Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.5 this morning for me, although I did go to bed quite late as I'm writing a film script and I'm getting into the final scenes.
Morning all... grey and dreary but the wind seems to have dropped. Yet more plastic in the tree right opposite.

4.7 at 08:30 which is more like it!

CONGRATULATIONS @MeeTooTeeTwo on yet another HS.

@rebrascora lovely to see you back and (I hope) fully recovered from the sickness.

@Martin.A great news on your eldest's results.

@Lucyr hope you are feeling well enough to do the first aid training. Last time I did first aid for work I had to instruct the instructor on how to deal with people who were hypo!
Last time I did first aid for work I had to instruct the instructor on how to deal with people who were hypo!
I've got about 12-18 months left on my first aid cert, but when i did the training, i don't remember there being anything about diabetes on there. Apart from the usual injuries/treatments, it talked about epilepsy and asthma.
Morning all... grey and dreary but the wind seems to have dropped. Yet more plastic in the tree right opposite.

4.7 at 08:30 which is more like it!

CONGRATULATIONS @MeeTooTeeTwo on yet another HS.

@rebrascora lovely to see you back and (I hope) fully recovered from the sickness.

@Martin.A great news on your eldest's results.

@Lucyr hope you are feeling well enough to do the first aid training. Last time I did first aid for work I had to instruct the instructor on how to deal with people who were hypo!
I’ll be interested to see if they spot my medical alert band when we do practicals on each other this afternoon! No mention of diabetes or dealing with it so far.
I don't have one for this morning as I didn't get back indoors from A&E until 4.20am and at 4.47am it was still a whopping 11.3 from the EIGHT steroid pills I had to swallow. The annoying thing is it was a lovely 5.4 when I went to start dinner - which never got finished cooking before I had to get an ambulance. I did have my BG checked at the hospital and it was way high - I'd had nothing to east since lunch yesterday, did get a tea and coffee and water during my 6 - 7 hours stay - so despite the high reading I did have a couple of Hovis crackers and a cheese mini once I was home - think I might have grabbed a packet of wotsits too.
Didn't test today until I finally crawled out of bed at 12.25pm still on the higher side at 8.7. Chose not to use my steroid inhaler this morning, might take it tonight though. Son cooked us some lunch and I grabbed a few more crackers and a smoked cheese mini, plus a coffee. Got a bit of a headache, but feel okay other than that and a bit of tiredness.
Not sure what the heck caused it this time, but I was wondering if eating strawberries was the cause of my itching - I ate 2 large ones plain yesterday lunchtime and the itching started up - checked with Dr Google and, yes, hay fever and strawberry allergy go together - and can cause anaphylaxis too - which is what I believe caused me to end up in A&E on Christmas eve (Covid booster reaction) - no gradual build up again, just a wham bam smack in your face sidelong hit. I guess that eating the fruit so much more often since DX has brought the allergy to the fore, previously it was once in a while in a strawberry flan - maybe the warmth from the Quick-Gel heated them enough to calm the allergic reaction - something I was unaware of and I did Adrenaline/EpiPen training for work! You never stop learning, do you!
Don't think I will worry about my food diary for yesterday or today as neither will be complete.
Enjoy the rest of TWOSday -
5.7 on this rather grey Berkshire morning but the wind has died down and it's quite mild. Found a tile cap in the back garden yesterday when I was taking the bins out and it's come off our roof, so must have been dislodged by one of the storms. I have no way of getting up there to put it back, and not sure I'd want to be up that high on a ladder even if we had one that big, so we'll have to pay someone to do it.

Had my telephone appointment with my GP yesterday to review recent blood test results. She said I don't need any medication for my subclinical hypothyroidism at this stage but will arrange another test in 6 months. She also said I'm not anaemic as the previous test suggested, as there are no markers for this on my latest tests. My main worry was the results for kidney function but she's not unduly concerned at present and this will also be tested again in 6 months.

Some other good news - our eldest called yesterday to say he'd passed his latest exams at Uni so he just has his finals to go and is confident of graduating with at least a 2.1 in Economics.

I hope no one's affected by the flooding I saw on the news yesterday. Looks pretty bad up north.

@rebrascora Nice to have you back, Barbara

Not another one @MeeTooTeeTwo ..!!

Anything on roofs are best left to the experts. We had some chaps doing something and one of then said they had to be finished by 1 o'clock as he had to go for a brain scan. I did think it was not too sensible to be on a roof. But I did have to laugh.
I’ll be interested to see if they spot my medical alert band when we do practicals on each other this afternoon! No mention of diabetes or dealing with it so far.
Last time I spoke to someone who had just completed the training they had no idea what my medicalert bracelet was for.
Last time I spoke to someone who had just completed the training they had no idea what my medicalert bracelet was for.
We did cover diabetes in the afternoon, it was accurate information, about T1 and T2, hypo and hyper, offering sugary drinks, etc. As part of the assessments we had to check wrists, ankles and neck for medical alerts in anyone not completely conscious or acting strangely too, as well as being told to check their purse/wallet for an alert card if appropriate
8.2 today . Have a good one x
Good morning - 7.9
Good morning 7.0 today

hava a great day everyone 😎
Good morning! 6'4 today.

I'm getting into a bad sleep routine and I need to fix it. It's not that I can't sleep well, I just keep going to bed too late for no reason, wasting time on my phone while I check the hour and tell myself "you should go to sleep now". Looks like some self sabotage :/