Group 7-day waking average?

Congrats on your HS @harbottle
@goodybags glad you have your appt for your ankle and how you cope with those eye injections I’ll never know 😳😳.
@eggyg all fingers and toes crossed for you x
7.4 for me this morning after weird dreams last night all about work, completely lost my rag and ended up walking out - oh dear!!
Shopping today and hoping to catch up with my daughter who is having a rough time, she’s made of strong stuff but we can all only cope with so much.
Have a good day everyone. X
5.4 for me seem was 8.9 when I went to bed after I got in from work.
Good morning. A depressing 6.2. Very cold but some blue sky. Feeling a bit sorry for myself.
i see that as a good number
okay i'm going to ask because i keep seeing all these posts, it may be a silly question but what is it about this number?
That’s the target number for first thing in the morning
That’s the target number for first thing in the morning
i thought the target was between 5 and 7. and that's not an exact number for a target.
i thought the target was between 5 and 7. and that's not an exact number for a target.
It was seen as the optimum waking level by @KookyCat as it allows wiggle room in either direction

6.9 for me today

Got up to a wee layer of snow but apparently meant to get more throughout the day, can't see it like but you never know xx
5.3 for me and snow this morning. 🙂
Well done on those HS's @harbottle & @freesia

It was seen as the optimum waking level by @KookyCat as it allows wiggle room in either direction
ah, i see i was pretty closed this morning then. admiralty i sometimes getting a bit nervous at waking up at that number(don't ask me why)
ah, i see i was pretty closed this morning then. admiralty i sometimes getting a bit nervous at waking up at that number(don't ask me why)
I would too, I can drop 6mmol in an hour after setting foot out of bed so I can't aim for an in range waking level :rofl: xx
This weather is beginning to get me down. I went out this morning at about 8am. It hailed big sharp nasty hail on the way to the shops and again on the way home. Made it a little dangerous going over the only hill we have. I wouldn't mind except that I walk everywhere and the hail was cold and painful. Mind you it did let up once I was in the shop !!
I would too, I can drop 6mmol in an hour after setting foot out of bed so I can't aim for an in range waking level :rofl: xx
mines more thinking have gone low overnight epasilly if is a bit of rise in the morning (but I don't think that always happens I'm not sure). i actually feel much more comterfaotble going to bed on 9 then I would a six.
6.9 this morning. Probably down to the two beers I had last night!

Bread baked already and it’s cooling. Was going to go clothes shopping (nothing glamorous but could do with new jeans) but it’s chucking it down and I’m getting drawn into doing some fact checking on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Not done this for a while but it’s amazing how quickly it comes back and also how accurately you can geolocate footage posted online with a bit of research.

Congrats on the various HS’s this morning!!

And @eggyg I’m sure that if they’d found anything seriously untoward they’d have contact you a lot sooner than they have.

7.5 today, still feeling very low, going to try and motivate myself for a run at lunchtime, despite the rain. Mum is having issues with her blood pressure so lots of appointments and blood tests, which all fall to me to take her, will end up using all my annual leave up with mum's appointments at this rate, which sounds very selfish of me but as my brother who is semi retired takes 3 to 4 holidays a year always has an excuse why he can't help out. Work is getting busier by the minute, honestly I just want to curl up in a ball and hide.

@harbottle and @freesia congratulations on your HS
@eggyg - fingers crossed for you today.

Will someone please confirm that spring is just around the corner as I am just not feeling it.

Take care everyone

7.5 today, still feeling very low, going to try and motivate myself for a run at lunchtime, despite the rain. Mum is having issues with her blood pressure so lots of appointments and blood tests, which all fall to me to take her, will end up using all my annual leave up with mum's appointments at this rate, which sounds very selfish of me but as my brother who is semi retired takes 3 to 4 holidays a year always has an excuse why he can't help out. Work is getting busier by the minute, honestly I just want to curl up in a ball and hide.

@harbottle and @freesia congratulations on your HS
@eggyg - fingers crossed for you today.

Will someone please confirm that spring is just around the corner as I am just not feeling it.

Take care everyone
Just for you 🙂

13.5 this morning 😱 hope I’m not coming down with something else. Correction dose taken.

Got the results of the first aid course and passed though, so that was good.