Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

BG 4.7 here.

Nothing much planned for today. Got my cataract eye surgery check tomorrow afternoon.

Have a great day
Good morning - 7.1
Morning all. 13 today when I was expecting it to be in the 8s. I am just not perky lately so maybe that.

Posting on a mobile is weird. Hope you all have a good day and glad R is back.
Morning all, 6.4 here. A far cry from what I was at diagnosis 15 years ago, it’s my 15th Diaversary round about now, in that I went to the Doctor then, It had been building up beforehand, obviously.

I was sorting out old filing the other day (what else do you do when it’s blowing a howling gale outside) and came across old notes I’d kept from diagnosis. I was shocked to see that my morning BGs were 14-15 and my evening ones in the 20s for two months. If I'd known you lot then, you’d have been urging me to press for insulin sooner. As it was, I was stepped up though Met and Gliclazide, and thought that was normal, as my GP was seeing me regularly.. Though she did tell me just to test BGs twice a week!😱. Never at any time was I either tested, or told to test, for Ketones.😱 I see that I was also eating 250+ carbs a day because that’s what I was told to do! 😱😱.
Things eventually got sorted at the hospital, but not for months, luckily by that time I'd done some reading and put myself on a low carb diet, which with the Gliclazide flogging my failing pancreas, kept me from keeling over.
I remember one of the DSNs at the hospital saying ‘I’m surprised you were still on your feet' and still not realising til years later how close I must have got to DKA.
Sorry for the long rant, it’s just that I was quite shocked, looking back, at my BG records, and nobody except people on here will get what I mean.
Morning all!
7.3 for me today 🙂 Funny how some days my body just behaves itself. :confused:

Already been up for hours working on some graphics for a content creator friend of mine. All done now 😛

Daughter has caught sons cold n cough so had to postpone her OT assessment for the walk in shower that was supposed to be today.
I'm not feeling amazing either so going to blummin murder my son for making us sick. Its like the 3rd cold this year. Chest not 100% recovered from the last one so this is going to be fun 🙄

Today is release day for an expansion for my fav game (not till early evening) so going to try and nap later on and be up until stupid o'clock playing with friends :D Finally will get to play my xmas present from the kids 😱

@rebrascora Not much more I can say except wish I could come over and give u a huge hug. Sorry its been a rough few days x
@Gwynn good luck with tomorrow x

Have a brilliant day whatever you get up to.
4.9 for me that's within eating a bit in the night so back to the 4 of Levemir now I guess it just well my body was recovering. i don't usually like waking up in the 4s or lows 5s it makes me worry I've gone low overnight.
Morning from windy West Wales. 🙂 BG’s crawling along the ground this morning with a 2.9 at 4am and a 3.9 just now...a whoosh downwards on the basal roller coaster, methinks.

Knitting this morning. Then off to M&S to pick up some dungarees I’ve ordered - I haven’t worn them for years but was never out of them when I was an art student (back in the mists of time). I’ll probably look bloomin stupid in them now I’m in my 50s LOL. My brother (even older than me!) works with a bunch of youngsters and told me to say “obvs” at the end of every sentence - I’ve been practising, obvs, and now feel more confident about the dungarees. Drivel over...

Aw poor you @sg295 - I believe it’s called teacher’s Sod’s law, it’s half term and you get ill. Hope you’re better asap.

9 exactly today, back to work today, but feeling tired and exhausted before I even start.

Have a good day all.
Morning all. 4.8! That was a surprise. TBF I struggled keeping my BGs up all day yesterday. It must be all the extra energy I need to use looking after an almost one year who wants to “walk” holding both your hands ( all day) as she isn’t yet walking on her own. Oh my poor back! I’m hoping she’ll take her first steps soon and I can straighten up again, it’s a good job I’m vertically challenged! 😉

Stay at home day today, after yesterday afternoon’s lovely sunny and mildish weather, this morning is atrocious, heavy rain and howling winds, again!

Glad to see you back @rebrascora and hope things pick up.
@Robin congratulations on your HS yesterday and your 15th Diaversary. What a shocking tale. Not dissimilar to mine, and I’d had most of my pancreas removed! I did laugh at the 250grms carbs story. When I was first diagnosed with Type 2, I was told to lose weight, exercise and eat pasta! I think it should be the law that everyone diagnosed with diabetes should access this forum immediately. 😉

Have a fab day everyone. 🙂

Here’s a picture to make you smile, Zara in the sunny garden yesterday with Mr Eggy talking over the “walking” duties. Oh his poor back too! 🙂


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Morning from windy West Wales. 🙂 BG’s crawling along the ground this morning with a 2.9 at 4am and a 3.9 just now...a whoosh downwards on the basal roller coaster, methinks.

Knitting this morning. Then off to M&S to pick up some dungarees I’ve ordered - I haven’t worn them for years but was never out of them when I was an art student (back in the mists of time). I’ll probably look bloomin stupid in them now I’m in my 50s LOL. My brother (even older than me!) works with a bunch of youngsters and told me to say “obvs” at the end of every sentence - I’ve been practising, obvs, and now feel more confident about the dungarees. Drivel over...

Aw poor you @sg295 - I believe it’s called teacher’s Sod’s law, it’s half term and you get ill. Hope you’re better asap.
I hope you will be rolling up the bottoms so they have huge turn ups, and then accessorise them with a pair of pink Doc Martins. Then you really will be down wiv the kidz! :rofl:
You’ve all just reminded me that I’ve forgotten to test this morning! Better get onto that and then set off, I’m off on first aid training today
That was earlier. 🙂 It was so bloomin' cold I got back into bed and dozed off until just now.
Much relieved to see you are back on here @rebrascora
Morning all. Had a bit of a lie in this morning and now woken with a headache. The alarm woke me at 6am with a 4.8. Glucose sorted it and i woke again at 5.2 before it dropped quickly again. After yesterday and evening rises into the 14s with no corrections working it was a surprise (an upsetting day yesterday).

Plan to visit my friend this afternoon which i'm looking forward to. Have a good day everyone.

8.0 for me today xx
5.9 this morning after a mammoth 3 3/4 hour sleep last night. Just kept going down a Ukraine rabbit hole and challenging pro-Russia social media posts.