but when I did, I just cried with laughter and sheer embarrassment. I was never allowed to forget it.
And I’m crying with laughter reading this, that is absolutely brilliant!
Just back from review & all the snow has melted away apart from my lane & garden! Phew!

Met my new doctor, only spoke on the phone about 3/4 months ago, & we are both relieved to meet each other: he’s happy I know how to “troubleshoot”, as he put it; I’m relieved he’s fully aware of my issues & past history etc. A very nice fellow Oriental of maybe Thai or Malaysian descent with a very friendly bedside manner! 🙂

Hab1c has gone up by 1 from 67 to 68 but, he’s happy with that as my body has needed to adjust to tresiba after many years on levemir. Next appointment will be face to face again in about 3 to 4 months time & see if being longer on tresiba will improve things? No changes & I gave you lovely lot another plug for the Diabetes UK, the charity, forum members especially, the type 1’s: always have to stress the charity forum; the Causeway Hospital staff don’t approve of the one & was told before by my DSN NOT to go on THAT one! o_O

Been out twice today & quite exhausted: every time I think my asthma & long covid has improved a bit: I go out to medical appointments & BAM! I’m huffing & puffing like a steam train; those LONG health centre & hospital corridors! 😱

So, I’m off to bed & will eat my ham & cheese hospital bought sandwich later when I get up! A stream of z’s emoji!
Well done, it reminded me of a faux pas I made on a first aid refresher course. They asked what would you do if somebody was choking and I piped up 'give them a pelvic thrust' which of course had everybody in hoots of laughter. I didn't cotton on to what I had said immediately but when I did, I just cried with laughter and sheer embarrassment. I was never allowed to forget it.
Oh no! Another ear worm. “ Let’s do the time warp again!” I can just imagine the scene, the corset and fishnets were probably a dead giveaway! :rofl:
Well, before they opened the Lidl near my house I had to take a bus to the next town to go there and it was an exciting day out! I'm an old lady trapped in a 20 something body :D
I was really excited a couple of weeks ago, I had to go to the other end of town for my Covid jab and decided I’d visit an Aldi I’d never been to before ( we have three in my town). When I got there I was so disappointed as it was the reverse of my regular one and I couldn’t find anything. I could have cried! :rofl:
PS I also have a thing about supermarkets and fresh fish and meat markets when I’m abroad on holiday, I could spend hours in them looking at all the exciting stuff. Stuff the beach and the bar!
PS I also have a thing about supermarkets and fresh fish and meat markets when I’m abroad on holiday, I could spend hours in them looking at all the exciting stuff. Stuff the beach and the bar!
Ooh, me too, I always make a beeline for any food market when we go anywhere abroad, and take photos. I did draw the line at photographing the offal stalls in Barcelona, though, all pigs ears and tripe, along with other things I couldn’t even identify. Everything but the squeak, as they say!
Hi all, thanks for good wishes for my phone consultation. Good news, they didn’t find anything untoward. Phew!
Bit of a mix up at first. The nurse practitioner who called asked if I was expecting the call, I said yes I was, I got a letter. You’ve had the results of the MRI then? No, said I, now confused, I thought that’s why you were ringing. She put me on hold for at least 10 minutes. Oh the letter is on its way, I’ll read it out to you. The letter is dated 8th Feb you should get it soon! And I’ll let your GP know.
Grr! Spent a week up to high doh worrying, she didn’t even know why she was ringing me, I was just “ on her list” but I wasn’t her patient so didn’t know anything about me ( her words). Asked how I was, I said fine, dizzy spells few and far between. OK if it happens again go back to your GP. Bye! You’ve got to laugh haven’t you? 🙂