Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 8.2 diabetes is leading me a merry dance at the mo! Ffleurrrghhh.o_O😛

Aw, aw, aw, little Zara is so CUTE @eggyg. :D I love the look of determination on her face.

Thought this’d raise a larf...not quite pink DMs.
Morning all. Another quite low ( for me) 4.6. Must admit to going to bed on a 6.4 which I wouldn’t normally, but I’d realised earlier on in the evening that I was going low and had a two finger KitKat, and at 10.30 I really didn’t want anything to eat so I winged it. Knowing the Libre 2 will wake me if I go too low is reassuring. I didn’t go hypo at all but got an incredible flatfish. See below.

It’s also reassuring that it’s quite still outside, and not raining! Is this the calm before Gladys? I’ve probably jinxed it now.

Have a good day everyone, hope it’s calm where you are. 🙂


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Morning all. 🙂 8.2 diabetes is leading me a merry dance at the mo! Ffleurrrghhh.o_O😛

Aw, aw, aw, little Zara is so CUTE @eggyg. :D I love the look of determination on her face.

Thought this’d raise a larf...not quite pink DMs.
Excellent! But I’ve now got “Come on Eileen” as an ear worm! :rofl:
Morning all!
7.2 this morning which is worth the chocolate and sour cherry trifle (portion, not the whole thing!) I had yesterday.
5.1 for me today. 🙂


8.9 today

Have woken up to a very sore jaw and it's all Bruce's fault, I smashed it off his shoulder as I was trying to get away from him tickling me, for some reason he was in annoying mood mode last night!

Very windy here again with yet another weather warning for it, snow & ice but that's nothing unusual for the last couple of months, recycling bins don't get emptied for another week but there's two chocka at the next block and the lids have blown up and all the recycling is blowing out 🙄 xx
Good morning. 5.6 for me after a night of ups and downs. Have a good day all.
We did cover diabetes in the afternoon, it was accurate information, about T1 and T2, hypo and hyper, offering sugary drinks, etc. As part of the assessments we had to check wrists, ankles and neck for medical alerts in anyone not completely conscious or acting strangely too, as well as being told to check their purse/wallet for an alert card if appropriate
Excellent news @Lucyr . That’s good to hear.
Morning all. Mostly sunny and no discernable wind.

6.4 this morning, more or less flat line overnight after a completely tasteless chicken tagine with giant cous cous. Memo to self - tear up that recipe!

@Kopiert - that cartoon is so me!
7.0 this morning after a 2.8 according to Libre at 6am. Didn't double check just munched a couple of JBs but pretty sure it was exaggerating as usual. 🙄
Oh and I had a 7.1 yesterday but completely forgot to post it. I guess I am out of the habit after my enforced break.... I read right through everyone else's posts but didn't think to add my own.... Must do better!

@sg295 Hope you get some emotional release and support from your appointment today. Judging by your morning readings you are doing brilliantly but that belies the emotional toll it is taking on you, so don't be worried about letting that show. It is a very normal and valid aspect of diabetes management. Don't forget to ask for a DAFNE referral as just spending time in the company of other Type 1 diabetics will be of great benefit but hope they can suggest some other coping strategies to help you in the mean time.

@Bloden.... Just love it! Reminds me that I bought some bright floral dungarees on Masham market about 25 years ago and they will be in the back of my wardrobe somewhere. Thought they were the bees knees at the time. Might have to dig them out!!
Back to 6.3 this morning so those dreaded steroids must have departed again by now. I stayed quite high yesterday at around 8.7 before lunch and still there after the chicken biryani I cooked for dinner, so was happy enough with that - forgot to test at bedtime, but had a bad night for sleeping till early hours - again a usual side effect of steroids.
Not going to coffee morning today as allowed myself a little sleep in. Not sure what is happening today - son said he wanted to go Primark and now we have the old car back I can drive him there, but hubby wants to go check out the other car we are interested in buying as a replacement, and I'm not letting him go alone - we don't need any more pups of any kind - enough said!!!
Anyway, time to grab a cuppa and get my pills down me - filled it up for the week yesterday and still managed to forget to take them - duh!
Have a good day all, looks like it's going to be quite a pleasant one.
7.0 this morning after a 2.8 according to Libre at 6am. Didn't double check just munched a couple of JBs but pretty sure it was exaggerating as usual. 🙄
Oh and I had a 7.1 yesterday but completely forgot to post it. I guess I am out of the habit after my enforced break.... I read right through everyone else's posts but didn't think to add my own.... Must do better!

@sg295 Hope you get some emotional release and support from your appointment today. Judging by your morning readings you are doing brilliantly but that belies the emotional toll it is taking on you, so don't be worried about letting that show. It is a very normal and valid aspect of diabetes management. Don't forget to ask for a DAFNE referral as just spending time in the company of other Type 1 diabetics will be of great benefit but hope they can suggest some other coping strategies to help you in the mean time.

@Bloden.... Just love it! Reminds me that I bought some bright floral dungarees on Masham market about 25 years ago and they will be in the back of my wardrobe somewhere. Thought they were the bees knees at the time. Might have to dig them out!!
Hi @rebrascora

Thank you for your message 🙂

They spent an hour and a half talking to me about all my issues and made lots of suggestions and a couple of changes as follows:

1. They have replaced my novorapid with fiasp so that I can take insulin after meals if needed as it works super quickly. This is because I’m always on the go, don’t always have time to eat and sometimes I inject and then don’t have time to eat what I’ve injected for which as you can imagine is pretty stressful! Additionally this pen has half units which I definitely need as I’m rather sensitive and it also tells you how many units you did and how long ago which is great for my busy lifestyle and often leads me to forget!

2. They said I could probably afford to drop my lantus by 1 unit because at night I tend to run a little bit close to the edge re hypos. They also said because my control is great and in the 90s for time in range, not to worry if it means my levels sneak up a little bit. They said I generally just need to relax more and be less harsh on myself.

3. They have said I should have some counselling sessions with their diabetes counsellor so that I can talk through the huge emotional implications it’s all having on me. I’ll also have more regular contact with the DSN for any physical issues eg hypos, dosages etc.

4. The DSN is going to talk to the consultant about a pump potentially being a good option. Not so much because of my physical management because it’s very good but because of the huge impacts it’s having on me re career, quality of life, social life, exercise, insulin sensitivity etc.

All in all it was a thorough and productive chat and I think things will start moving in the right direction now - of course nothing is ever an instant fix but feeling more positive for sure. The only way is up 🙂

8.9 today

Have woken up to a very sore jaw and it's all Bruce's fault, I smashed it off his shoulder as I was trying to get away from him tickling me, for some reason he was in annoying mood mode last night!

Very windy here again with yet another weather warning for it, snow & ice but that's nothing unusual for the last couple of months, recycling bins don't get emptied for another week but there's two chocka at the next block and the lids have blown up and all the recycling is blowing out 🙄 xx
We have a bin strike in Coventry, no recycling collected since before Xmas and not going to be until April, normal rubbish only collected 2 weeks ago from before Xmas so rubbish strewed about everywhere.
They are striking for more pay and better conditions, published salaries if you believe it, are more than many people with high qualifications and years of study get if working in the education sector.
That sounds like a really excellent appointment. I am so pleased for you! :D
Hope the Fiasp works well for you. It took me about 3 months to get to grips with using it after I was on NovoRapid to start with, but it was worth persevering. I found I needed a bit more Fiasp than NR and at higher levels above 10 it has much less effect for me (like injecting water sometimes. It took me quite a while to get brave enough to use it to my benefit as I was resistant to using bigger doses.
Half unit pens are great and should really help you to fine tune your insulin doses and being able to check when you last injected and how many units is so useful for those "did I" "didn't I" moments when you can't remember whether you injected or not.
TIR in the 90s is great and gives you plenty of wriggle room, so do be prepared to sacrifice a bit of that for better life/diabetes balance. This is as important as managing your diabetes well.
Great that they have referred you for counselling too and that your DSN is going to advocate for a pump. That will take time for anything to happen but I think it would really help you a lot and at least gives you some hope. Also good that you will have more regular DSN access.
Hope you feel a bit less ground down by your diabetes now. It will improve with time and experience but all these other measures should help you through this particularly difficult patch.
8 when I woke up this morning, really struggling with motivation at the moment, letting D get on top of me again, don't seem to be able to get any control back, weight is starting to go up, playing with the same 4lbs up and down since Christmas, despite running. Had not motivation to do any strength work for a few weeks. Hoping that when Spring becomes more apparent I'll get some motivation back.

Managed to rebook the Alpaca trekking that was cancelled on Sunday, first date they had available when hubby was off is 18th June, so almost another 4 months to wait and double the price, but hoping we get to do it this time, can only be away the one night as hubby doesn't have much leave left, but at least we are able to get away
That sounds like a really excellent appointment. I am so pleased for you! :D
Hope the Fiasp works well for you. It took me about 3 months to get to grips with using it after I was on NovoRapid to start with, but it was worth persevering. I found I needed a bit more Fiasp than NR and at higher levels above 10 it has much less effect for me (like injecting water sometimes. It took me quite a while to get brave enough to use it to my benefit as I was resistant to using bigger doses.
Half unit pens are great and should really help you to fine tune your insulin doses and being able to check when you last injected and how many units is so useful for those "did I" "didn't I" moments when you can't remember whether you injected or not.
TIR in the 90s is great and gives you plenty of wriggle room, so do be prepared to sacrifice a bit of that for better life/diabetes balance. This is as important as managing your diabetes well.
Great that they have referred you for counselling too and that your DSN is going to advocate for a pump. That will take time for anything to happen but I think it would really help you a lot and at least gives you some hope. Also good that you will have more regular DSN access.
Hope you feel a bit less ground down by your diabetes now. It will improve with time and experience but all these other measures should help you through this particularly difficult patch.
Hi @rebrascora

Thanks again for another very helpful reply!

That’s useful to know about the fiasp thank you, as I’ve never used it before so don’t really know any of this so getting a heads up on these things is always helpful!

I definitely need the finer tuned doses and so this will be great. And yes I often have those ‘did I?’ ‘Didn’t I?’ Moments, especially at work when my head is full of 1 million and 1 other things so that will be very helpful!

Yes my DSN said anything around 70% or above she would be very happy with so I have plenty of wiggle room to let things go a bit more and not panic. I have an awful perfectionist streak, always have! So I think I need to learn to challenge this streak more!

I also forgot to mention, they reckon I could afford to put my ratio back at 1:15 to again not have such tight control.

I think the counselling and more DSN contact as well will be really helpful and while the pump thing is not definite, I’m hoping it may go ahead as I reckon it’ll be a huge help. She just said she’d talk to the consultant and see what they say but fingers crossed for that.

All in all I feel like a weight has been lifted and I will get there in time. Thank you for all your support 🙂